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步进电机驱动器及接口板简介Brief introduction江西英菲赛科技有限公司座落在美丽的鄱阳湖畔江西鄱阳工业园区,注册资本金200万元,是一家主要从事步进电机、伺服电机驱动器、CNC控制器和数控机床研发、销售、生产以及技术支持的公司。承接工厂自动化改造工程,并为数控设备用户提供全方位技术服务的一家科技型企业,是江西省民营科技企业。并于2011年元月通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证。在2011年109届广交会上获得了众多外商的好评。Jiangxi Technology Co., Ltd is located in the beautiful crescent of Poyang Lake- Poyang Industrial Park in Jiangxi,Registered capital of 200 million RMB,is mainly engaged in the stepper motor, servo motor drives ,CNC controllers and CN system the development, sales and technical support, following a renovation project factory automation, and to provide full CNC equipment science and technology orientation, a technology services company.it Is a private technology enterprises in Jiangxi Province.And in January 2011 passed the ISO9001: 2008 quality management system certification. Our products had got a large number of foreign praise.in the 109th Canton Fair 英菲赛的技术团队是以航空技术为背景组建的技术过硬、团队合作、开拓进取并以客户需求为导向,以项目管理为核心的研发团队。本团队注重技术创新和体制创新,以为客户提供高性能的解决方案和产品,力求达到世界数控系统研发的领先水平的目标而奋斗。We focus on technology innovation and system innovation, the formation of a strong technology, unity, cooperation, pioneering research and development team, to the background of aviation technology research and development team has established a customer-oriented, project management as core R & D management platform , to provide high-performance products and solutions, CNC system development in the domestic leading level本公司将以坚持锲而不舍、追求卓越的精神致力于数控技术的研发、应用与推广,以优质的产品和专业的技术支持谋求与客户的共同发展。通过自主研发和引进成熟技术相结合的方式,已成功开发和量产销售多款高性价比的优质运动控制产品,目前,英菲赛公司产品已成功进入雕刻机、印刷包装机械等行业,即将进入冷镦机领域,客户遍布中国大陆、香港、台湾以及欧美等国家和地区。 We adhere to the perseverance and pursuit of excellence dedicated to the development of numerical control technology, application and promotion of quality products and professional technical support to seek common development with customers. Through independent research and the introduction of a combination of mature technology, has successfully developed and sold a variety of cost-effective production of quality motion control products, at present, our products have successfully entered engraving machines, printing and packaging machinery industry, is about to enter cold heading machine area, customers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions in Europe and America英菲赛秉承“用户至上、服务至上、质量至上、品牌至上”的经营理念。向客户提供快速、全面、直接、专业的技术支持服务,从而降低客户设计选型时的风险、缩短设备开发周期,提高客户产品的综合竞争力。We adhering to the customer first, service first, quality first, brand first philosophy. To provide fast, comprehensive, direct and professional technical support services, thereby reducing the risk when the customer design selection, reduce device development cycles, improve the overall competitiveness of customer products.本公司产品主要应用如下领域:1、 用于加工各种图案丰富多彩的模具;2、 用于广告业;3、 用于人像、风景、书法刻字、印章等艺术类平面雕刻;4、 配合CNC控制器,适合各种中小型自动化设备、仪器,,如纺织、印刷、包装机械、医疗机械。Our products are used in the following areas:1. For processing a variety of colorful patterns of the mold;2. For the advertising industry3. For portrait, landscape, calligraphy lettering, seals and other graphic art sculpture4.With CNC controller, for a variety of small and medium sized automation equipment, apparatus,such as Textile, printing, packaging machinery, medical machinery.我们的产品有:Here are the series products: 单轴系列:l DB35401C-Kl DB45401C-Kl DB33401C-Kl DB3P5850/ASingle Axis Seriesl DB35401C-Kl DB45401C-Kl DB33401C-Kl DB3P5850/A多轴系列:l DB3540L3C-RG1l DB3540L3C-RG2l DB3540L4C-RG1l DB3540L5C-RG1Multi-axis seriesl DB3540L3C-RG1l DB3540L3C-RG2l DB3540L4C-RG1l DB3540L5C-RG1接口板系列:l BJGL5C-2l BJL5C-2Interface board series:l BJGL5C-2l BJL5C-2手控盒Hand control box控制器CNC Controller产品选型指南Selection suggest 单轴系列驱动器 - DB35401C-KSingle-axis series drives - DB35401C-K英菲赛科技有限公司设计生产的DB35401C-K步进电机驱动器,采用高性能专用微步距控制芯片TB6560,DB35401C-K步进电机驱动器配合接口板使用。采用新型的双极性恒流斩波技术,使电机运行精度高, 振动小, 噪声低,运行平稳,安全方便,该驱动器适合驱动中小型的任何两相或四相混合式步进电机,是广大DIY爱好者和雕刻机厂家的首选产品。产品图片如下:The products of DB35401C-K stepper motor drive, using special micro-step control of high-performance chip TB6560, it used with the stepper motor driver interface board. It is running, small vibration, low noise, smooth operation and safety, convenience,for it constant using the new bipolar chopper technology, high precision,. The drive is suitable for driving any small or four-phase two-phase hybrid stepping motor. It is the first choice of vast number of DIY enthusiasts of engraving machine manufacturers. The picture as follows:功能特性如下: 新型的双极性恒流斩波技术 带自动半流功能 输入脉冲频率最大达15KHZ 支持四种细分选择:1、1/2、1/8、1/16 具有电流0.7A、1.75A、2.6A、3.5A (峰值)4档可调功能 标准并口接口,支持MACH2、MACH3,KCAM4等系列软件Features are as followsu Bipolar constant current chopper new technologyu With auto semi-currentu Maximum input pulse frequency of up to 15KHZu Support the choice of four segments:1、1/2、1/8、1/16u With 4 adjustable current file 0.7A, 1.75A, 2.6A, 3.5A (peak)
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