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3 英语写作课的基本要素写作,像任何其它技能那样,也有自己的技术部件,这包括拼写、标点符号,以及结构漂亮的句子、段落、和篇章。如何教拼写帮助学生学习拼写最好的方法就是让他们阅读,读得越多越好。泛读(读长篇文章,如消遣性的简易读物)能帮助学生记忆英文拼写规则和例外情况。作为教师我们可以指出英语发音与拼写不完全一致的现状,并让学生做构词练习,让他们自己去找出拼写规则,搞一些其它的活动让他们熟悉拼写模式并加以练习。以下是一些其他可尝试的方法:学生听单词,努力分辨出常见字母组合(如ck 发k,或tch发t)的发音规则。学生可以阅读和听发音相似的一组单词(如,small, always, organized, four, sort, 和 more)然后辨别出那部分发音是(:)。他们可以继续看这个音是否存在于其它相似的拼写词汇中(如call, our, work, port)。这个活动可以提高他们对发音和拼写之间的一致性和不一致性的特点的认识。可以要求学生从一对或一组单词的拼写中自己去总结规则。例如,不用告诉学生当单词的语法形式变化时,单词的拼写会如何变化,让他们做一个像下面这样的练习:Look at the following verbs in the infinitive and with a verb ending. Can you say when the final letter of the verb is doubled (e.g. pp) and when it is not?limppardonpreferrunsinsingsitlimpingpardonedpreferredrunningsinnedsingingsitting许多训练学生使用字典的字母练习活动也适用于帮助他们理解英语拼写。例如让学生把单词清单按字母顺序排列(然后对照字典),把学生注意力引到单词的首字母的拼写上,这一练习是很有用的。听写(Dictation)对于拼写练习是一个非常好的方法,尤其是当听写包含了一些能证明某个拼写规则的单词(也可带有例外的规则)。传统的听写是教师给学生读一两个段落,实际上有许多替代的方法。学生们可以听写磁带上的单词,或者互相听写。接龙听写的方法(例如:学生一个接一个地走到讲台,每人看一行诗,然后回来给小组同学听写)就是一个很理想的拼写练习。对较低程度的学生,可以给他们一些写有字母的卡片,用卡片拼出单词。这些卡片应该不仅有单个的字母(如a, b, c,等),也应该有双字母,三字母,以及元音+辅音组合的字母,如:ghsptcheway3 英语写作课的基本要素(续1)写作,像任何其它技能那样,也有自己的技术部件,这包括拼写、标点符号,以及结构漂亮的句子、段落、和篇章。如何教标点符号正确使用标点符号是一个重要的技能。许多人评价一篇文章的质量不仅仅看文章的内容、语言、写作者的书写、也看标点符号的使用。如果大写字母、逗号、句号、句子和段落的界限等用得不好,这不仅给人负面印象,而且也会让人难以读懂文章。如果想让我们的学生成为良好的英语写作者我们需要教他们怎样正确使用标点符号的规则通过以下的练习,学习者可以检验自己对标点符号规则的掌握程度:3 英语写作课的基本要素(续2)如何教标点符号以下是一些教学生识别标点符号的方法:可以让学生看一组单词,指出哪些是有大写字母的单词,如:Anita,and, apple, April, Argentina, art Australian, Andrew, act, at, in, island, I, ice, Iceland然后他们要弄懂为什么有的单词有大写字母,而有的单词却没有。一旦学生已经学习了句号、逗号、以及大写的用法后,就可以要求他们给这段短文加标点符号:they arrived in cambridge at one oclock in the morning it was cold with a bright moon making the river cam silver andrew ran to the waters edge angela hurrying to keep up with him ran straight into him by mistake and pushed him into the river给学生看一篇文章,然后让他们找出其中用了什么标点符号以及为什么要用它们。下面这个例子就说明了如何教学生写直接引语的步骤。教师把下列这段选文给学生(最好是从他们目前正在阅读的读物中选取):Im sorry to keep you waiting,a voice said. The speaker was a short man with a smiling, round face and a beard. My names Cabinda, he said. Passport police.I can explain, Monika said quickly. My hair. Its not like the photograph. I know. I bought hair colour in South Africa. I can wash it and show you.Cabinda looked carefully at Monika and then at the photo. No, thats OK. I can see that its you, Cabinda said. Theres one more thing. You need a visa. Its ten dollars. You can pay the passport officer. Welcome to Mozambique!然后让学生照着前文的样子给这段对话加标点符号(做时可以看前一篇文章):Im sorry to keep you waiting a voice said My names Cabinda, he said Passport policeI can explain Monika said quickly My hair Its not like the photograph I know I bought hair colour in South Africa I can wash it and show youNo, thats OK I can see that its you Cabinda said Theres one more thing You need a visa Its ten dollars You can pay the passport officer Welcome to Mozambique这个活动要求他们仔细看清引号、感叹号、逗号和句号的用法。他们完成这个任务后,教师和他们一起过一遍答案,然后,让他们回答下面这些问题:a) How do we show that someone is speaking?b) When someone finishes speaking, where does the comma go - before or after the inverted comma ()?c) Where do we put the exclamation mark(!) before or after the inverted comma ()?3 英语写作课的基本要素(续3)如何教句子、段落、和篇章学生需要学习和练习如何把单词组织成结构良好的句子、段落、和篇章的技巧。方法之一是平行写作(parallel writing),就是学生根据一个写作范本开展写作,如下面这些例子所示:造句平行写作的最基本形式经常用于强化语法的句子写作。学生拿到一两个范句,然后他们要根据所给的信息或根据自己的想法写出类似的句子。在下面这个示范课上,给学生们的是一个特定的人物。然后他们要看如何用 and 和but 把这些信息组合成句子。他们要写出有关他们自己的类似句子。Look at the following information about Carlos likes() and dislikes (x) and read the sentences which follow.Carlos Music: hip (), classical music (x)Sport: football (), tennis ()Entertainment: films (), clubs ()Food: spicy food (), raw fish (x)He likes hip hop but he doesnt like classical music.He likes football and tennis.He likes watching films and going out to clubs.He likes spicy food but he doesnt like raw fish.Now write similar sentences saying what music, spot, entertainment, and food you like. Use and and but.配对句子下面这个例子是要学生看文章中的人称代词是如何使用的,然后让他们写配对句子,句子要根据所提供的信息以同样的方式使用代词:On the second of January 2003 Andrew Cooney became the youngest person ever to walk to the South Pole. He is a 23-year-old scout leader. He telephoned his parents in Britain at 7.59 p.m. to say that he had completed the journey. It took two months.We were delighted, said his father Terry. Were very proud of him. His mother Marilyn said that she was looking forward to him coming home.Mr Cooney relied on his parents at home. They were great, he told his brother Ian. I owe everything to them.然后让他们说he, his, it, we, she, him和they 在文章中指的是谁或什么,他们是怎么知道的。他们讨论人称代词和所有格代词在避免重复和衔接方面的作用。然后他们完成下面这个练习:Read the notes about round-the-world yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur and write pairs of sentences for the two ideas in each bullet point. The second sentence should start with she, her, he, hi
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