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xx年X月X日精品范文-语文九年级五单元作文重点_半年工作总结(文章一):人教版九年级一-五单元作文范文人教版九年级第一单元作文范文Dear Wenxin,There are three good ways to learn English.One way is being interested in what you are doing.If you are interested in something,your brain will be more active and you will be more focused(集中注意力).If you like music,I think you should listen to English songs.If you do this,you will be able to improve your pronunciation.It is a good idea to read English books because well-written books can teach you many new words and how they are used.You could try to improve your English by watching English movies.This will help you to improve your listening and speaking skills as you will have a chance to listen to natural speech.I hope these three ways will work well for you!Your friendMei Li第二单元作文范文Dear SueMy favorite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival.It is celebrated on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar.Before the festival,our houses have to be cleaned and we need to buy new clothes for a new years ing.On the eve,my family goes to my grandparents home for a reunion dinner.Our family usually has jiaozi,fish,niangao and a great many dishes.On the first day of our New Year,people wear their clothes and visit family and friends.Children will receive red packets filled with “lucky” money.Thats one of my favorite parts of this festival.Its my favorite festival because I enjoy spending time with my relatives.It makes me feel very happy and loved to be with my family!Yours truly,Mei Li第3单元作文范文Dear Sir/Maddam,My name is Li Jie and Im from Beijing,China.Ill be ing to your school for a short study vacation this year.Id like to know more about your school and the courses I can take.First,I would like to find out exactly how long the course is and when it will begin.I wonder if you could send methe course outline and some information about the course fees(费用).Could you please also give me some information about student housing and transport to your schoolI would like to thank you for your help and Im looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully(给不知姓名者的正式信件的尾客套语),Lijie第4单元作文范文How Ive changedMy life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to be overweight but Im not anymore.I lost a lot of weight after I started playing tennis.Playing tennis three times a week is very good exercise.Now Im fitter and healthier(苗条健康).The biggest change in my life was being much better in English.This is thanks to my English teacher,Mrs.Wang,who gave me an interesting book to read.I enjoyed it so much that I started to read other books.This is the most important change because I am no longer afraid of the English language and I am doing better in my exams.This has made my parents even prouder of me.第5单元作文范文My city,Suzhou,is famous for its silk quilts.These quilts are made of pure silk.They are made by skillful workers in many silk factories in city.The silk quilts are used to keep people warm and fortable in bed.They are known to be very fortable because they are light and soft to touch.They look beautiful as they are decorated with beautiful patterns.Many people from all over the world e to Suzhou visit the silk factories and buy not only the silk quilts but also many other silk products too.(文章二):初三九年级下册语文第五单元作文:欲速则不达500字初三九年级下册语文第五单元作文:欲速则不达500字据说一所重点中学的初中有一半以上的学生家长向学校反映作业太多,孩子整天熬夜,都成了近视眼。但学校却认为学生这个年龄阶段,正是学知识的黄金时期,应该学习,而且还说,说这些话家长的孩子学习不刻苦,无主动性,成绩又不好,只能通过多做练习才行。而我认为,学校的初衷虽然是良好的,但他们却真的没有想到“欲速则不达的道理。学生时期,最重要的事情是学习,但学习首先要有一个健康的身体,如果没有健康的身体做保证,学生怎么去很好地学习呢就说眼睛吧,让“孩子整天熬夜,都成了近视眼,怎么让他们看清黑板上老师的讲解,怎么让他们掌握应该掌握的科学文化知识呢就算这些家长的孩子学习不刻苦,无主动性,成绩又不好,但用让他们多做些练习的办法就能克服他们的这些缺点吗我想绝对没有这么简单的事情。有一位哲人说过“兴趣是最好的老师,所以我说,这些家长的孩子之所以这样,主要原因是缺乏对学习的兴趣。没有了兴趣,你怎么让他们在学习上刻苦,主动性强,成绩还好呢作为学校,本来最主要的应该在激发学生学习兴趣上多做扎实细致的工作,而这所重点中学的初中不但没有做这一方(转载于:Zw(2)、 爱 作 文 网)面的工作,而且还用让学生多做练习的办法无形之中扼杀学生的学习兴趣,真是让人痛心啊!我只想奉劝这所重点中学的初中,快快停止你们错误的做法吧!因为“欲速则不达!(文章三):九下语文第五单元同步作文第五单元:我所了解的孔子和孟子题解 1孔子和孟子是我国著名的儒学思想家,他们的思想在我国的政治、文学史上熠熠生 辉,对后世产生巨大的影响。现在我们的语文课本里也选了许多孔子和孟子的文章。请你以“孔子或孟子的某一句话为题,写一篇议论文。(2)、要求:题目自拟,内容不限,从所选的那句话引入,思考它的意义和价值,字数在 600 字左右。范文择 善 而 从 孔子曰: “三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。其后句含意深刻,” 使人大有所悟。大家知道,我国书法艺术源远流长,正书有“颜筋柳骨”之说。颜体丰满遒劲,柳 体则骨立挺健,至今仍是学习书法之范本。柳体创始人柳公权是颜派鼻祖颜真卿的后辈,早 年从师于颜鲁公;后来柳公权发现颜体虽雄浑厚朴但不乏臃肿肥大之弊病,于是柳公权不断 揣摩,择颜体雄健的优点,改其臃肿肥大之弊端,掺入自己“骨立如嶙”的特长,终于创立 了世代奉为经典的“柳体”。这不正是“择善而从”的典范吗倘若柳公一味效法于颜体,而不顾其弊端,那么可能现在就不会有相提并论的“柳 骨颜筋”。那该是多么遗憾啊!思古及今,改革之风已靡及中华大地,要改革就必须开放,引进国外的先进技术和 管理方法,但“开窗”虽好,不免有苍蝇蚊虫飞进来,这就需要我们有“择其善而从之,其 不善而改之”的头脑。可就是有一些“失其本性”的人,沉湎于西方物质享受之中而不能自 拔,更有甚者,为xx的糟粕所毒害而锒铛入狱。他们因为“不善而从”,终成咎由自取的 可悲者。由此可见,对待一切事物,我们要运用“择善而从,不善而弃”的标尺,放开眼光 去学习和处理,只有这样才能有所突破;反之甚至会身陷泥潭,一误再误!那么如何才能“择善而从之”让我们再看柳公权的例子。颜鲁公弟子百人,却没 有一人像柳公权那样有所建树而流芳百世,这是因为身为唐朝大臣的柳公权博学而勤勉,注 重锤炼“字外功夫”,因此他站得高,望得远,能够发觉颜体的优点与微瑕。其优点,从接 受到孜孜不倦地实践,思想汇报专题成为自己的优点,其微瑕,则予扬弃,并在这基础上进而创造出自己 的风格。是故只有识善、择善,并身体力行的人才能做出成绩,甚至超过前从孔子的一句话想到的 孔子曰: “言之者无罪,闻之者足以戒。”提意见的人是没有罪过的;听意见的人即使没 有做错,也要引起重视。xx同志在xx整风运动中,也曾经提出这个观点。广开言路,虚心地接纳各个方面 的意见,是政治清明的一个重要的前提,也是保证统治阶级xx久安的一个重要的手段。明 智的政治家,都非常重视这一点。如齐威王,虚心地接受了邹忌的意见
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