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国际结算英语词汇整理Chapter 1国际结算是指国际间由于政治、经济、文化、外交、军事等方面的交往或联系而发生的以货币表示的债权债务的清偿行为或资金转移行为。International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which either payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another for the purpose of settling accounts,debts,claims,etc.结算 settlement 交割 delivery清算 clearing 有形贸易 visible trade 无形贸易 invisible trade电子数据交换系统 electronic data interchange EDI国际商会 International Chamber of Commerce ICC结算方式:跟单信用证统一惯例 Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,ICC Publication No.600 即UCP600 国际商会第600号出版物托收统一规则 Uniform Rules for Collections URCS22见索即付保函统一规则 The Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458,1992 Edition URDG458银行间偿付办法 Bank to Bank Reimbursements合约保函统一规则 Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees单据:海牙规则 Hague Rules汉堡规则 Hamburg Rules联合运输单证统一规则 Uniform Rules for a Combined Transport Documents伦敦保险协会货物保险条款 Institute Cargo Clauses ICC贸易术语 trade terms交货临界点 critical point of the delivery风险临界点 critical point of the risk费用临界点 critical point of the cost国际贸易术语解释通则 Incoterms 2000E组(发货)EXW-Ex Works 工厂交货(.指定地点)F组(主要运费未付)FCA-Free Carrier 货交承运人(.指定地点)FAS-Free Alongside Ship 船边交货(.指定装运港)FOB-Free On Board 船上交货(.指定装运港)C组(主要运费已付)CFR-Cost and Freight 成本加运费(.指定目的港)CIF-Cost,Insurance and Freight 成本、保险费加运费(.指定目的港)CPT-Carriage Paid To 运费付至(.指定目的港)CIP-Carriage and Insurance paid to 运费、保险费付至(.指定目的地)D组(到达)DAF-Delivered at Frontier 边境交货(.指定地点)DES-Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货(.指定目的港)DEQ-Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货(.指定目的地)DDU-Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货(.指定目的地)DDP-Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货(.指定目的地)洗钱 money laundering 支付协定 payment agreement国际标准化组织 International Organization for Standardization ISO国际结算制度 system of international settlement支付系统是由提供支付清算服务的中介机构和实现支付指令传送及资金清算的专业技术手段共同组成,用以实现债券债务清偿及资金转移的一种金融安排。Payment system refers the process that banks draw a sum of money from the payers account and deposit it to the payees.联邦资金转账系统 Federal Reserves Wire Transfer System, FEDWIRE清算所同业支付系统 Clearing House Interbank Payment System, CHIPS美国银行公会代码 American bankers association number ,ABA号码清算所发给通用认证号码 Universal Identification Number, UID号码伦敦城内交换系统 town-clearing普通交换系统 general clearing交换银行自动收付系统 Clearing House Automated Payment System, CHAPS国际银行组织电子银行协会 Electronic Banking Association日本银行金融网络系统 BOJ-NET环球银行金融电讯协会 Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunications, SWIFT代表处 representative office代理处 agency office海外分、支行 overseas sister bank/branch,subbranch代理银行 correspondent banks附属银行(子银行) subsidiary banks联营银行 affiliated banks银团银行 consortium bank控制文件 control documents印鉴样本 specimen signature费率表 terms and conditions来账 vostro a/c ,即你行设在我行的账 your a/c with us往账 nostro a/c ,即我行设在你行的账 our a/c with you账户行 depository bank 存款行 depositor bank贷记 to credit借记 to debitChapter 2票据 instrument设权性 right to be paid无因性 non causative nature要式性 requisite in form流通性 negotiability可追索性 recoursement基本当事人 immediate parties出票人 drawer付款人 payer/drawee收款人 payee附属当事人 remote parties 背书人 endorser被背书人 endorsee持票人 holder前手 prior parties后手 subsequent parties承兑人 acceptor保证人 guarantor汇票 bill of exchange汇票是由出票人向另一人签发的要求即期、定期或在可以确定的将来时间向指定人或根据其指令向来人无条件支付一定金额的书面命令。A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing,addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it,requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money,to,or to the order of,a specified person,of to bearer.限制性抬头 restrictive order不可转让 not transferable指示性抬头 demonstrative order来人 bearer出票日期 date of issue出票地点 place of issue付款地点 place of payment付款日期 tenor见票即付 at sight or on demand板期 at a fixed date见票后定期付款 at a fixed period after sight出票后定期付款 at a fixed period after date“付一不付二”条款 pay this first/second bill (second/first of the same date and tenor being unpaid)to.担当付款人 person designed as payer预备付款人 referee in case of need必须提示承兑 presentment for acceptance required不得提示承兑 acceptance prohibited付对价持票人 holder for value 对价 consideration正当(善意)持票人 holder in due course/bona fide holder银行汇票 bankers draft商业汇票 trade bill承兑汇票 acceptance bill银行承兑汇票 bankers acceptance bill商业承兑汇票 traders acceptance bill即期汇票 sight draft,demand draft远期汇票 time bill usance bill光票 clean bill跟单汇票 documentary bill本币汇票 home money bill外币汇票 foreign money bill国内汇票 inland bill国外汇票 foreign bill本票 promissory note银行本票 cashiers order/check国际汇票 overseas money order (国际小额本票 international money order)旅行支票 travelers check支票 cheque or check划线支票 crossed check无线支票 uncrossed check/open check保付支票 certified check银行支票 bankers check支票卡 check card出票 issue背书 indorsement/endorsement空白背书 blank endorsement记名背书 special endorsement限制性背书 restric
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