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课时作业(十八)必修3Module 6Old and New(限时:45分钟).单项填空1. After graduating from college,I took some time off to go travelling, _ turned out to be a wise decision. Athat Bwhich Cwhen Dwhere2. 2012江西卷 John has really got the job because he showed me the official letter_ him it.Aoffered BofferingCto offer Dto be offered3Yesterday we visited a temple, _ the 13th century.Adating from Bdating back Cdated from Ddates back to4What do you advise for_ ink from my jacket?Amoving BgettingCbringing Dremoving5I d _ that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment. Astick to Binsist on Chold on to Dapply to 6No one can give a speech without an outline, which will give you a good _ to base your speech on.Aconstruction BstructureCbuilding Dform7How about talking with native speakers if I know little about French?_. You should learn it for several months. AThats all right BIts out of the questionCIts up to you DIt makes sense8Elizabeth has already achieved success_her wildest dreams. Aat BbeyondCwithin Dupon9He gave me a map, which proved to be of great _ while I got round Beijing. Aprice BcostCvalue Dcharge 10She has very_interests, which is why she hasnt joined any local club. Anarrow Blittle Cbroad Dmany11For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, _ New York is an example. Afor which Bin whichCof which Dfrom which12Dad, can I go to the cinema with you?No, this film is_adults only. Adesigned to Bdesigned forCdesigning for Ddesigning with13Do you think the mixedability teaching holds the brighter students _?Aon BbackCup Dout14Dont be _! You cant pay ¥10 for a Tshirt! Take it or leave it. Aridiculous Bamused Cserious Dashamed15. _to plant fruit trees in the mountainous area. AThat makes good sense BIt makes good senseCIt is no sense DThere makes no sense.阅读理解Duckbilled platypuses(鸭嘴兽) cannot be real, can they? The duckbilled platypuses of eastern Australia are small, shy animals. This small mammal is such a strange creature that when the first one arrived at the British Museum in London in 1798, scientists thought that someone was playing a practical joke on them.One cannot blame the scientists for having such a thought because it is definitely one of natures strangest creatures alive.It looks like an animal which has been put together using various parts of different animals.It is a fourlegged animal with a tail like a beavers(海狸), webbed feet and a ducks bill.It has no outer ears.What is strange still is the fact that it breastfeeds its young like all other mammals, yet lays eggs like fish, reptiles and birds.It grows to about 47 centimeters in length and weighs around 1.5 kilogrammes.Male platypuses are poisonous. They have a pointy part on their hind ankles that connects to a poison bag in each leg. They mainly use these weapons in mating battles with other males. However, if threatened, they will use them to attack their enemies.The platypus is native to Australia. There are thousands of them living in the wet lands, lakes and rivers of eastern Australia and parts of Tasmania. It feeds on underwater animals such as shrimps, worms, frogs, snails and small fish. When a platypus is underwater, it is almost deaf and blind.However, scientists have discovered that the animal can still find its food through a sense of smell and a sensitive sense of touch in the bill. The bill, in fact, has sensors which can detect the smallest electrical charge sent out by the movement of prey(猎物). This explains why the strange creature has the strangest habit of eating ordinary flashlight batteries.16Why did the scientists think they were being made fun of?AThe animal they saw was too small and shy.BThe animal had traveled all the way from Australia.CThe animal looked too strange to be real.DThe British Museum had been charged too much money.17Paragraph 2 mainly tells us about the platypus_.Astrange features Bunique appearanceCway of feeding its young Dusual size and weight18In what way is the male platypus weapon dangerous to its enemies?AIts as sharp as a knife.BIts on the powerful hind ankles.CIt attacks at all times.DIt can send out poison.19The platypus eats flashlight batteries because _.Athey send out electrical charge Bthey taste delicious to itCthey look like swimming frogsDthey provide energy for it.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写
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