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课时作业(三十六)选修8Unit 1A land of diversity(限时:30分钟) .完形填空Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. However, I was not thinking about the golden chain when I had to help people who _1_ their way and parked in front of my house.I was growing tired of helping so many people. Almost every _2_ I was awaken during a sound nights sleep and had to _3_ someone out. Many times I was _4_by some penniless motorists who did not even thank me for the help that they received and some even complained that I could have done more.One day, a young man with a weekold beard climbed out of a _5_ automobile. He had no money and no food. He asked if I could give him some _6_, offer him gasoline and a meal. I told him that if he wanted to work for me, he could cut the grass, but _7_ the work wasnt necessary.Though sweaty and hungry, he worked hard. After working all day, he sat in the shade to cool himself. I thanked him for his work and gave him the money he _8_. I then offered him some _9_ money for a task particularly well done, but he shook his head, _10_I never saw him again. He probably thinks I helped him out that day, but that is not the way it was. I didnt help him. He helped me to _11_ people again to repay their trust in me. He helped me to once again want to do something for those who are _12_. I wish I could thank him for _13_ some of my belief in the basic goodness of others and for giving me back a little of the _14_ I had lost. Because of him, I once again felt part of a golden chain of kindness that _15_ us to others.I may have fed his body that day, but he fed my soul.1A.fought Bfound Cmade Dlost2A.morning BafternoonCnight Devening3A.bring BhelpCcarry Ddrive4A.taken for granted Bput up withCturned down Dtaken up with5A.fashionable BfamousCflashy Dshabby6A.money BfoodChelp Dwork7A.actually BspeciallyCparticularly Dgenerally8A.asked BbeggedCneeded Dcharged9A.old BextraCsmall Dgood10A.accepted BreceivedCrefused Ddenied11A.believe in Bwatch overClook after Dcare about12A.in trouble Bin dangerCin tears Din fear13A.forgetting BlosingCrestoring Dfinding14A.weakness BstrengthCoptimism Dpessimism15A.adapts BadjustsCdevotes Dconnects.阅读理解A“Go west young man,” wrote Horace Greeley in 1865 in his newspaper the New York Tribune. The quote is one of the most famous in American history and led many young men to search for fortune in the gold mines of California. It also created the popular image of cowboys and the Wild West.But the Wild West of old isnt dead in the US. The land of cowboys, cattle and guns still exists. To find it, you have to move a little bit more inland.People in states like Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Texas, South Dakota and North Dakota still live a simple, frontiersmen (拓荒者) sort of life. These states are geographically large but with sparse (稀少的) populations.One of the most common businesses is cattle ranching (放牧). Ranchers hire cowboys to ride horses and follow the cattle to make sure they dont get lost. This lifestyle can be very rough and lonely. But for many, their families have been doing it for a hundred years.Rodeo (牛仔竞技表演) is one of the most popular sports in the western United States. Rodeo is a sporting event that involves cattle and horses, designed to test the skill and speed of the cowboy and cowgirl athletes who participate. If youve ever tried to ride on the back of an angry bull you know how dangerous and crazy some rodeo events can be.Cowboys have played a very important part in the US. If you get the chance then travel west and visit one of these states. Then you will find a different type of fortune: a unique culture full of rich history.16In old days, many young men went to the Wild West to _. Acreate the popular image of cowboysBsearch for fortuneCtour the west coastDhunt 17People in states such as _ live a simple life. AColorado, Texas and PortlandBMontana, Los Angeles and WyomingCIdaho, Montana and South DakotaDNorth Dakota, Idaho and Seattle18Which statement about “rodeo” is TRUE according to the text?ARodeo is the most popular sports in the Western United States. BRodeo is a sporting event only dealing with cattle. CPeople design rodeo in order to test the skill and speed of the cowboy and cowgirl athletes who participate.DRanchers can experience how dangerous and crazy some rodeo events can be. 19It can be inferred from the text that _. Athe Wild West of old still exists in the US Bcowboys ride horses and follow the cattle to make sure they dont get lostCtravelers would find a different lifestyle on the west coast of the USA todayDSome states like Montana, Wyoming, Texas, California are fit for ranching 20The aim of thi
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