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河北省2011年普通专科接本科教育考试英语试题答案1-5 A C C B B 6-10 B C D A C 11-15 C A E B G 16-20 A B C A D 21-25 A B A B A 26-30 B C C A B 31-35 A B A D A 36-40 B D C C C 41-45 C B D A A 46-50 D A C A B 51-55 B A C B C 56-60 B D B A C 61-65 B C A D B 66-70 C B B C B 71-75 B C A B B 范文:VI. Writing (20 points)Directions: In this part you are required to write a composition entitled My View on Food Quality in no less than 100 words according to the following Chinese outline. Please remember to write it on the Answer Sheet.1、目前食品质量安全问题日益成为人们关注的焦点。2、分析劣质产品会带来哪些危害;3、你的看法和建议。Despite the decline in the number of cases related to fake foods and foods of poor quality, problems remain serious in the market. Food-born diseases remain responsible for high levels of sickness and mortality in the general population, particularly for at-risk groups, such as infants, young children and the elderly. Thats why the safety of food has increasingly become the focus of our attention. Why are we so concerned about the safety of our food today? Because fake foods or foods of poor quality have already been finding their way into our homes, which may do much farm to our health or even kill us. Secondly, the greater profit made from fake foods or foods of poor quality may tempt more and more manufacturers to take part in the production of them. Thirdly, fake foods or foods of poor quality may also make our Chinese foodstuff industry fall into disrepute, causing them to suffer heavy losses both in economy and politics abroad. In this regard, in order to reduce the incidence and economic consequences of food-born diseases, the supervision of food production should be stepped up. Whats more, it is important to drastically increase penalties on those who neglect food safety statutes. After all, the Food Safety Department in our country should educate consumers about the risks presented in food and the safe food handling behaviors that can help minimize those risks. Nevertheless, it is our own awareness of good life style and hygiene habit that a healthy life relies on.河北省2011年普通专科接本科教育选拔考试英语试题答案及解析I Phonetics (5 points)1. A. cost kRst B. host hEust C. joke dVEuk D. social suFl 答案:A. 解析:本题考查元音字母o在不同单词中的正确读音。字母o在不同单词中可有以下几种读法: 在闭音节中,多读作R, 例如: soft; hot, got, spot, donkey, monkey, mop, solid, forgot等,但在most, host, ghost, soldier等词中读作Eu;在开音节或ld前,读Eu, 例如: gold; hold, sold, cold, poke, hose, rope, telephone, microphone, sole, whole等;在另外一些单词中,读作Q,例如:done, Monday, money, monk等;在非重读音节中,多读作, 例如: Europe, photograph等。 2. A. glass glB:s B. last lB:st C. basic beisik D. task tB:sk答案:C 解析:本题考查元音字母a在不同单词中的正确读音。元音字母a在闭音节单词中,多读作B:或者A和R:, 例如:past, forecast, mask, fast, fat, gather, catch, fact, matter, halt, call, bald, salt, all, altogether等;在开音节的单词中,多读作:ei, 例如: lately, cave, fate, safe, gave, game, name等;在非重读音节中,多读作, 例如: data, fatal, strata, papa, aloud, asleep, alive, apart, afloat等。 3. A. charm tFB:m B. check tFek C. character kArEktE D. chair tFZE答案:C 解析:本题考查字母组合ch在不同单词中的正确读音。字母组合ch在不同的单词中分别可读作tF, F, k, 例如:search, teacher, research, bench, coach, machine, machinery, technical, technique, mechanic, mechanist, Mach等。4. A. confuse kEnfju:z B. brush brQF C. contribute kEntribju:t D. attitude Atitju:d答案:B解析:本题考查元音字母u在不同单词中的正确读音。元音字母u在开音节单词中,多读作ju:或u:,例如:unite, university, unity, unification, uniform, funeral, cute, humor,lucre, lube, lubricate, lubricant等;在闭音节中多读作Q,例如:upset, hut, puppet, nut, summit, shut, subtle, dumb, dust,subject, interrupt, substitute等;偶尔在闭音节中也可读作u, 例如:put, input, output等;在非重读音节中多读作E,例如:datum, stratum, stimulus, lotus, status等。5. A. blow blEu B. allow Elau C. follow fRlEu D. sorrow sRrEu答案:B 解析:本题考查字母组合ow在不同单词中的正确读音。字母组合ow在不同的单词中分别可读作Eu, au, 例如:row (排,划),fellow, below, narrow, shallow, crow, glow, flow, lower, frown, crowd, flower, tower, cow, nowadays, row(吵架), bow, shower, allowance等。II. Situational Dialogues (15 points) Section A6. 答案:B解析:题中学生A说我想知道为什么把我寄出去的信给退回来了,回答自然要说明信件退回来的原因,故B.地址写错了应为正确答案。此题诸选项中A具有一定的迷惑性:需要贴更多邮票,但此前的yes却说明了A不可选为答案,因上句并非一般疑问句。7. 答案:C解析:此题面试主持者问你想申请什么样的工作,应试者当然会直接说出自己的求职意向,因此选C。此题中选项A和D具有一定的误导性,但这两项只说出了自己现在的身份和专长,并没有表明自己的求职意向。要知道现在的身份和专长并不必然意味着自己的未来求职意向,考生决不可以靠想当然去答题。须知,放弃自己的现有职位或跨越自己的专业特长而去新的专业工作领域闯荡的人并不罕见。8. 答案:D解析:此题中对方问及你要茶还是咖啡,回答者只能在这二者中择一,故选D。此题中选项C具有一定的迷惑性,但主语显然与前句的主语you对不上。9. 答案:A解析:此题中大夫问及病人手术情况,选项A无疑是正确选项。10. 答案:C解析:此题中Tom对Cathy通过考试表示祝贺,这种情况下人们一般会对别人的祝贺表示感谢,故选C。此题中的选项D具有一定的干扰性,但它一般用于对你表示安慰或表示帮助意愿的人来说的。 Section B11.答案:C解析:根据前句大夫问及你哪儿不舒服以及答话的后句我胳膊和腿感觉无力,显然选C符合这种情境。12. 答案:A解析:根据前句医生要看病人喉咙及答话的后句啊啊,可以断定选项A张开嘴说啊应为正确答案无疑。13. 答案:E解析:根据填空后的医生安慰话,可以想知病人此前应表示过担心,故选E。14. 答案:B解析:根据前句医生的话我认为你需要打一针和后句病人说他讨厌打针来推断,病人很可能建议过代替打针的其它治疗方法,故选B你能给我开点药吗应该是合理的。15. 答案:G解
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