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Unit3 Is this your pencil? (第2课时,Fun time,译林版小学英语三年级下册,pencil case,schoolbag,ruler,rubber,pen,crayon,pencil,Can you read,Can you read,Is this a ,Guess,Is that a ,Guess,仔细看图,回忆他们都说了什么,Is this your pencil,No, it isnt,Is that your pencil,No, it isnt,Oh, thats my pencil,This isnt my pencil,Is that a pencil,Yes, it is. Its a pencil,This isnt my pencil,Is this your pencil,No, it isnt,Is that your pencil?,No,it isnt,Oh, thats my pencil,Is that a pencil,Yes, it is. Its a pencil,Play a game,Step 1 Close your eyes,Step 2 Put one stationery in the basket,Step 3Guess,Liu Tao, is this your pencil,老师在教室里捡到不少文具,却不知道是谁的,需要请你来帮忙寻找失主。你能编一个小对话吗,参考句型: Hello. / Hi. Look at the. How nice!/ Its great. Is this/ that your? Yes, it is. / No,it isnt. Here you are(给你). Thank you,Dont forget this or that. Please take care of your things. 不要丢三落四,请看管好你的东西,1.当我们想询问这个物品是不是对方的,应该说,2. 如果物品是自己的应该回答,Yes, it is,3. 如果物品不是自己的应该回答,No, it isnt,Is this your .,Summary,选做作业:和爸爸妈妈一起玩失物招领游戏,必做作业: 1. 听Unit 3录音,并拼读本单元的单词。 2. 完成本课时检测作业,Homework
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