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FPIT-R-JX11-2303-24福建信息职业技术学院成人高等教育2013级 13机电一体化 专业期末试卷英语13上学期 (A卷) 考试时间:120分钟 函授点:福州市第二高级技工学校 班级: 学号: 姓名: 成绩:一、 Vocabulary and Structure:分数比例:20%二、 .Structure Points:分数比例:30%三、 Cloze: 分数比例:20%四、 Reading Comprehension:分数比例:30%Part 1: Vocabulary and Structure:I. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.10%1. (eager) As the little boy answered the question, his eyes shined with _.2. (frustrate) He expressed his _ at not being able to talk openly.3. (tune) The guest was singing _ and tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork.4. (patient) Hes a good teacher, but he doesnt have much _ with the slower pupils.5. (locate) First, we must decide on the _ of our new swimming pool.6. (apparent) He had _ put on his best clothes for this mornings meeting.7. (conscious) John has a(n) _ habit of tapping his fingers on the desk, and he may never become aware of it.8. (estimate) I _ the number of people who would come this morning; I thought there would be more.9. (confuse) If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get _.10.(solve) The _ to the questions are at the back of the book.11.(imagine) For some reason the story caught the _ of the public.12.(divide) _ within the party will limit its chances at the election.13.(anxious) Children normally feel a lot of _ about their first day at school.14.(violent) The report tells people about the great amount of domestic _ against women.15.(confront) There were violent _ between the police and demonstrators.II.Fill in the blanks with the phrases or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.10%Focus on; range to; suffering from; regardless of; nothing but; care for; allow for; reflect upon; get rid of; talk over; see to it that; came to; believe in; is capable of 1. When you are making a plan, you have to _ certain errors. 2. He is _ how much has changed since he got married.3. You must have a thorough rest to _ your sleeplessness and headaches.4. Ill _ it _ with Marty and see what he thinks.5. _ you are not late again.6. When Jack _, he found himself lying on the ground with his money.7. He finds it hard to _ his thoughts _ one thing for longer than five minutes.8. Sentence today _ from five or six words _ 70 in length, with the majority close to 20.9. Shes been _ cancer for two years.10. All the applicants will be held equal in this interview, _ their education or family background.Part 2.Structure Points:IChoose the correct word to fill in the blanks.10%1. It appeared highly _( probable, probably) to her that he would not raise her salary.2. It is _(probable, probably ) the most important game, as it is held once every five years.3. You can see _ (clear, clearly ) to the mountains tonight because the moon is shining _ (clear, clearly).4. Isnt the girl at the party dressed _ (pretty, prettily)?5. He fooled himself _ (believe) that he was making great progress.6. The poorly-dressed man was prevented _ (attend) the conference.7. You can sue this machine _.8. I am not sure of _ in my childhood.9. Sheila is the _ (adopt) daughter of a banker.10. Its better to leave something _ (unsay).II. Translation:20%(I)Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. He was eager to have the opportunity of participating in all kinds of activities.2. Where can I trade my dollars for pounds?3. Shes got a cleaning job a night as well as a clerk work during the day.4. While waiting for his driving test, John worked out a plan.5. You ought to have your eyes examined by a doctor.6. The have been subjected to unjust treatment for too long.7. Informed that he wouldnt be able to buy food on his journey, he took large supplies with him.8. Crossing the road, the child was run over by a car.9. Your presentation of the play suffers from too much attention to the details of the text.10. He was distracted from his studies by the sudden arrival of a neighbor.(II)Translate the following sentences into English, using the phrases or patterns given in the brackets.1、这份工作不仅使我了解那儿的习俗,而且帮我结交了许多朋友。(not only but also)2、 打网球很有趣,也是很好的锻炼。(as well as)3、 她不反对必要的改变(be opposed to)4、 我在回家路上淋了雨,结果患了重感冒。(as a result)5、 尽管有许多困难,我们还是提前完成了任务(despite)6、 她不能说话,也不能明白我们说的任何话。(nor)7、 当这位老战士作报告时, 所有人都紧盯着他。(fix ones eyes on)8、 简的演技将会在我的记忆中留下长久的好印象。(make an impression on)9、 我弟弟做决定时总是犹豫不定。(be slow in doing sth.)10、 一听到飞机飞过头顶的声音,老太太就非常不安。(at the sound of )II. Cloze:There are some people who say that the war against
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