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新目标英语七年级上册Unit2 Section A 第一课时教学设计【设计理念】 1. 遵循任务型教学模式,创设语言交际环境,通过课堂教学,让学生用英语完成各项任务,培养学生运用英语的能力。2. 倡导积极,互动,探究合作式的学习方式。【教材分析】本单元以“Is this your pencil?”为中心话题,运用Is this/ that your/his/her ? 询问“某人的所有物”。本课是单元的起始阶段,通过Section A 的学习,学生能够掌握本单元有关“物品”的基本词汇和目标语。【学情分析】通过第一单元的学习,学生之间逐渐熟悉起来,能够友好的交流,彼此成为朋友。他们也比较熟悉任务型的教学模式,对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,乐于参与、合作和交流。但他们还需在老师的正确引导下,养成良好的学习习惯,提高英语语言水平。【Teaching Objectives】1. Knowledge objectives(1) Students will be able to learn the following words :this, that , pen, pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary(2)Students will be able to learn the following target language:Is this /that your/his/her ? Yes, it is. /No,it isnt.2. Ability objectivesStudents will be able to use the patterns “Is this/that your/his/her”to identify ownership. Train their listening skills.1. Emotional objectivesAfter learning the lesson, students will know how to identify ownership and cultivate good behavior.2. Learning strategiesHelp students to know all kinds of school things and expand their words. Help students to identify ownership in pairwork.【Important points】Learn some new words: this, that , pen, pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack ,pencil sharpener, dictionaryLearn some new patterns:Is this /that your/his/her ? Yes, it is. /No,it isnt.【Difficult points】Learn some new patterns:Is this /that your/his/her ? 【Teaching tools】 PPT; a recorder; a box、ruler、pen、pencil、eraser、pencil case、pencil sharpener【Teaching methods】 Task-based language teaching; Cooperative Group Learning; Situation teaching method; Concept map【Teaching program】 教学步骤教师指导学生活动Warming up1. Listen to an English song “If you are happy”2. Greetings【设计思路】通过欣赏歌曲,并鼓动学生随音乐做动作,使课堂热起来。互相问好,可以加深师生之间的感情。为引出本课做好准备。ListenGreetPre-task1. Present some new wordsShow some pictures on the big screen. Students will look at the pictures and read the words after the teacher.Then read the words together.2. Play a word game Show some school things quickly on the big screen and students will remember them.3. Finish 1a Students will match the words with the things in the picture.Then check the answers.【设计思路】利用多媒体教学,使得教学过程直观、生动。以做游戏的方式,巩固教学成果,也更大地激发了学生的学习兴趣。Look, read and learnStudents remember the things and say out the words.MatchCheckWhile-task1.Present new sentencesThe teacher holds a students pen in the hand and ask him“ Is this your pen?”He will answer “Yes, it is.”Then ask another student and she will answer “No, it isnt.”Students will practice the conversations in pairs.Then act out the conversations.2.Finish 1bPlay the tape for students to listen and number the conversations1-3.Check the answers.【设计思路】利用学习用品,设置情景教学,使得教学过程自然、形象。进行听力练习,巩固所学句型。Listen and answerWork in pairsListenCheckPost-task1.Play a game Put some students things in the box .Students will take out these things and make their own conversations.2.SummaryStudents will sum up what they have learned today.3.Do some exercises.【设计思路】通过做游戏的方式来提高学生学习的积极性,巩固学习成果。为学生总结本课所学知识作了铺垫。Ask and answerSumWriteHomeworkRead and recite the words and conversations.Preview the next lesson.【设计思路】让学生复习好本课内容,进而预习下节课所学知识。Read, recite and preview板书设计Unit2 Is this your pencil? SectionAIs this/that your/his/her?Yes, it is. Its my/his/her No, it isnt. Its his/her/myeraser pen pencil pencil case school things dictionary ruler book pencil sharpener 教学反思1.本节课我利用多媒体教学,采用任务性的教学模式。以学生为主体地位,运用自主学习和小组合作的学习方式,培养学生良好的学习习惯和创新精神。2.本节课我所设计的教学活动非常贴近学生生活,能调动起学生的学习积极性。尤其是猜学生物品这个游戏环节,更是能达到本节课的高潮。我把课内的语言学习和生活的语言活动结合起来,创造性地完成教学任务。3.我一定要让我的学生在我的英语课堂上,积极地探索着,快乐地学习着!教学点评 .
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