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11定语从句完成句子专练1. I will never forget the day _. (meet) 我永远不会忘记我第一次遇见他的那天。2. I have many friends, _ .(businessman)我又很多朋友,他们中有些是商人。3. I will never forget the days _last summer. (spend)我永远不会忘记去年夏天我们一起度过的日子。4. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods , _people are still suffering now. (effect)上个月,东南亚部分地区遭受了洪水,人们现在还在遭受洪水的影响。5. He was educated at a local grammar school, _.(go)他在当地的一个学校接受教育,在此之后他出国了。6. She lived in the house _.(break) 她住在一个窗户破了的房子里。7. All_ has been done. (do) 所有该做的已经做了。8. Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scene _ by the tiger. (eat)很多看过这个电影的人,当想起人们被老虎吃掉,都不敢去那个森林里。9. The days are gone _together. (play)我们一起学习和玩耍的日子一去不复返了。10. Media can help solve problems and draw attention to situations _.(need)媒体可以帮助解决问题,把人们的注意力吸引到需要帮助的地方。11. Last week our teacher set so difficult a problem _.(work)上个星期我们的老师出了如此难的一个问题,我们没有一个人解答的出来。12. There are moments in life _ that you just want to pick him up from dreams and hug him for real. (miss)生命中有些时刻,你如此想念一个人以至于你总是对其魂牵梦绕,拥其入怀。13. He talked about things and persons _ in the school. (remember)他谈论了他们记得的在学校里的人和事。14. The Gate of Fortune, _visitors can enjoy a wonderful sea view, will attract lots of tourists. (top)幸运之门吸引了很多游客,从它的顶上游客可以欣赏美丽的海景。15. Life is like a long race _to go beyond ourselves. (compete)生命是个漫长的赛跑,在赛跑中我们彼此竞争超越自我。16. The scientist _ went to France last year. (work)我父亲和他一起工作过的那个科学家去年去了法国。17. What surprised me most was not what he said but _it. (say)让我最惊讶的不是他说了什么,而是他说话的方式。18. He was the one of the students _ take part in the activity. (invite)他是唯一一个受到邀请参加这个活动的学生。19. Dont introduce the kids to read such books _. (understand)不要推荐孩子们去懂那些他们不懂的书。20. It was on the day _that he got to know his best friend. (go)22是在他去上大学的那天我认识了他的好朋友。21. The doctor advised her strongly that she should take a holiday, but _.(help)这个医生强烈建议她去休假,但是这不起作用。22. My family climbed up the hill, _ we had a picnic. (top)我们一家人爬上了山顶,在山顶上我们一起野餐。23. The part _ in the film was wonderful. (play)他在这个电影中扮演的角色很出色。24. The old man lived in a house, _a tree. (stand)这个老人住在一个房前有个大树的房子。25. My sisters, _,came to see me last night. (show)我的姐妹们,她们的照片我给你看过,昨晚来看我了。26. Joan , in _,has just recovered from his operation and will come back to work soon. (pride)我们为之自豪的 John,已经从手术中恢复,将很快回来工作。27. The hospital_ that university is famous all over the country. (attach)附属于那所大学的那个医院全国闻名。28. The students _ are from families with different backgrounds. (strict)他严格要求的学生来自于不同背景的家庭。29. Those _the forest should be punished.(set)那些纵火的人应该受到惩罚。30. His younger sister teaches in a secondary school, in front of _a small river.(flow)他的小妹妹在一个初中教学,小学前面流淌着一条小河。31. The man _stealing the car said he was innocent. (charge)被指控偷车的那个男人说他是无辜的。32. The house _a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much. (pay)他为之付了一大笔钱的那个房子,现在已经市值两倍了。33. It was this train station _of his money . (rob)在这个火车站他的钱被抢了。34. See the building there? The children here have access to books, magazines and other things _. (worthy)看到那个建筑?现在这里的孩子们能够接触到值得读的书,杂志和其他东西。35. Willie has complained to the sales managers about the PC he bought _ for no reason yesterday. (explode)Willie 刚刚想经理投诉了他买的电脑,电脑的屏幕昨天无缘无故的爆炸了。36. It is widely accepted that children _being given will since childhood become spoiled. (use)普遍认为,从小习惯了被给予的孩子们会被娇惯。37. Music is a universal language, _for Jay Chou to be popular in America. (possible)音乐是个通用的语言,音乐使周杰伦在美国变得受欢迎成为可能。38. Think of the progress_ in Math, she will call up the strict but kind teacher. (make)想到在数学上她已经取得的进步,她就会回忆起这个严厉但是善良的老师。39. What if we meet a situation _?(deal)如果我们遇到一个我们不能处理的情况怎么办?40. All_ is wait. (remain)所有剩下要我做的就是等待。41. I think you should find out the point _.(lie)我认为你应该发现你问题所在的地方。42. It doesnt matter who you are or where you are from. The only thing
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