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- 1 -南昌市 2014 高考英语完形填空训练(21)及答案或解析完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 30 分)“So teach him to close the door”, my daughter Emma responded after listening to me 36 , again, about the dog coming in from the back door, bringing with him a blast of Buffalo January 37 airTeach a dog to close a door behind him? That has got to be a really, really 38 thing to doBut then she took it a step 39 “Come on, Kolby”, she said, grabbing some treats(犒劳物) and 40 him in front of the open door “Touch ” And “touch” he did, which moved the door to a 41 positionShe 42 him with a treat, smiled, looked at me, and said “see!” And I saw and became 43 Over the last few days I have been with KolbyEach time he comes in I bring him back to the 44 door and ask him to closeThere have been 45 in the beginning, but lately more and more successesHowever, there remains much work to be doneI have to get him to follow my hand signal again and again 46 he will close the door from a distanceBut, I now realize, as long as you keep to the focus , the 47 will be completed, and, with the way things are 48 , completed quicklyWhat a 49 treat to have a dog that can close the door after himself! Even more wonder can be found in the 50 I learned so clearly from both Emma and KolbyA wish is just a wish until you decide to take 51 Once you 52 the belief that it is “too hard”, then it remains “too hard ” and out of 53 Once you want to accomplish a goal, and 54 that it is “easy”, then it becomes “easy” to do what needs to be doneJust 55 doing it36Acomplain Bscream Cworry Dscare37Athin Bfresh Cdirty Dcold38Ainteresting Bfunny Ctough Dpossible- 2 -39Aagain Bfurther Cdeeper Dbackward40Apushing Bcatching Cdriving Dpositioning41Astopped Bfixed Cclosed Dchecked42Arewarded Bprovided Coffered Dthanked43Amoved Bconvinced Cconcerned Dpuzzled44Aopen Bclosed Cbroken Dperfect45Apleasures Bexperiments Cfailures Dpauses46Ain case Beven if Cas if Dso that47Ainterest Btask Cprofit Dharmony48Achanging Breacting Cprogressing Dhappening49Awonderful Bsmall Cdifferent Dsimple50Aknowledge Bskills Clessons Dexperience51Apatience Bpart Cdelight Daction52Ahold on to Bpay attention to Ccome up with Dlive up to53Adate Btouch Creach Dpower54Aprove Bdecide Capprove Drealize55Aimagine Bstart Ckeep Denjoy参考答案 36-40 ADCBD 41-45 CABAC 46-50 DBCAC 51-55 DACBB *结束Passage *My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling _36_, but I always knew he was _37_. He never criticized us, but used _38_ to bring out our best. Hed say,” If you pout water on flowers, they flourish. If you dont give them water, they die. ” I _39_ as a child I said something _40_ about somebody, and my father said, “_41_ time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, its a - 3 -reflection of you. ” He explained that if I looked for the best _42_ people, I would get the best _43_. From then on Ive always tried to _44_ the principle in my life and later in running my company.Dads also always been very _45_. At 15, I started a magazine. It was _46_ a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a _47_: stayin school or leave to work on my magazine.I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, _48_ any good father would. When he realized I Had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad _49_ me to go into law. And Ive _50_ regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, _51_ I didnt pursue my _52_. You know what you want.Go fulfill it. ”As _53_ turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national _54_ for young people in the U. K. My wife and I have two children, and I d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad _55_ me.36. A. biologist B. manager C. lawyer D. gardener37. A. strict B.honest C.special D.learned38. A. praise B.courage C. power D. warmth39. A. think B. imagine C. remember D. guess40. A. unnecessary B. unkind C. unimportant D. unusual41. A. Another B.Some C. Any D. Other42. A. on B. in C. at D. about43. A. in case B. by turns C. by chance D. in return44. A. revise B. set C. review D. follow- 4 -45. A. understanding B. experienced C.serious D. demanding46. A. taking up B. making up C. picking up D. keeping up47. A. suggestion B.decision C. notice D. choice48. A. and B.as C. even if D. as if49. A. helped B.allowed C. persuaded D. sugges
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