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- 1 -不定代词的用法与练习 ( 第一部分 )表一:不定代词 基本用法all、 each 、both 、either 、 neither 、one 、little 、few、 many 、much 、other 、another some 、any主语、宾语、表语、定语 (名词性、形容词性)everyone、 everybody 、everything somebody、 someone 、something anyone 、anybody 、anythingnobody 、no one 、nothing主语、宾语、表语(形容词性)可以跟 else ,而且可用所有格(- s 形式)none 主语、宾语、表语every 、 no 定语表二:1. all 注意下列词组的意义above all after all in all not at all all of sudden all at once all or nothing all up for all once (and) for all with all all over练习题 (并翻译其含义、注意 all 的用法)1) All _(be) here and now you may begin your lecture.2) All things _(be ) difficult before they become easy.3) All that he talked about at the meeting _(be) something about environment protection.4) All his money _(be) spent on spirits and bobacco.5) I love her with _ but she doesnt seem to care ( 全心全意地爱 )6) You ca hardly imagine such a little boy eating _.( 整个面包)7) You can see smiling faces _( 全中国 )8) _ was devoted to looking after the disabled children. (他一生)9) She told me the news in _ honesty. (非常诚实)10) She is all ears whenever she listens to a lecture. _11) He is all skin and bones. _改错1) All them have passed the important examination .2) I like all them .单数单数3每一个every单数单数2每一个each单数或复数3三者或三者以上都不none单数或复数单数或复数3三者或三者以上都all单数单数=2两者都不neither单数单数=2两者中的任何一个either复数复数=2两者都both作主语时动词的数作定语时名词的数数量关系含义不定代词- 2 -3) I like them all.4) All of the six girls are from the country side.5) The students all are interested in helping one another in English learning in our class.6) The students like all finished writing their research papers.7) How clever you are all.8) They devoted their all spare time to helping the poor.9) They devoted _ spare time to helping the poor.A, all their B, their all C, all of their D, of their all _(不是所有的学生 )understood what the professor was saying.2. each、every each 指代前文的名词 each 、each one 、everyone、every +单数名词 、可以用单数或复数的人称代词 each 、each one 、every one 与 of 连用。Everyone 不可。 each 谓语动词的形式和主语保持一致 every 和数词连用 “每隔。 。 。 ” each 指两者( 两者以上), every 两者以上翻译1) Each has his own merits. ( )2) Each student may try twice. ( )3) Every room in the hotel is well finished. ( )4) Every teacher and every student likes the idea. ( )选择题5) Two me were waling in the street . _ was carrying a big suitcase.A, each B, every C. each of one D, every one of 6) Everyone should have a mind of _ own.A. theirs B, his C. our D your 7) Each wants to have _ own home .A ones B, their D. ours D. yours 8) Every student in your class enjoys learning English ,_.A, doesnt he B. dont he C, dont we 改错1) Each one the students has his or her own merits and shortcomings.2) Our football team played several games against the visiting team but lost everyone of them.3) The students each has got an English English dictionary.4) Each of the students have got an English English dictionary.5) The old man goes to see his doctor each three days 6) There are trees on every side of the street .7) The enemy fled in each direction (方向)1. A:Is _ here today? B:Yes, were all here. _ is away. 2. A:Is there _ in the red box? B:No, there is _ in it. 3. There is _ wrong with my bike.It doesnt work. 4. Jim! _ is waiting for you at the school gate. 5. In spring, _ begins to grow. - 3 -6. There is _ knocking at the door. Please go and see who it is. 7. The maths exam was very difficult. I dont think _ could pass it. 8. I cant find my pen. I think _ took it. 9. _ is in the room, are they? 10. Does _ live on that hill? 11. Theres _ new and important in todays newspaper. 12. Who is in the classroom? Its empty. _ is in it. 13. Maybe _ put my pen _ .I find it _ , but I cant find it _ . 14. We didnt go _ else yesterday.They went _ else, either. 15. Would you like _ to drink? 16. We tried _ , but _ worked.参考答案:1.everybody,Nobody 2.anything,nothing 3.something 4.Somebody 5.everything 6.somebody 7.anybody 8.somebody 9.Nobody 10.anybody 11.something / nothing 12. Nobody 13.somebody, somewhere, everywhere, anywhere 14.anywhere, nowhere 15.something 16.everything, nothingall, both, every, each, either, neither 的用法1.all, both 同属前位限定词,但 all 可以与三类名词搭配,both 只能与复数可数名词搭配,从意义上讲 both 指两者, all 指三者或三者以上。如: How much time will you take for all this work? All children can be naughty sometimes. I got both these vases in Spain. Both cats are asleep. all 和 both 用于否定时表示部分否定。 例如: I cannot promote both of you. 我不能使你们两个都提升。 All flowers in his garden are not red. 他花
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