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Lesson 9,Translation : Business Contracts (II,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,1,Comment on Homework,Insurance should be covered by the buyer against All Risks. 买方应投保一切险。 The date of receipt issued by transportation department concerned shall be regarded as the delivery of goods. 由承运机构所开具收据的日期即被视为交货日期。 The contract is concluded in case of acceptance of the offer. 要约一旦承诺,合同即行成立,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,2,Such consequences would normally be that the contract is declared null and void. 此类后果往往是合同被宣布无效。 Any modification or alternation of the contract should be based on the agreement of both parties. 任何对本合同的修改或变更都应该双方同意,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,3,Party A shall deliver the goods to Party B on July 28, 2012. 甲方应于2009年7月28日将该货物交给乙方。 Party A shall deliver the goods to Party B by July 28, 2012. 甲方应于2009年7月28日(含28日)前将该货物交给乙方。 Party A shall deliver the goods to Party B before July 28, 2012. 甲方应于2009年7月28日前将该货物交给乙方,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,4,Total value: US$5200000.00 (Say: US Dollars Five Million Two Hundred Thousand only) 总价:5200000.00美元(大写:伍佰贰拾万美元整) The increase of investment was one and a half times or from one million U.S.D. to one and a half million U.S.D. 投资金额增加了0.5倍,即从原来的100万美元增加到现在的150万美元,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,5,If the period for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software exceeds 6 (six) months, the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. In such case, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which the Licensee has already paid plus interest at the rate of 12% per annual thereon. 如迟交技术资料和软件超过六个月,引进方将有权终止合同。在这种情况下,让与人必须将引进方已交付的全部金额加上年利率为12%的利息,一起退还给引进方,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,6,The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder complying with the conditions and specifications of the invitation for bids provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the United Nations Population Fund Activities (UNFPA) to accept it. 采购合同将被授予按照本投标邀请函的条件和规定做出响应且标价最低的投标人。但是规定,该投标人的标价是合理的,且符合联合国人口基金会的利益,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,7,If any record subject to inspection pursuant to this chapter is not maintained in written form, a request for inspection is not complied with unless and until the corporation at its expense makes such record available in written form. 凡属于本章规定检查范围内的任何档案,如无书面形式,则不予接受检查要求,除非公司自费将此档案制成书面形式,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,8,The seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. 凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,9,The Credit could cover 85% of the local expenses if they are made under the responsibility of the British Contractor and within the limit of the down payments paid on the Contract, i.e., 15% as a maximum. 此项贷款可支付当地费用的85%。但此项费用必须由英国承包商直接支付,并须在合同预付款的幅度内,即最高不得超过合同金额的15,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,10,The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity, quality and descriptions required by the contract and which are contained or packed in the manner required by the contract. 卖方交付的货物必须与合同所规定的数、质量和规格一致,并按照合同所规定的方式装箱或包装,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,11,In accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, A Company (China) and B Company (the UK), in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly set up cooperative venture in Guangzhou, Guangdong, the Peoples Republic China. 中国A公司和英国B公司,根据中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法及其他有关法律、法规规定,本着平等互利的原则,通过友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国广州省广州市,共同合作经营企业,特订立本合同,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,12,In the event the Buyer does not furnish the Seller with shipping instructions on or before August 1, 2012, the Seller may at his option cancel this contract and demand the Buyer to pay any damages he has sustained on account of such failure of the Buyer to give such instructions. 如买方在2010年8月1日或在此之前未向卖方发出装运须知,则卖方可自行取消本合同,并要求买方赔偿因未发出装运须知而使其蒙受的一切损失,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,13,Chapter 3 Price and Payment (For payment on the lump-sum basis) 第三章 价格与支付 (一次性支付) 第三章 价格和付款 (需一次性付清货款) 第三章 价格和支付 (适用于一次总支付,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,14,3.1 In consideration of full and proper performance of its contractual obligations by licensor, Licensee agrees to pay Licensor the total contract price amounting to _ (say_only) in _(currency) by telegraphic transfer (T/T) through Licensees Bank to Licensors Bank. The breakdown price is as follows 鉴于出让方全面并适当地履行其合同义务,受让方同意向出让方支付合同总价,并将该款项由受让方银行电汇到出让方银行。价格细目表如下 由于出让方正确履行合同对其规定的所有义务,所以,受让方同意全额支付合同规定的款项,共计,该款项将由受让方通过通过电汇方式从受让方银行转帐入出让方银行账户。价格细目表如下所示: 3.1 考虑到许可方全面且适当履行其合同义务,被许可方同意向许可方支付合同总价为_(币种)_(大写:_整),该款项以电汇方式通过被许可方银行转至许可方银行。具体分项如下,lesson-9-商务合同翻译-译例,15,3.5. Licensee shall have the right to deduct from any payment the withholding taxes, liquidated damages, and/ or compensations, if any, which Licensor shall pay under Contract. 3.5执证方应该有权扣除任何付款中的预提税、违约赔偿金、补偿金等任何按照合同规定许可方应该支付的资金。 3.5. 按照合同规定,出让方应该向受让方支付相关款项,受让方将有权从中扣除预提税、违约金、和/或赔偿金。 3.5被许可方有权从所要支付的任何款项中扣除代扣所得税、违约赔偿金与/或可能的赔
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