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7. Teaching & Learning Pronunciation (TLP)Activity1. Read the paragraph under the title of Section 6.1 on Page 90 and the Table of Task 1 and the paragraph below it. Think: What issues of TLP are addressed in these lines?Controversies: There is no need to learn Pronunciation because Pronunciation will take care of itself as the students develop overall language ability. However, it is asserted that :Failure in pronunciation is a great hindrance for language learning. /Poor pronunciation may cause problems for the learning of other skills. (Which skills?)Bad intonation can lead to important misunderstandings.u Who should learn Pronunciation? adolescents or adultsAdult learners need to focus on pronunciation, but young learners dont. Learners who have more exposure to English need less focus on pronunciation than those who only learn English in the class. Adult learners need more focus on pronunciation because they are more likely to substitute English sounds with sounds from their native language.u What contents or aspects should be involved in TLP? IPA; phonetic; stress; intonationu What goal should be set for TLP? RP; consistency; accuracyu Why or why/ Whether or not should Pr. be taught and learnt? It depends upon learning factors such as the similarity of native language, the exposure to the target language as well as the learning context. Major Points7.1 Why should Pronunciation be taught and learnt? (Significance/Role) A 邹为诚,2008: 5;103. 语音是语言的物质外壳,是直接产生语言感知的物质基础;离开语音,语言就不能存在。因此,无论学习何种语言, 语音学习是必不可少的。语音教学往往是外语教学的起点。由于单词的读音与拼写有着密切的联系,语音基础扎实与否会影响到词汇的学习,语音基础还会影响到听力和口语能力的发展。由于语音习惯一旦形成就较难改正,所以一开始就要培养良好的语音习惯,特别要在音准、语流、语调上下功夫,要培养学生在语言学习中,把音、形、义联系起来的能力。A 肖惜,2002:170 一、语音教学的意义语音是语言的物质外壳,是语言的三大要素之一。掌握好语音不但能有利于正确地表达思想,还有助于学习语法和词汇,发展听、说、读、写等各项技能。7.2 What aspects should be included in TLP? (Contents)A Wang Qiang, 2006: 91IAP; Phonetics; pronunciation; stress; intonation; sounds; phonetic transcription; phonetic rules; toneA Wang Qiang, 2006: Section 6.3, 93-94. sounds, stress, intonationA sounds; phonetic symbols and rules; stress: word stress, sentence stress; intonation; rhythmOther aspects: linking, reduction, contraction A 邹为诚,2008:5-7. 重音、节奏邹为诚,2008:103-107.音准(音标和发音知识)、语流(重音、节奏、连读、失爆、强读、弱读等)、语调A 肖惜,2003:171-172, 语音教学的内容和方法.音标、语流(重音、节奏、意群、停顿、连读、失去爆破、语调)7.3 What goal should be achieved in TLP? (Goal/Aim)Our realistic goal of teaching pronunciation should be: Consistency: the pronunciation should be smooth and natural. Intelligibility: the pronunciation should be understandable to the listeners. Communicative efficiency: the pronunciation should help convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.Activity 1. Read Wang Qiang, 2006: Section 6.2, 92-93; Section 6.6, 101, and find out key words which are closely related to the present issue. In this unit we have focused on the teaching of sounds, stress and intonation. We have not discussed other aspects such as linking, reduction, contraction etc. due to limitation of space.gestures; voice; hands and arms; demonstrations;blackboard;visual aids.7.4 What resources should be used TLP? (Resources)A 邹为诚,2008:103;107. 英语母语人士的发音和其他多种音像资料 纯正的语音语调真实的语言材料 难度适宜的音像资料 多种多样的语言材料(idiomatic; authentic; real; appropriate; varied)A Wang Qiang, 2006: 99; 101. gestures; voice; hands and arms; demonstrations;blackboard;visual aids.7.5 *How should Pronunciation be taught and learnt? /How should TLP be designed and implemented? (Activities design:Principles, Process-Methods, Strategies & Techniques, Types)7.5.1 Sound instructionPerception practicePerception practice is aimed at developing the students ability to identify and distinguish between different sounds. Correct perception of sounds is vital for listening comprehension. Below are some examples of perception practice of English sounds.using minimal pairs. Minimal pairs are pairs of words which have only one sound different from each other. The teacher reads either word of each pair and asks students to tell which word is read.which order.The teacher reads each group of words in different order and the students mark the words with1,2,3 to indicate the order in which the words are read. The teacher can read the words several times in different order.same or different?The teacher reads pairs of words and asks the students to tell if the pairs of words are the same or different. Of course the words should not be written out.odd one out.The teacher reads a group of words a time and the students identify the different word or sound. Again the words are not written out.completion.The teacher reads a series of words which have only one different sound. The students complete the words they hear.Production practiceProduction practice is aimed at developing students ability to produce sounds. Producing distinct and understandable soun
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