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汇报人:时间:表达流行病的英语情景学习表达流行病的英语情景学习 医学英语一 Prescription pain killer deaths have skyrocketed in women. 处方止痛药死亡案例在女性中数量飙升。 In 2010, more than 6,600 women died from prescription pain killers, 4 times as many as died from cocaine and heroin combined. 2010年,6600多名女性因处方止痛药死亡,这个数量是可卡因和海洛因致死量的4倍。 Prescription opiate overdose is a growing and under recognized risk for women in the United States. 美国女性过量使用处方麻醉剂的现象越来越多,它的风险也是众所周知。 Health care providers, policy makers, and people in our communities can work together so patients who need prescription medicines can get them safely and use them appropriately. 医疗服务人员、决策者和社区人民需要共同努力,让病人通过安全渠道获得处方药并正确使用。 Stopping this epidemic in women and men is everybodys business. 阻止这种流行病事关每个人。 Doctors need to be cautious about prescribing and patients about using these drugs. 医生开处方药时需要谨慎,病人用药时也要谨慎。 Together we can turn this epidemic around. 一起努力,我们就能阻止这种流行病。 医学英语二 In the U.S., many young children go to day-care centers and preschools; these environments put them at higher risk for influenza. 在美国,很多儿童都会去托儿所或幼儿园;这样的环境让他们更容易得流感。 Children under 5 can have serious complications from the flu, including hospitalization and even death. 5岁以下的儿童会因为流感出现严重的并发症,包括住院治疗甚至死亡。 While an annual flu vaccine is recommended for all children 6 months and older, fewer than 70% get vaccinated each year. 虽然6个月及以上的儿童都被建议每年注射流感疫苗,但只有不到70%的儿童接受了。 An annual influenza vaccination is the most effective way to avoid this potentially dangerous illness. 年度流感疫苗是预防这种危险疾病最有效的办法。 Its safe and kids should get it each year, as soon as its available. 它很安全,只要条件允许,孩子应该每年接种。 Talk to your childs health provider about getting a flu vaccine. 跟孩子的医疗人员谈谈,接种流感疫苗。最好的资料给最好的您
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