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- 1 -苏州市 2014高考英语阅读理解、完形填空及阅读类训练(4) (答案及解析) 阅读理解-ABritain s largest companies are promising to offer greener products and invest in research and technology as part of a wider push to reduce carbon emissions .Eighteen of Britains top companies, including carmakers, airlines, retailers and banks, are publishing a report on Monday, in which they promise to develop new products and services that allow customers to cut their carbon emissions. The report is also intended to send a message to companies around the world to make fighting climate change a higher priority.This requires urgent action, and the sooner we do it, the better and the cheaper it will be, said Ben Verwaayen, chief executive of BT and chairman of the task force group that produced the report. Its members employ two million people worldwide and have more than 1 trillion in income.The report is a result of British businesses addressing issues raised by the Stern Review , a study commissioned by the British government and published last year on the economic impact of global warming . The review , led by the government s top economist, Nicholas Stern ,concluded that spending about one percent of global gross product in reducing emissions today would avoid having to spend about five to twenty percent-in the future.Monday s report says that the responsibility to cut emissions lies with consumers, who through their purchases contribute to sixty percent of Britain s emissions, with companies , which can cut emissions by offering greener products, and with the government , which should use tax cuts as a great encouragement for consumers to cut emissions.1. The underlined word “urgent” in the third paragraph can be replaced by “_”.A. extreme B. important C. immediate D. unbelievable - 2 -2. From the passage , we can learn that _.A. Britains largest companies want to prevent global warmingB. reducing carbon emissions has nothing to do with consumersC. carmakers don t want to reduce carbon emissionsD. Ben Verwaayen thinks it unnecessary to reduce carbon emissions3.According to the passage, which of the following statements about Nicholas Stem is TRUE?A. He is one of the best economists in the British Government .B. He is the author of the famous book Stern, Review. C. He suggests spending ten percent of global gross products in reducing emissions.D. he is the first person in Britain to call on people to reduce emissions.4. Where is this passage most probably taken from ? A. Novel B. Instruction C. Newspaper D. Advertisement 5. What should be the best title of this passage ? A. The sooner, the cheaper. B. British firms urge action on climate change.C. A report on global warming.D. How to reduce carbon emissions.- 3 -*结束完形填空 A friend in needBrownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you 1 find in any neigh borhood, these two 2 each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their own houses.()ne evening, Browniesfamily 3 that Brownie hadnt returned home. They went looking for him with no 4 Brownie didnt appear the next day, and despite(尽管)their 5 to find him, by the next week he was still missing.Curiously,Spotty 6 at Brownies house alone,barking. Busy with their own lives, Brownies family just ignored the 7 little neighbor dog.Finally, one morning Spotty 8 to takenofor an answer any longer. He followed Ted about,barking strongly, then running towards a nearby wood, as if to say, 9 me! Its urgent !Then Ted followed the anxious Spotty. The little dog led the man to a 10 spot a half mile fromthe house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie 11 , but. one of his hind legs stuck in a steel leg-hold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished hed taken Spottys earlier requirement 12 Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable. Spotty had done more than simply 13 Brownies owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the 14 dog, Ted found some dog food,which was later 15 as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that 16 !Spotty had been visiting Brownie 17 in a single-minded quest to keep his friend alive by offering his own comfort. Spot- ty had obviously 18 with Brownie to protect him from being hurt,snuggling(依偎)with him at night to keep him warm and touching him gently with its nose to keep his 19 up. Brownies leg was treated by a veterinarian and he recovered. For many years afterward, the two 20 watched the faithful friends frolicking(嬉戏)and chasing each other down that wellworn path between their houses. - 4 -1. A. must B. should C. can D. need 答案:C 指导:此题考查情态动词的含义。该句的意思是“就像在任何街上都能见到的成对的狗一样” ,所以选 C2. A. loved B. hated C. stayed D. fought 答案:A 指导:由后文中两只狗经常在一起,把两家间的草地都踩成了一条道,可知两只小狗非常的好,所以选 A.3. A. watched B. heard C.
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