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1Adjectives Chapter 2 Care for hair - Language 一、 教师简介丘清秀 坪地中学英语一级教师。1999 年毕业于嘉应大学外语系。喜欢比较灵活的教学方法,善于运用自身的热情调动学生的学习积极性和兴趣。二、 教材版本牛津深圳版 Oxford English Grade 9三、 课题名称9A Chapter 2 Language- Adjectives四、 授课年级初中三年级五、 授课时间40 分钟六、学生分析初三的学生在初二两极分化凸显之后,在初三更是形成明显的落差。部分学生基础好,学习主动性强,有目标。而大部分学生在经历了一次又一次考试的失败经验之后,在英语学习上的缺陷与惰性也逐渐暴露出来。面对这样一个水平差距较大的学生群体,如何兼顾两头,如何设计活动,才能吸引低水平学生的兴趣,使他们有参与的空间,且又能让高水平学生发挥其精英作用,这才是关键。七、教材分析本节课是深圳牛津版九年级全一册第二单元 Chapter 2 Care for hair 的第 5 课时。对于初三的学生来说,形容词并不陌生。从小学到初中零零星星学过很多形容词的诸多用法,但是都不够系统,尤其是对句型的掌握更是不牢固。因此本节课将对形容词的一些常用句型进行梳理归纳并作实际训练。八、教学目标与要求知识目标: (1)学生学习形容词。 (2)学生学习分辨形容词的各种常用句型。技能目标:学生学会运用形容词及各种句型。能力目标:学生学会 “观察-归纳总结- 运用”的基本语法学习方法。九、教学重点难点重点:通过引导学生辨认形容词及各种常用句型,学会自己总结概括“公式” 。难点:将总结概括出来的“公式”运用到实际生活及练习中去。十、教学方式在教学过程中,采用任务型教学法,设计出切合学生实际的学习任务,采用小组竞赛活动形式,让尽可能多的学生参与课堂教学。2十一、教学过程Step 1 Warm-up( Pre-task)Activity One (Brain Storm)T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we will have a competition first. Thats our Brain Storm. I will say out some example sentences to describ myself. You can follow my example to make more sentences to describe yourself or the people around you. Everyone should say at least two sentences. If you say out the right sentences, you will get marks for your group. Are you all clear?(Ss: Yes.) Ok, lets begin.I am beautiful. I am lovely. I am not old or young. I am not tall or short. I am very thin.S1: I am handsome. I am lovely. I am young. I am tall. I am not fat.T: Very good. You can get 5 points for your group.S2: Tom is S3: My father is S4: Lily is Activity Two 接着我在屏幕上逐个快速播放显示一些中文形容词:(要求:只能由每个小组的 3,4 号同学抢答才能加分。 )大的_,小的_, 高的_,矮的_,瘦的_,胖的_,年轻的_,老的_,可爱的_,好的_,坏的_,漂亮的_ 红色的_, 害怕的_, 高兴的_,很多的_一些的_(全部回答完毕,全班同学朗读,每个单词 2 遍)Step 2 Presentation ( While-task)Activity One ( Group Discussion )T: Just now , all of you did a good job. Now I want you to discuss in groups. Then I will ask some of you to tell me your answer, if you cant answer my questions, you will lose your points.练习: 找出下列短语和句子中的形容词,请迅速划出形容词并说出中文意思: (配有学案纸)1.a good boy _ , 2.some beautiful flowers_ ,3. lots of brown balls _ 4.Helen looks very beautiful_5.She is a good student, and she works hard. _6.This bike is expensive. _7.I am sorry, Im busy now. _ _8.Have you got everything ready for the meeting? _请学生用中文归纳 总结:(作定语)形容词作定语时用来修饰_设计意图通过自我画像,Brain Storm 头脑风暴使课堂气氛非常活跃,学生参与积极性很高,很广,为下面开展活动作铺垫。此环节考虑到学生经常接触到这些词汇,让中下层的学生能够参与思考与回答,难度不大,切合学生的实际学习情况。成绩好的学生们也跃跃欲试,或忙于教会本组的同学,现场是人人争着发言,课堂一下子活跃了。也使全体学生进入良好的准备状态。朗读可以巩固和帮助低水平的同学,也为接下来的练习里出现相同的单词作铺垫。此环节练习设计由简单的短语到句子,遵循由浅入深的法则,让学生们都能参与思考。本环节通过找形容词游戏,并让学生观察他们的位置和作用,既温习了常见的形容词,又感受到了语法规则。竞赛的形式能很好地调动学生的积极性。3Activity Two ( Group Discussion )( 呈现本节课的重点句型一,让学生观察形容词所在的位置,然后总结规律,再到运用 )课件与讲学稿同时呈现:(中考考点之一)请观察下列句子, 找出形容词修饰不定代词 something, anything, nothing 时的位置: I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉你。 I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉你。 There is nothing dangerous here. 这儿一点都不危险。Is there anything interesting in the film. 电影里有什么有趣的内容吗?总结: 英语单词中,something, anything, nothing 等不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词位于不定代词的_Let me have a try. 让我来试一试 : 1. There is _ _ in todays newspaper.A. new anything B. new something C. anything new D. something new2. My mother will cook _ _ for me tonight. A. delicious anything B. something delicious C. anything delicious D. delicious something3. The book shows _ _ for us to read.A. interesting something B. anything interesting C. something interesting D. interesting something4. Does the sign mean _ _? No, _ _.(frightening) Translation 翻译5. 我有激动的事情告诉你。 I have _ _ to tell you.6. 我从没见过比他更友好的人。 I have never seen _ more _ than him. 7. 请保持你们的教室干净。 Please keep your _ _.Step 3 Practice ( Post-task)呈现:关于形容词的常用句型:任务一: 观察下列句型,然后 总结出句型结构。1. It is difficult for me to choose the right hairstyle.2. Is it convenient for you to do my hair now?3. Is it important for me to eat a balanced diet?4. It is impossible for her to come on Wednesday.5. Is it possible for you to cut it shorter?6. Is it necessary for me to make an appointment?7. Is it easy for me to get a job with you? 总结:(1)_此环节旨在培养学生的“观察-归纳总结- 运用” 的能力。通过列出常规的句子,让学生总结归纳形容词的用法。然后给出特例,修饰不定代词时的位置变化,形成对比,再让学生总结,然后运用到考点练习里。大部分练习都是围绕中考考点来设计的。上一环节所设计的是较为容易的形容词的位置变化,此环节还要把学习语法的 “观察- 归纳总结 -运用”的方法加强巩固,使之成为学生的学习能力,并且难度稍有加深,逐步过渡到句型的归纳总结。4任务二: 再观察下列句型,然后 总结出另一种句型结构。8. Its very kind of him to help the blind man cross the road.9. Its clever of her to work out the math problem.10. Its polite of us to say thank you when others help us.11. Its wrong of them to throw rubbish out of the window.总结:(2)_
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