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状语从句的几点重要补充综述副词从句作状语,往往修饰的是谓语动词或者整个句子,因此不像定语从句或名词从句一样与某一个部分纠结在一起。它往往与主句相对,与主句界限分明。位于句首时,状语从句还常以逗号与主句分开。Ive brought my umbrella in case it rains.Ive brought my umbrella because it is raining.Ive brought my umbrella so that I dont get wet.Ive brought my umbrella even though its not raining.You dont need an umbrella unless it is raining.副词从句的从属连词标志从句的存在,表示从句与主句之间的逻辑关系;从属连词不是从句的组成成分,后跟一个结构完整的句子。所以对于副词从句,关键是要找到从属连词,判断其表示与主句属于何种关系。1.1 原因状语从句as, for引导的主从句,重要性相对平等;because从句则显得比主句重要,强调原因;since则从句次于主句,重在说明将要做什么事。1.2 地点状语从句通常由where引导例1 Stay where you are.例2 After you are finished with the book, put it where it was.例3 A driver should slow down where there are schools.例4 The tree of this kind grows favorably where it is wet.1.3 时间状语从句1.3.1*表“将来”的情态动词往往是用于基于一定条件的推测,而不用于表示作为前提的时间或条件等。1.3.2 When: 某一时刻例1 Ill speak to him when he arrives.例2 Ill tell him about it when he comes back.例3 When I arrived, he was talking on the phone.例4 When I got there, he had already left.有时也可接延续动词,如:The doorbell rang when I was telephoning.*When有时不作“当时候”讲,而是相当于“,这时”,这是需要特别注意的用法。考题I was walking along the road _ suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind. (CET-4)a.immediately b.when* c.the moment d.while1.4 目的状语从句考题_ Measure matter we must have units of weight, volume and length.a.In order b.In order to* c.So as d.So as to1.4.1 *so as to不可用于句首。因为so本意为“如此”,只有先说了些什么,才谈得上“如此”“怎样”。1.4.2 Lest, for fear(that), in case: 以免、以防,深怕例1 Take an umbrella with you lest it should rain.例2 People evacuated the building for fear that the wall should collapse.例3 She cleans the window with great care lest she might break the window.例4 We had a meeting and talked the matter over face to face, for fear that there should be any misunderstanding.1.4.3 Such that相当于so + 形容词例1 His anger was such that he lost control of himself.例2 He anger was so explosive that he lost control of himself.例3 The weather is such that we can only stay in air-conditioned places.例4The weather is so hot that we can only stay in air-conditioned places.考题the performance was such _ the audience was deeply moved. a.as b.that* c.so d.so that1.4.4 *省略式为so/suchas to, such as to例1 He was such a fool as to believe him.例2 He was so foolish as to believe him.例3 Her voice was such as to make everyone stare.例4 so bad as to make everyone stare. so loud as to make everyone stare.考题1 His story is _ to arouse our sympathy.a.such as* b.so sad c.too sad d.so sad as2 The windows are _ small as not to admit much light at all.a.very b.as c.too d.so*3 Would you be _ do me a favor, please? (CET-4)a.so kind to b.kind as to c.as kind to d.so kind as to*注意: 状语从句说起来是最简单的一类,主要是它往往是一个连接词加上一个完整的句子,这个连接词在句子中不作成分,意义也确定。整个从句往往跟主句分开,没有什么结构上的瓜葛。 但在某种程序上,状语从句又是最复杂的,那就是它的那个连接词。通常如果在状语从句上有什么问题,就是连接词没有搞清楚。说起原因,就认because, 说起条件,只记得if, 导致阴沟里翻船。所以务必全方位出击连接词,也就是状语从句的引导词,避免冤死在这类弱智从句上。1.5 让步状语从句though, although注意: 当有though, although时,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用Although its raining, they are still working in the field.虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。He is very old, but he still works very hard.虽然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain.伤口虽愈合,但伤疤留下了。(谚语)as, though 引导的倒装句 as / though引导的让步从句必须表语或状语提前(形容词、副词、分词、实义动词提前)。Child as /though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.= Though he was a small child, he knew what was the right thing to do.注意: a.句首名词不能带任何冠词。b.句首是实义动词,其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前。 Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. = Though he tries hard, he never seems虽然他尽了努力,但他的工作总做的不尽人意。注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。(错)No matter what you say is of no use now.(对)Whatever you say is of no use now.你现在说什么也没用了。(Whatever you say是主语从句)1.6 特殊从属连词辨别词类1.6.1名词型从属连词。看起来只是一个名词,但可以引导从句,主要见于时间状语从句,如 the moment。Every time I listen to music Ill think of it. He didnt tell me anything the last time I saw him.He flinched each time she spoke to him. The moment/instant I saw him I knew that there was no hope.1.6.2副词型从属连词,如directly等。1.6.3分词性从属连词,如supposing (that)等。Supposing (that) it rains, can we play the match indoors?Providing (that) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.Given that theyre inexperienced, theyve done a good job.*少数几个词,不再如现在分词一样理解,留心即可。1.6.4 that型从属连词,如in that, now that等Now that we have decorated the house, we can move in.Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.*这些一些相对固定的组合,表示特定的逻辑关系,与名词从句和定语从句区分开来。I am going whether it is raining or not.Ill go, whether you come with me or stay at home.*与名词从句分开。除了此处不作主语宾语,作状语往往与主句有逗号隔开或在句末,而且or not不能少。1.7 省略当从句的主语与主句的主语相同或为it,且从句谓语中含有be动词时,有时可将从句的主语和be动词省去。这种省略见于一些时间、地点、条件及让步状语从句中。Metals expand when (they are) heated and contract (they are) cooled.When (he wa
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