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关于狗的英语演讲稿下面是我为大家整理的关于狗的英语演讲稿,仅供大家进行参考。Hello everybody, I am pleased to stand here and start my speech. I like dogs. No matter what kind of dog. Dogs are a very insecure animals.Even if you walk alone in the dark, as long as there is nothing to fear, accompanied by dogs. Anyone who does not want to be protected it? Our family has a lot of dogs, they are well behaved, a good listener, always nice to sleep, eat. To not re-open defecation. They are sensible. High school to go home every day after school, they are always waiting for me at the stairs.Im always chasing its tail at the sight. Dogs are a very friendly animal. They always know what you need, but lonely and helpless when they will entertain themselves out from the stay with you.They would take advantage of your hand, will be spoiled. Issued very cute voice. I like dogs. No matter what kind dog .翻译:大家好,我很高兴站在这里,开始我的演讲。我喜欢狗。无论什么样的狗。狗是一种非常不安全的动物。即使你独自一人在黑暗中行走,只要没有什么可以害怕的,伴着狗。任何不想被保护的人吗?我们的家庭有很多的狗,他们是很好的行为,一个很好的听众,总是很好的睡眠,吃。不重新开放排便。他们是明智的。高中每天放学回家后,他们总是在楼梯上等我。我总是在视线中追逐它的尾巴。狗是一种非常友好的动物。他们总是知道你需要什么,但孤独无助的时候,他们会从你的陪伴下离开。他们会利用你的手,会被宠坏的。发出非常可爱的声音。我喜欢狗。无论什么样的狗。 3 / 3
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