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同声传译技巧之增减从传统的翻译观点来看,增减技巧与忠实原则背道而驰。相比于时间充裕的笔译过程,在时间要求非常高的同声传译中,面对有限的处理资源,译员该如何通过调整做到尽可能地忠实原文?在同传中,译员要在瞬息之间主动处理和加工所接受的源语信息。考虑到中英两种语言在结构和用语习惯上的差异,译员此时忠实于原文并不意味着将所有信息不论主次轻重全部译出。需充分发挥主动性,通过对信息的取舍和判断,更好地抓住信息重点,通过增加或略去部分次要信息,使表达更为流畅,有效地实现交际目的。简约技巧简约不等于简略。 并非译员主动放弃无法把握的信息,从而导致信息丢失。译员在不影响原文主要信息传达的基础上,主动识别原文中出现的无法用目的语处理的材料或技术性较强的材料。 在此情况下,译员可采取简约技巧,从而简化语言形式,突出重要信息。通过省略一些源语中可有可无的内容或有违目的语表达习惯的结构,既可以争取到宝贵的口译时间,又可以使译语更加通畅。语法简约 You cannot build a ship, a bridge or a house if you dont know how to make a design or how to read it.If we live up to the commitment made at the beginning , we will surely expand bilateral trade volume by leaps and bounds这次论坛确定以“中国和新的亚洲世纪”为主题,充分表达了大家对中国和亚洲发展前景的关注,表达了大家对中国及亚洲的发展对全球经济增长所发挥的作用的关注。 The theme of the forum, “China and the New Asian Century”, gives full expression to the widespread interest in the prospect of development in China and Asia as a whole, as well as in the impact of their development on global economic growth.语意简约 我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来的目标前进。 We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of Sino-US relations and settle our differences properly so as to promote mutual understanding, expand common ground, develop cooperation and create a better future.I am here today, in front of a decidedly Hong Kong-friendly crowd, in direct violation of my own advice. That said, I plan to redeem myself by not developing too much time talking about Hong Kong- a topic that is well known to this audience. Rather I intend to concentrate on the less known. 增补技巧增补和简约是相对的。汉英句法结构的差异要求译员灵活使用增补技巧。 汉英同传时,译员需要适当增补一些起到润滑剂作用的虚词和连接词等。 英汉同传时,顺句驱动要求译员主动断句,将一个完整而复杂的意群切割成较小的意义单位。所以需要适当加上连接词和表示逻辑关系的词语将断开的句子成分重新粘合在一起,利于听众理解。添加连接词,凸显逻辑关系这也充分说明,在经济全球化趋势深入发展的条件下,中国及亚洲的发展正在成为世界经济发展新的推动力量,世界经济发展也将给中国及亚洲的发展带来新的重要机遇。 It also shows that, with surging economic globalization, China and Asias development has become a new growth engine for the world, and in return, the global boom is also generating more important opportunities for China and Asia. 意义补充,帮助目的语听众理解老子曾经说过,治大国如烹小鲜。 To run a big country is like cooking a small fish. Dont overdo it.Speaking about the importance of the digital divide and the need to close the gap between the Haves and the Have-nots, the centerpiece of all these has been the access to Information and Communication Technology by the citizens of developing world and by those who have been ignored. Congratulations to the Peoples Republic of China on the 60th anniversary of its founding. It also happens to be the 30th anniversary of a very productive and fruitful 30 years in the US-China relationship. China has also undergone a historic economic transformation in recent decades that has brought millions of people out of poverty. This is both significant as it is historic. Now we reflect upon the years ahead and look carefully at the interests that will bring China and US together in an even more peaceful and prosperous fashion. We congratulate the people of China. We wish you luck and success. And we look forward to the years ahead and building upon this very strong foundation that has been achieved in recent decades. Thank you so very much and congratulations!This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China - and I would like to send my personal best wishes to the Chinese people and government and to the large Chinese community here in Britain. 今年是中华人民共和国建国六十周年,我在此谨向中国人民、中国政府以及英国的华人华侨献上我个人的衷心祝贺。Since the 1970s, Chinas reforms have brought more people out of poverty in a shorter time than in any other country in history with profound effects not just for the one fifth of the worlds population who are Chinese but for us all.自上世纪七十年代以来,中国的改革让更多人在短时间内脱离了贫困,比历史上任何其他国家所用的时间都要短。这一结果深刻影响到的不仅仅是占世界1/5比例的中国人,也包括我们所有人。Today, the country that for centuries gave the world so many of its most important inventions and accounted for so much of its economic growth has been restored to its position as a great global power - and your role in the global economy means that we in Britain have a deep interest in your continued stability, prosperity and success.今天,这个数百年来为世界贡献了众多重要发明并在世界经济增长中占了相当大比重的国家,已经重新回归了其全球大国的地位你们在世界经济中所扮演的角色也意味着,中国继续的稳定、繁荣和成功,对于英国也利益攸关。Built and strengthened through a policy of close dialogue and engagement, our relations today are the best that that they have ever been. 现在,我们所建立并通过密切对话与交流政策而得以增强的两国关系,处于历史以来的最好阶段。So once again, let me send my best wishes to the people of China on this important anniversary - and I look forward to growing ties of understanding and co-operation between our two nations in the years ahead.在此,我再次向中国人民就这一重要周年送上我的祝福我衷心希望未来我们两国的关系在理解及合作的基础上不断增强。It is a great pleasure for me to congratulate the Peoples Republic of China on its 60 years anniversary. 值此中华人民共和国成立六十周年华诞,我很高兴送上自己的祝福。Denmark was the first Western allied country to recognise t
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