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广州市小学英语口语二年级下册教材教法分析清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供广州市小学英语口语二年级下册教材教法分析天河区教育局教研室 彭雪红一、低年段英语口语教学总体目标:1 培养学生的英语学习兴趣。 2 培养学生良好的英语学习习惯。3 形成自信心和正确的学习态度。4. 获得简单的语言知识和良好的语感。二、低年段英语口语教学主要要求:现状:不重视、课时+师资。 教学效果不如意。1. 各方的重视:学校、教师、家长、学生要正确认识与重视。建议学校有专职口语老师,特别是大的学校。2寻求最佳教学:研讨最佳教法、遵循低年段儿童学习规律、学法指导、良好学习习惯养成。3适当的作业:布置听、说、读作业;鼓励课外相关兴趣英语学习;音像、外教兴趣班等。4必要的铺垫:字母教学;为三年级学习作过渡准备;如听说、朗读等方面。三、第四册教材编写细目表UnitstopicsfunctionsstructuresVocabulary ChunksUnit 1 I go to school by Bus.TransportIdentifying transport Talking about transport to school I go to school by bus. I live in Tianhe. Can I go there by bike?Yes, you can./ No, you cant. Bus, motorbike, ship, underground, taxi, live, bike, train, plane, carCome on, Its time for bed. Unit 2I want to be a teacher. jobsIdentifying jobs. Talking about futureAsking about jobsWhat does he/she do?Hes/Shes a doctor. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. He/She goes to work by motorbike. Teacher, doctor, policeman, driver, nurse, engineer, manager, fireman, go to work, car, bike, bus, underground, taxi, motorbike Its me. The house is on fire. Call 119. Unit 3Please Take me to the Zoo. FavouritePlaces Identifying places Making requirementsExpressing wants.Making suggestionsMy favourite places is the zoo. Im going to the bookstore. Will you take me to the park?Zoo, park, swimming pool, bookstore, playground, supermarket, buy, gameWhere are you going?Here we are. No problem!I said no. Lets go home. Unit 4Its sunny today. WeatherIdentifying weatherDescribing weather Giving and following instructionsI want to swim.Its sunny. Put on your boots. What are you doing?Im reading . Sunny, wind, hot, cold, snow, rain, watermelon, boots, sunglasses, scarf, umbrella, put on, eat, walk, run, pianoLets go skating.Thanks. Its raining cats and dogs. Im bored.Unit 5My Favourite Day is MondayThe days in a week Identifying the days in a week.Describing routines. Talking about housework responsibilities. My favourite day is Monday. Its Monday today. Its your turn to sweep the floor. On Sunday I sweep the floor. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Today, tomorrow, sweep the floor, comics, feed the pet, wash up, set the table What day is it today?Please wait. Im sorry. Thats OK. Unit 6Which Season do you like?seasonsIdentifying seasons. Talking about seasons. Talking about seasonal clothes. In summer, I/we wear sandals.Its hot in summer.I like spring. I can fly a kite in spring. Its warm in spring. Spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, cool, go hiking, trainers, sandals, coat, swim, watermelon, skate, ice-cream, banana, sweaterWhich season do you like?Its raining hard. Unit 5My Favourite Day is MondayThe days in a week Identifying the days in a week.Describing routines. Talking about housework responsibilities. My favourite day is Monday. Its Monday today. Its your turn to sweep the floor. On Sunday I sweep the floor. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Today, tomorrow, sweep the floor, comics, feed the pet, wash up, set the table What day is it today?Please wait. Im sorry. Thats OK. Unit 6Which Season do you like?seasonsIdentifying seasons. Talking about seasons. Talking about seasonal clothes. In summer, I/we wear sandals.Its hot in summer.I like spring. I can fly a kite in spring. Its warm in spring. Spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, cool, go hiking, trainers, sandals, coat, swim, watermelon, skate, ice-cream, banana, sweaterWhich season do you like?Its raining hard. 知识学习目标要求:1. 根据上表,要求学生对每个单元的话题能理解,知道意思,并能听说基本的知识点(句型和词汇)。 2. 拓展学习目标:l 对课本的词汇、句子的认读;l 引导学生利用好课外相关的儿童英语学习资源。五、教学评价目的:让学生、家长、学校重视口语教学,检测、促进学生学习;监督、提高、改进教师教学。原则:听说为主,知识与兴趣、态度相结合。形式:与平时教学常用的形式。内容与方式:单词(听、辨认/指认单词、实物),看图说事物的英语名称句子:教师提供情景,学生说英语。自由表演:自己准备,个人或合作(自选内容),着重 运用兴趣态度:简单问卷调查(家长),课堂学习行为观察, 平时的课堂表现(表现性评价),积累的红花,奖品等。 广州市小学英语口语教材编写介绍广州市教育局教研室 赵淑红 一、英语口语教材的编写目的和特点 教材“将小学艺一、二年级的英语课程作为一门基础性、启蒙性课程,以激发儿童对英语学习的兴趣,促进儿童的身心健康、和谐地发展为目标,注意与其他学科最简单易学、最有趣味、最基础的知识之间的相互融合。他以与儿童的体验和各种各样的活动作为课程组织的主要线索和主要的学习方式,使学生在生动活泼、多样有趣的活动中产生对英语学习的兴趣,获得身心的发展。”教材的编写内容的选择上将更多地考虑与高年级教材的衔接、铺路。争取减轻高年级的负担。衔接一个重要的方面就是同一主题的重复和螺旋式上升。二、教材的结构和一些特点1、教材结构.第二册在容量上也是6个单元和两个复习部分。教师教学用书按每单元六课时的量进行教学设计。建议每单元至少用6个40分钟的课时,若能上短课,则更好。体例与栏目同第一册。都是LETS SING, LETS CHANT, LETS PLAY, LETS TRY, LETS MAKE, STORY TIME, AMYS GARDEND等几个部分。同样,这几个部分的顺序更多的是为了保证教材体例上的统一性,教师们在教学中完全可以、甚至必须调整顺序,另外,有些部分,如song和 chant,story等,需要多次的重复,可能不是一节课学生就可以完全掌握的。所以,要求老师们根据实际情况灵活分解和组合教学的内容。我们在编写过程中根据第一册的反馈意见,即注意了提供足够量的语言输入,又有意控制了语言现象出现的量。如:Unit 2. 原有Lets cook. Amys father is cooking. Unit 3 原有衣橱里的衣服、厨房里的食物等,我们控制了单词的量。同样,教师们在Amys Garden部分可以知道每个单元的目标要求。
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