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四年级上册Unit 5 Lesson28教学设计 一、教学目标 1.你将知道:(1)shorts, shirt和jeans的正确读音及词义。(2)shorts和shirt在四线格中的规范书写。(3)用Can I help you?询问对方是否需要帮助。用Can we look at.来表达自己想看的意愿。用Here you are.来表达“给你”。2.你将理解: 礼貌用语的重要性。3.你将能够: 在真实的语境中,用英语进行购物,使用礼貌用语表达对衣物的喜好 及想看的意愿,并用礼貌用语来回答。2、 教学重难点在真实的语境中,用英语进行购物,使用礼貌用语表达对衣物的喜好 及想看的意愿,并用礼貌用语来回答。三、教学过程Lesson 28脚本 【教师现场】Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to my English class! Nice to see you again! Im Miss Zhao, from Huachen School of Beichen District. Today, we are going to learn Unit 5. I like those shoes. Lesson 28. 【PPT 2】同学们,我们先来看一看今天这节课的学习目标吧!【PPT 3】Part 1 情境导入Leading in【PPT 4】Are you ready? Lets sing! (歌曲)【PPT 5】Today is Childrens Day. There is a magic show for children. It is about clothes. Lets see!【PPT 6】How many clothes are there in the show? There are five. They are a shirt, a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, a pair of gloves and a cap.【PPT7】Part 2 新课呈现 Presentation【PPT 8】Today is Childrens Day. Peters mother gives him a gift.【PPT 9】Guess! Whats in the box? Oh, look! Its a shirt. Read after me: shirt shirt. Can you spell it with me? s-h-i-r-t shirt.【PPT 10】Peter and his dad are talking about the new shirt. “Can I look at the shirt, please?” “Here you are.” “Wow, its really nice!” “Thank you.”【PPT 11】Look, Peters grandma gives him a gift. 【PPT 12】Guess! Whats in the box? Oh, they are jeans. Read after me: jeans jeans.【PPT 13】Peter and his dad are talking about the new jeans. “Can I look at the jeans, please?” “Here you are.” “Wow, theyre really great!” “Thank you.”【PPT 14】Peters dad wants to buy a gift for him.【PPT 15】They go to the clothes shop.【PPT 16】What does Peter want to buy? Lets watch! 【PPT 17】一看视频【PPT 18】Boys and girls, Can you answer my question? Yes! He wants to buy a pair of blue shorts.【PPT 19】Look, shorts. The blue shorts. Read after me: shorts shorts. Can you spell it with me? s-h-o-r-t-s shorts.【PPT 20】Peter wants to buy the blue shorts, why? Lets watch again!【PPT 21】二看视频【PPT 22】Peter wants to buy the blue shorts, why? Wonderful. Because theyre really cool!【PPT 23】Look at the blue jeans. They are really cool.Look at the green cap. Its really cool.【PPT 24】同学们,cool 可以表示“天气凉爽”, 例如 Today is cool. cool 可以形容“人或物很酷”, 例如 He looks very cool.【PPT 25】Have you got it? Lets chant! Its cool today.Its cool today.Put on the jeans.Theyre really cool!【PPT 26】What do Peter and his dad say? Lets watch and think!【PPT 27】三看视频【PPT 28】What do Peter and his dad say? Yes! They say: Can we look at the blue shorts, please?【PPT 29】Can we look at the blue shorts, please? Here you are.【PPT 30】Very nice! Then Peter and his dad look at other clothes.【PPT 31】Can we look at the brown jacket, please? Here you are.【PPT 32】Can we look at the blue sweater, please? Here you are.【PPT 33】Can we look at the red T-shirt, please? Here you are.【PPT 34】At last, Peters dad buys a pair of blue shorts for him. Peter is very happy.【PPT 35】Are you happy? Lets read the dialogue! (一读)【PPT 36】This time, I will be the saleswoman, you will be Peter and dad.(二读)The last time, I will be Peter and dad. you will be the saleswoman. (三读)Excellent! 【PPT 37】Part 3反馈与评价【PPT 38】Next, Lets fill in the blanks!(空)Dad, look at the blue shorts. Theyre really cool!Can I help you?(空)Can we look at the blue shorts, please? (空)Here you are. Thanks.【PPT 39】Good job! Do you like games? Lets play! 同学们,请你拿出你的单词卡片,和老师一起来玩吧! Can I look at the orange vest and the red skirt?Here you are.【PPT 40】Can I look at the blue jeans and the green shorts?Here you are.【PPT 41】Excellent! Please go on! Lets choose!1. Choose B What are they? They are jeans.2. Choose A Look at this vest. It is really cool3. Choose BWhere are my blue jeans? Here they are!4. Choose B Its my vest. 【PPT 42】Now youve got it. Lets match!1. Can we look at the blue jeans? Here you are.2. Whats this? Its a shirt.3. What colour is it? Its yellow.4. What are they? Theyre shorts.【PPT 43】Good job! Lets finish the dialogue! Can I help you? (Choose C.) Can I look at the green skirt? (Choose D.) Here you are. Thank you. (Choose A.) Can I try it on? Sure! Take off your old skirt and put on this new one.(Choose B.) I like it very much.【PPT 43】Great! Lets make up a new dialogue! Lets go shopping!【PPT 44-45】For example!Peter, look at the blue sweater.Wow, cool!Can I help you?Can we look at the blue sweater?Here you are.Thank you. Can I try it on?Sure! Wow, nice!【PPT 46】Boys and girls, as we all know, Being polite is a good tradition in our country. Nobody likes a person who is impolite. We should be a polite student. We should often say “please”, “thank you”, “sorry” and so on. If everyone is polite to others, the
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