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2016 年百校联盟 江苏省高考猜题卷第七模拟英语一、听力:共 20 题1What did the woman buy for her mother?A.A book on cooking. B.A book on art history. C.A book on travelling.【答案】B【备注】M: Did you find that cookery book you wanted for your mums birthday?W: No, but I found an interesting book on French art history which I decided shed prefer. It might help her when she travels to France some day.2What will the man do next?A.Check his schedule. B.Attend a meeting. C.Telephone the woman.【答案】A【备注】W: Have you come to a meeting on Friday morning?M: Im not sure. Let me check my schedule and get back to you in a minute.3When will the film start?A.At 7:45. B.At 7:55. C.At 8:00.【答案】C【备注】M: Hurry up, Linda. Its 7:45, and the film begins in fifteen minutes.W: Come on, John. I think your watch is ten minutes fast. Dont worry. It wont take us more than ten minutes to get there.4Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At a shop. B.At a cinema. C.At a restaurant.【答案】C【备注】M: Its Sarahs birthday on Sunday. Is it still possible for us to get a table for two?W: Youre lucky. Two customers just called off their reservation.5Why did the woman miss the first day of her holiday?A.The weather was bad.B.The bus broke down halfway.C.The tickets were sold out.【答案】A【备注】W: We missed the first day of our holiday.M: Did you fail to get tickets?W: No. And the bus was waiting to take us to the port, but the sea was so rough because of the wind that we had to wait till the next day.听材料,回答问题。6Where are the speakers now?A.In the US. B.In France. C.In Australia.7What does the woman do?A.A businesswoman. B.A teacher. C.A lawyer.【答案】6A7C【备注】W: Where did you start your wine business?M: Right here in San Francisco, actually. I came here when I was a student. That was when I discovered California wines.W: Did you work in California?M: No. I returned to France, and I got a job with a wine merchant. Why did you get into the wine business?W: Well, actually, Im a lawyer. My uncle owns a wine company here. When I finished university my uncle asked me to work for him. I look after his business affairs. Sometimes, we fly to Australia to visit other companies.听材料,回答问题。8How does the man like the fish to be cooked?A.Have it baked. B.Have it fried. C.Have it steamed.9What drink does the man order?A.Beer. B.Fruit juice. C.A cola.【答案】8B9C【备注】W: Welcome to Paulys. How can I help you?M: Ill have the fish served with rice and a salad.W: OK. How would you like your fish to be cooked? We can bake it, fry it, or steam it with butter.M: Id like to have it fried. And what kind of drinks do you have? I wonder if you have that Super Cola.W: Yes, we also have beer, coffee and tea. The fruit juice is on special today. Would you like one?M: Ill have a large cola. Id also like an order of fries. And for dessert, Id like a piece of chocolate cake, please.W: Good choice! The chocolate cake is our specialty. 听材料,回答问题。10How often does the woman go clothes shopping now?A.About twice a week. B.About twice a month. C.About once a month.11What kind of clothes does the woman prefer?A.Fashionable. B.Comfortable. C.Unique.12Why does the woman think her black sweater a good purchase?A.Its quite to her taste.B.It has served her a long time.C.It was cheap and high quality.【答案】10C11B12B【备注】M: Rebecca, how often do you go clothes shopping?W: Well, I used to shop very often, about twice a week. But now I have little time for that. Maybe once a month.M: Oh, thats really a big difference! Do you usually follow the fashions?W: No, because sometimes the fashions arent comfortable. I prefer comfortable clothing.M: Are you a bargain shopper?W: I try to be but if there is something that I really, really like, I will save up and buy it. For example, when I was studying in Australia, I saved up to buy a really nice black sweater and Ive had it now for two years. So it was a good purchase.M: So how much did it cost?W: It was about three hundred dollars. I think it was quite expensive for me.M: Wow, that is a lot.听材料,回答问题。13Why does the woman like collecting stamps?A.She can gain knowledge.B.Some great people do so.C.Pictures in stamps are beautiful.14What does the man like to take photos of?A.His family. B.Natural scenery. C.Cute animals.15How does the man support his photography?A.By holding photo exhibitions.B.By using the prizes got in competitions.C.By borrowing money from his parents.16What does the man like best about his hobby?A.It gains support from his parents.B.It brings back nice memories.C.It helps him to be independent.【答案】13A14A15B16B【备注】M: Hello, Catherine. What are you doing now?W: Hi, Tom. Ive got some stamps. Im putting them in my album.M: I cant understand what interest there is in collecting stamps.W: Well, you know, stamps contain pictures of great men, historic places and special objects of different countries. They are a storehouse of knowledge.M: Still I dont find anything about collecting stamps, though ma
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