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战略合作伙伴权益回报方案 Strategic Partnership Return on Equity Proposal,MYTH ICONIC MUSIC FESTIVAL,4月8-9日 上海迪士尼度假区 全主题大型电子音乐节,MYTHUNCHAINED 唤醒体内的欲望,解放内心的枷锁,一起从MYTH出发,感受肾上腺素的狂飙,和Raver们一起触摸空气里震撼的音乐,前往心中的理想国,找寻自我的奥义,共同进入“妙世界”,Intro 序,Background 项目背景,Overview 项目概述,Strength 项目优势,Cooperation Mode 合作权益,CONTENTS 目录,Background 项目背景,摩登天空18年集成,在中国音乐领域建立了独有的,业务板块相互联动的生态系统,而这套成熟模式及经验,将运用在打造电音帝国的全新版图 草莓,作为中国最大的音乐节已在中国多个城市运营多年,在专业性和品牌打造上更为成熟,摩登天空全力打造,全新战略性电子音乐节品牌 Presented by Modern Sky in 2016, a brand new strategic electronic music festival brand MYTH Electronic Music Festival“妙”电音节,让中国的年轻人体验比肩国际一线的电音节盛世,探索最潮流的电音派对文化,Enable China Youth To Experience World-class Electronic Music Carnivals Discover The Trendiest Electronic Music Party Culture,MYTH TERRIFIC POWER,中国最具潜力的潮流派对文化 IP,全新数字社交平台 汇聚最潮电音派对达人 分享时下最新音乐、派对以及潮流信息,MYTH妙户外电音节 引入国际多元电子音乐风格 嫁接中国电子音乐发展 带来真正的国际一线电音节体验,MYTH 小型城市派对 发展中国潮流电音派对文化 将MYTH品牌魅力延伸至更多城市 增强各地乐迷粘性,打通线上线下通路,收罗全球最具潜力DJ 和 电音舞者 发展国际化的电子音乐人 力捧中国鬼才 打造电音金曲,PEOPLE FOCUS,EXPERIENCE FOCUS,MYTH outdoors electronic music festival Bringing diversified electronic music genres from all the globe Fitting in Chinese electronic music development and beyond Creating a real world-class electronic music experience,MYTH small urban parties Developing the trend of Chinese electronic music party culture Expanding MYTH brand charm to more cities Enhancing fans stickiness and combing online and offline channels,New digital social platform Gathering the most fancy electronic music party animals Sharing the latest music, parties and trendy information,Covering the worlds most potential DJ and dancers Developing international electronic musicians Developing Chinas electronic music experts Creating electronic music hits,Chinas most potential trendy party culture IP,电音迷,音乐、艺术、传媒等领域电音爱好者 Professionals,神格系“妙人,85-95后富二代/官二代/网红/意见领袖 Officer Second Generation/ Rich Second Generation / Online Celebrity/KOL,学生,大学生留学生 Undergraduates/International students,新中产人群,白领、外国人、各行业顶尖人群 White-Collars/Foreigners/ Top People of Various Industries,Target Consumer 目标消费人群,Electronic Fans,Students,New Middle Class,People with Gods Character,3大舞台,1个主题6大篇章,50+ DJs,20,000+ 乐迷,1,000万在线直播观众,3Stages,1Theme 6Chapters,20,000+ Fans,10 Million+ streaming audience online,世界顶级DJ 震撼现场,荷兰舞美制作品牌Unit为MYTH“量身”定制主、副舞台,其创始人Daniel Alexander Omen曾担任国际知名制作品牌ID&T创意总监,并多年参与制作世界最大电音节Tomorrowland 和闻名全球的阿姆斯特丹白色派对Sensation,The Dutch famous stage design organizationUnit has specially customized main stage and second stage for MYTH Festival. Its founder Daniel Alexander Omen used to be the creative director of the world-known production brand ID&T, and for many years has been involved in the production of well-known Belgian electronic music festival Tomorrowland, and the world famous Amsterdam white party Sensation,土豪时代已逐渐消失。中国新一代年轻人,不仅有丰厚的经济实力,还拥有敏锐的音乐嗅觉,更对派对文化有独到的判断和欣赏能力。 China wealthy has moved to the next era, the rich generation 2 become the core of strong consumption group, we call them China new nobility. They are now rising to the focus of young multitudes attention. The group of target audiences have strong insights of music, plus distinctive abilities of evaluation and appreciation. 审美、品味、个性、不拘一格的音乐体验 是他们的衡量标准 With great aesthetics and taste on music and fashion, an inimitable and unique music experience is the only criterion for these key opinion leaders. MYTH name them“妙人,与美国著名公务机公司湾流宇航公司展开合作,顶级新贵阶层网红妙人乘坐私人飞机空降音乐节现场,全程使用社交软件进行直播,引爆话题,形成连锁社交效应,吸引大众关注并参与MYTH妙潮流电音节。 Collaborate with famous American executive Gulfstream Aerospace company, top newly rich and KOL take the private jet airborne landing on the music festival site, fully using social app to live stream the whole event, making it the most popular topic, form the social buzz, attract the public attention and participate in the MYTH iconic music festival,万妮达 著名嘻哈说唱歌手,M3 著名DJ,周扬青 网络红人、品牌主理人,季明Gming 潮流主理人,王幼宣幼乖 网络红人,张雨乔Babijisa 主持、平面模特,召集行业顶尖KOL,组成“妙人Team”,神秘现身MYTH妙潮流音乐节,拍照上传各大社交平台,引领妙人生活娱乐方式的同时,随身露出品牌植入产品,为品牌达到最佳宣传效果,施欣杰,香蕉计划执行董事,Xinjie Shi,Executive Director of Banana Project,王啸坤 独立音乐人,老狼 知名歌手、音乐人,张玮 知名歌手、选秀红人,金韩一 韩国籍歌手、演员,绝对伏特加 世界知名伏特加酒品牌,Wang Xiaokun Independent musician,Lao Lang Famous singer/musician,Zhang Wei Famous singer/Talent show star,Jin Hanyi Korean singer/actor,ABSOLUT. World famous vodka brand,摩登天空“正在现场”全程独家直播首届MYTH妙电音节,两日总观看量超过1000万。目前,“正在现场”正致力于围绕 MYTH品牌,打造线上电音派对文化 社区,进一步联动 MYTH 线下布局。 “Modern Sky Now” live streamed the first MYTH Electronic Music Festival , living up to over 10 million views for 2 days event. At present, “ Modern Sky Now” is currently working on building online electronic music party culture community for further collaboration with MYTH offline layout,电音节/派对直播,DJ音乐推荐,派对信息分享,围绕电音派对文化的电子商务,汇聚最潮的派对达人,直播最IN生活方式,Electronic music festival/party live,DJ/music recommendation Party information sharing,Electronic music party culture oriented E-business,Gathering the most trendy party animals,streaming the best lifestyle,An Electronic Music ParadiseThousands of Party AnimalsShanghais Biggest Outdoor Wet Party Ev
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