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精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 2015届高考英语二轮专题训练 书面表达6广东省惠州市2015届高三第一次调研考试 英语【题文】基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分) 为了提高公众的安全意识和道德意识,一英文报纸举行以“中国式过马路”为主题的征稿比赛。【写作内容】请你根据表格里的内容写一篇英语短文。现象过马路时,行人组队闯红灯,在中国引起了广泛关注;危害闯红灯非常危险,导致更多的交通阻塞和事故;主要原因1. 一些人总是匆忙,他们忽略交通信号灯以节约时间;2. 另外一些人缺乏安全意识,认为司机不得不停下来,因为许多人一起过马路。解决措施1. 应该修建更多的天桥来方便行人过马路;2. 应该教育人们遵守交通规则,对违反交通规则的行人给予严重的惩罚。 行人 pedestrian 中国式过马路 Chinese style of crossing road 天桥 overpass【写作要求】只能用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。【答案】基础写作:(One possible version)Nowadays, its common in China that some pedestrians tend to run the red light in groups when crossing the street, which has raised widespread concern. Actually, running the red light, also called Chinese style of crossing road, is quite dangerous for it may lead to more traffic jams and accidents. There are two main reasons behind the phenomenon, one of which is that some people are in such a hurry that they ignore the traffic light to save time. Others take it for granted that drivers have to stop because so many people cross the street together, thinking little of safety. In order to prevent this dangerous behavior, more overpasses should be built to make it easier for pedestrians to cross the street. Besides, the public should be educated to follow the traffic rules and whoever breaks the traffic rules should be severely punished.宁夏银川一中2014届高三第四次模拟考试 英语【题文】书面表达(满分25分)假如你是红星中学高二(1)班李华,下面四幅图描述了近期你看到骑公共自行车“绿色出行”的宣传后所采取的行动。请根据图片的先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文。转乘地铁_【答案】作文范文 Being driven by my father to school one day, I suddenly noticed many public bicycles parked along the road in my neighborhood. Behind them on the wall was a sign reading “Green Travel”. Feeling it my duty to do something, I told my father that I would give up his car and rent a bike instead. Back home that day, I searched the Internet for information about how and where to rent a bike. I found out that there was a rental service nearby, where I could apply for a rental card. The next day I headed toward it immediately after school. To be honest, I was a bit surprised to find quite a few people lining up there for the cards. I joined them and finally got one. The next day I first rode a bike to the subway station and then took the subway to school. The bicycle seat is not as comfortable as a car seat, but I feel proud that I am doing something for the environment.江苏省南京市2014届高三考前冲刺训练(南京市教研室) 英语【题文】书面表达阅读下面的短文,按照要求写一篇英语短文。BEIJING, August 19 Shanghai will launch a pilot textbook recycling scheme in secondary schools from this fall semester to reduce textbook paper consumption, the Shanghai Education Commission revealed yesterday.The first batch of textbooks to be recycled or reused will be middle school music material. Books on other subjects such as art, physical education and even major subjects like Chinese, math and English, will be included gradually.The schools taking part in the program will have to purchase new textbooks about every five years and distribute them for students use during class sessions. But the books will have to be collected and kept on campus after class, rather than allowing students to take them back home, so that they could be passed on to the next batch of students.Possessing ones own brand-new textbooks has been a routine for local elementary school students for decades. The practice, however, leads to huge paper consumption, officials said.For instance, there are nearly 2 million elementary school students in the city, with an estimated 4,000 tons of paper needed each year. Had these books been reused for five years, more than 80,000 trees could have been saved.In western countries, such as Australia and America began this practice years ago, which set a good example to other countries, esp. developing ones. (Edited from Shanghai Daily)要求:1. 写作内容:Is recycling tex
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