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Unit3 What Will You Do This Summer,冀教版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Lesson 16 Li Mings Summer Holiday,part1 视频,2. Lets play,1. What will Li Ming do this summer,3. Lets do it,part2 视频,Warm-up/Revision,Lets chant,Oh, summers coming, coming soon. When school is done, what will you do? In summer, summer, summertime, Summer, summer, summer. Oh, Ill swim in the ocean blue. Will you swim, too? Will you swim, too? In summer, summer, summertime, Summer, summer, summer,He will visit his grandfather. 他将去拜访我的爷爷,visit (动词)拜访;参观,Presentation,搭配】 visit sb. 拜访某人,1. What will Li Ming do this summer,What will you do for the summer holiday, Li Ming,On June 25, I will fly home. I will be in China for the summer holiday,I will say hello to my mother and father,I will meet my friends.I will play ping-pong with them.,I will visit my aunt and uncle. I will play with my cousin, Jing,点击“Part 1”,跟我一起读吧,视 频,Part 1,1. How will Li Ming go home,Read and answer,2. What will Li Ming do this summer,2. Lets play,Group work. Choose and guess,点击“Part 2”,跟我一起读吧,视 频,Part 2,3. Lets do it,Read Part 1 and write the answer,Li Ming will fly home,He will say hello to his mother and father,He will visit his aunt and uncle,He will play with his cousin , Jing,He will meet his friends,重点句型,but I will feel happy to see China again. 但我会为又见到中国而感到高兴,详解】 这是表达某人感受的句型,意思是“某人做某事感到,句型结构:主语 + will feel + 表示感情的形容词 + to + 动词原形 + 其他,Test,单项选择。 ()1. June twenty-fifth, I will go home. A. OnB. InC. At ()2.We will call you the phone. A. on B. in C. at ()3.Its time to go. I have to say to you. A. hello B. goodbye C. / ()4.I will miss Canada, I will feel happy to see China again. A. andB. but C. then ()5.I will play ping-pong my friends. A. andB. with C. for ()6.I will my friends in the summer holiday. A. meetB. meetsC. meeting ()7.She often climbing on Sundays. A. goB. goes C. went,A,A,B,A,B,A,B,Sum-up,重点词汇,visit 拜访;参观,重点句型,Travelling Plan,Homework,Thank you
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