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精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 2013届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题04 传统文化话题指导实例指导1欢度春节Dear Bob, Im glad to hear from you. You said that you are very interested in Chinese customs, especially the Spring Festival. Several days before it, people are busy shopping and cleaning. On the New Years Eve, the whole family usually get together to have dumplings, set off fireworks, and watch TV programs. On the New Years Day, people always get up early and put on new clothes. Everyone looks happy and says Happy New Year to each other. Children can also get lucky money from their parents and other adults. When you take a walk in the streets, you will be struck by the sight of beautiful decorations. Some doors are decorated with red lanterns. This is something about our Spring Festival. And welcome to our country some day. Best wishes.Yours, Li Ming教师点评:本文覆盖了写作任务中规定的所有内容,所使用的词汇和语法结构基本准确,语言连贯,结构完整,基本达到写作目的。但是仍有个别地方有所欠缺,有待修改和完善。1. 文章没有段落,显得有些缭乱且思路不清。2. 本文大多是单纯的叙述和介绍,缺少作者本人的情感和一些带有人情味的语句,读起来给人感觉颇为生硬。成稿:Dear Bob,Ive received your letter, and Im glad to hear that you are very interested in our traditions, such as the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. Both adults and children look forward to this great day, just like Christmas Day in the West. Several days before it, people are busy shopping and cleaning. The night before, the whole family usually gets together to have dumplings, set off fire-works, and watch TV. On New Years Day, people always get up early and put on new clothes. Everyone looks happy and says Happy new year to each other. I like the Spring Festival because I can get lucky money from my elders. Walking down the street, you will see many beautiful decorations. Many homes are decorated with red lanterns and other things. Isnt the Spring Festival interesting? Im sure that you will love it. I hope you can join us during a Spring Festival. Best wishes. Yours, Li Ming实例指导2美国的节日习俗及文化写作任务:假设你是学校英语爱好者俱乐部的会员,近期此俱乐部即将筹备一场会员聚会,主题是了解美国的节日习俗及文化。你想让会员们了解一下即将到来的美国传统节日土拨鼠节。下面是你在网上查阅到的相关信息:DateFebruary 2ndPlaceCelebrated in America and CanadaOriginBegan in Germany in the 6th century; a traditional Christian festivalMeaningIf the groundhog comes out of its hole and sees its shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter; if it doesnt see its shadow, spring wont be far away.EventsA yearly festival is organized in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in the US. The State was populated mainly by German settlers.5. 本文是供英语爱好者传阅,虽然是说明文,但是带有一定的宣传性质,因此语言力求简洁、明了、活泼,以吸引读者的注意力,让读者能够通过简短的内容获取最多的信息。Ground hog DayGround hog Day is celebrated on February 2nd. It is celebrated in America and Canada. It began in the 6th century in Germany and is an old festival with long history.What does Groundhog Day mean? People say that if the groundhog comes out of its hole and sees its shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If it doesnt see its shadow, spring wont be far away. I think its a very interesting festival.There are a lot of events held on this day and every year a festival is organized in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in the US, a state that was mainly populated by German settlers. 教师点评:本习作内容没有偏离中心,表格中的内容都转化到了习作中,写作过程中也作了适当发挥。但是本文有一个表格写作类作文的通病:没有仔细分析表格,没有更好地组织文章内容,只是将表格内容照搬照抄到文中。另外,初稿的句子衔接不够流畅,句型使用单一。成稿将重点对这两个问题进行修改和完善。成稿:Happy Ground hog DayGroundhog Day is a traditional Christian festival which originated in Germany in the 6th century. Today it is celebrated in America and Canada on February 2nd. How does this festival relate to the groundhog? Here is the story. On this day, it is said if the groundhog comes out of its hole, sees its shadow, and returns to its hole, it means there will be 6 more weeks of winter. But if it doesnt see its shadow and starts the life on the ground, it means spring wont be far away. The groundhog is like a weather forecaster and Groundhog Day is a day to forecast the weather, which shows that the people are eager for spring. A festival is organized in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in the US every year. The State was populated mainly by German settlers, which explains how the festival came to America.亮点提示:1. 第一段将表格中的日期,地点,来源三组信息用复合句流畅地整合到一起。2.How does this festival relate to the groundhog?承上启下,衔接两个自然段,使过渡自然流畅。3. 文章最后一段用一个定语从句将节日活动的举办地同节日的来源衔接起来,前后呼应,表明作者深入地理解了该英文背景信息。 实例指导3介绍中国的传统文化 上面这篇书面表达可以说是考查了两个方面的内容。一是如何给笔友写信,另一个是考查如何介绍中国的传统文化元宵节。因此根据它的特点,我们写作时要注意以下几点: 1书信是人们在日常生活和工作中进行交际的工具,也是高考书面表达中常见的考试文体。由于民族语言和习惯上的差异,英语信件在书写格式及表达方式上与汉语不大一样,有些地方迥然不同。但是近几年我们主要是考查信的正文,因此只要掌握几点就可以了:1)称呼语称呼指的是信文开头的那种称呼,如Dear , Mr, Uncle,各种称呼因人而异。在称呼后面一般是用逗号,但也有用冒号的。本文用Dear 就比较合适,注意要顶格写。 In the daytime, there are performance such as a dragonlantern dance, a landboat dance , walking on stilts and so on. At night , besides magnificent lanterns , fireworks form a beautiful scene.If you have any question about this, please write to me so
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