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Unit 11.The then director of the Guinness Brewery 吉尼斯啤酒厂厂长2. Settle an argument about 结束一场的争辩3. After talking to his friends. 同他的朋友交谈之后4. The first edition was published in 1955 and has been a best-seller ever since “自那以后”.5 apply for 申报;申请6 if all goes well,如果一切都顺利,7 get a certificate from得到的证书8 set down the records 把纪录记下来 set down 记下,写下 set about doing / aside / back / off / out / up开始做/把置于一旁 /阻碍 /出发/出发/建立 9 keep track of them in other ways 用其他的方法与他们保持联系 keep track of 与保持联系; 看清;听清 lose track of 与失去联系;看不清;听不清10Impressive as the record is=though the record is impressive, it fades next to the story of Armstrongs struggle against disease. 11was diagnosed with “被诊断患”12in a row “连续不断” 13be familiar to sb 对某人熟悉14be different from 与不同15have fun 有乐趣16get ready for 为作好准备17concentrate on 注意力集中在 .18 have something /nothing to do with与有关/无关19 a world of knowledge in stamps 邮票上的许多知识20.Once (一旦) you know what you want to collect,21 first of all 首要22 get hold of 拥有;得到23 cut out 剪下24 leave lots of room 留有许多空间25 a clean sheet of paper 一张干净的纸26get wrinkled 起皱纹27 a pair of tweezers 一把钳子28 a magnifying glass 一个放大镜29 become valuable 变得有价值30 the only existing copy of the stamp唯一现存的一枚邮票31look through/ go through 看32 in circulation 流通33 one coin of a certain kind 某一种硬币34 As with至于35 Nor should you ever clean an old coin= you should not ever clean36 The records are put into different categories. 这些记录分不同类别进行归档.Unit 21. Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation for mankinds greatest endeavour. 贸易和好奇常常成为人类最伟大努力的基础.2. search for 探寻 ( in search of)3. the distant, wealthy Asian lands遥远而富裕的亚洲大陆4. It is well known that (众所周知) Africa had contacts with (与有接触) India and the Red Sea civilisations from the earliest times.5. Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for (交换) spices and glass. find ones way “发现到某处的途径” feel /make / fight /push ones way (lose ones way迷路) 6. meet with sb. /sth. “与某人会晤/遇到;经历某事物”7. hear about “ 听说”8. know about “了解”9. with descriptions of 用描写11. The Arabic contacts (n.) to “与接触”the African coast led to the next meeting between black people and a Chinese. lead to + n. “导致” (lead led led ) 12. In the year 751, the Chinese traveller Du Huan was taken prisoner by the Arabic army. take/ hold sb prisoner/captive = keep or take sb as a prisoner “囚禁或俘虏某人” Sb. be taken prisoner by 13. wander through “游荡;流浪” wander through the countryside 在野外闲逛14. give information on 提供有关信息15. make a voyage/ journey/trip to = go on a voyage / journey/ trip “通过海路/ 陆路来到” 16. date from = date back to 始于,追溯到,18. have the will to do sth 有意要做某事19. under (the) command of 在某人的指挥下=Under sbs command20. set sail from to从出发向航行21. renew relations with恢复同的关系22. in return作为对的回报/付款 I bought him a drink for his help in return. in turn = one after the other 依此;逐个 The girls called out their names in turn.23. For a short time 在短期内24. After 1433, the Ming court believed that its greatest challenges and opportunities were at home “在国内”.25. suggest vt.1) 建议,提议+v-ing+(that虚拟)+wh-I suggest our going to the park on Sunday.The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙医建议她改天再来。order,command,insist,require,demand,advise,recommend,etc.+that(should)+do2 ) 暗示;启发+(that陈述)Her expression suggested pleasure./that she was pleased. 她面露喜色。26.apart from 1) 撇开来说;除外 Apart from the salary, its not a bad job. =Except for 2)除此而外,还有 Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.=Besides In addition to, besides, as well (as) 除外还有 Except, except for, but 除去27.adjust to sth 适应;28. rely on 依靠29. They had no idea what they were up against.他们对将要面临的情况一无所知. up against sth 面临问题,困难等30. Two British expeditions made the attempt in 1922 and 1924,返回重新登山 make an /the / no attempt to do sth /at doing sth 企图;尝试(不)做某事31.run out of/run out 用完 I have run out of my money. My money has run out. use up/ run out of Vt. run out/ give out Vi. They have used up their money. ( run out of ) The fuel gave out.32. make it to sth 在上获得成功Hes never really made it as an actor.他当演员从未获得成功.33. succeed in doing sth.在上获得成功34 In the Middle Ages 中世纪35 fall off 从掉下36 lose ones interest 失去兴趣37 in the search for 寻找38 concentrate on39but he was hanged for telling lies 但他因为撒谎而绞死,40 up till then/ now 直到那时/现在41 He was positive about 他确信42(Be) Based on根据43set sail to the south 向南航行44 (Be) Unable to 不能45 set sail to the south/for New Zealand 朝新西兰航行46 more or less by accident 多多少少偶然47 Cook sailed as far south as possible. 库克尽
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