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Unit 5First aid Learning about Language,语法精讲探究学习,省略 【情景探究,观察并体会上面的对话, 根据提示完成句子 1. _(如果可能的话), discuss what kind of first aid you should give in these situations. 2. Turn white when _(press). 3. To do this, he told me to be more aggressive and, _(如果有必要的话), to be rude to his teammates. 4. While _(iron) clothes, Miss Good accidentally touched the iron,If possible,pressed,if necessary,ironing,要义详析】 在英语语言中, 为了使语言简洁明了, 突出重点或使上下文紧密相连, 可以省去某些句子成分而句子意思保持不变, 这种语言现象称为省略。常见的省略情况有以下几种,一、简单句中的省略 1. 省略主语。 (1)祈使句的主语通常被省略。 *(You)Send your works to welcome2019163. com before December 29th. 把你的作品在12月29号前发送至邮箱welcome2019163. com。 (2)其他省略主语常限于习惯说法。 *(I)Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home. 感谢你邀请我去你家吃晚餐,2. 省略谓语。 *(Does) Anybody need help? 有人需要帮忙吗? 3. 省略宾语。 *Have you made the decision? 你做好决定了吗? I havent made (the decision). 我还没做决定,4. 省略主语和谓语(或谓语的一部分), 只剩下表语、宾语、状语或其他成分。 *(Are you) Tired? 累了吗? *(You come) This way, please. 请这边走。 5. 省略表语。 *Are you ready? 你准备好了吗? Yes, I am (ready). 是的, 我准备好了,6. There be句型的省略。 *(There is ) Nothing to worry about. 没什么好担忧的。 7. 感叹句中的省略。 *What a meaningful and unforgettable experience(Ive got)! 这是一次多么有意义且难忘的经历啊,即学活用】写出下面句子中的省略成分。 (1)Wish you all the best! ( ) (2)Must be some mistakes, I think. ( ) (3)Do you know Mr Li? I dont know. ( ) (4)Have a drink? ( ) (5)What a wonderful day! (,I,There,him,Will you,it is,二、并列句中的省略 两个并列分句中, 后一个分句常省略与前一分句中相同的部分。 *(2020浙江高考)You have to organize the activities of the children and (you have to) take care of the bills and groceries. 你需要组织孩子们的活动, 并负责账单和杂货。 *Wise men have their mouth in their heart, and fools (have) their heart in their mouth. 智者嘴在心里, 蠢人心在嘴边,即学活用】写出省略的部分 (1)The scenery was beautiful, and the acting superb. ( ) (2)Hope you could come to China again and have a wonderful time with us. ( ) (3) I study at college and my sister at high school. ( ) (4)I cant see you today, but I can tomorrow. (,was,I, you,studies,see you,三、复合句中的省略 1. 状语从句的省略。 在时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句中, 如果从句和主句的主语一致或从句主语为it, 且从句谓语为be动词时, 可省略从句的主语和be动词,1)从属连词+形容词。 *I try to offer some advice to my friends when(it is) necessary. 必要的时候, 我会尽力给朋友们提供一些建议。 *Though(they are) hard to maintain, green spaces in cities bring abundant rewards. 尽管难以保持, 城市绿地会带来丰厚的回报。 *If(it is)possible, I hope to apply for University College London after graduation. 如果可能的话, 我希望毕业后申请伦敦大学,2)从属连词+副词。 *While(he is)there, Miguel has an unforgettable and adventurous night. 在那里的时候, Miguel度过了难忘而又惊险的一夜。 (3)从属连词+名词。 *Though (he is) a young man, he has made several inventions. 虽然年轻, 但是他已经有好几项发明了,4)从属连词+介词短语。 *(2019天津高考)While(we were) on land, we killed off large predators such as wolves. 在陆地上的时候, 我们杀死了像狼这样的大型食肉动物。 (5)从属连词+现在分词。 *(2019全国卷)It is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion. 在谈论时尚的时候, 不可能不提到作为引领者的中国,6)从属连词+过去分词。 *If (I am) given the opportunity, Ill be glad to work for our city and surely devoted to the job. 如果被给予这次机会, 我将很高兴为我们的城市工作, 并致力于这个工作。 (7)从属连词+动词不定式。 *He wouldnt solve the difficult problem even if (he were) to take charge. 即使他来负责, 也解决不了这个难题,名师点津】 省略句中非谓语动词的选用要根据动词和主语的逻辑关系: 主动关系现在分词; 被动关系过去分词; 尚未发生动词不定式,知识延伸】 当虚拟语气用于状语从句时, 若条件状语从句中有were, had, should时, 可省略if, 把它们提至句首, 形成倒装句。 *If I were a teacher, I would be strict with my students. =Were I a teacher, I would be strict with my students. 如果我是一位老师, 我会对学生严格要求。 *If he had followed my advice, he wouldnt have lost his job. =Had he followed my advice, he wouldnt have lost his job. 如果他采纳我的建议, 他就不会失去工作了,If your computer should break down within the first year, we would repair it for free. =Should your computer break down within the first year, we would repair it for free. 如果你的电脑在第一年内出毛病, 我们将免费维修,即学活用】 用省略句完成句子。 (1)(2019北京高考)_ _, I realised how hard it was to work in the fields under a hot sun. 工作的时候, 我意识到烈日炎炎之下在田地里劳作是多么辛苦。 (2) _, could you please send us the detailed arrangement of all the activities? 如果方便的话, 您能发给我们所有活动的详细安排吗,While,working,If convenient,3) _, we covered our mouths and noses with wet towels. 按照指示, 我 们用湿毛巾捂住了嘴和鼻子。 (4) _, well find that online shopping has more advantages than disadvantages. 如果这样的话, 我们将会发现网上购物的优点多于缺点,As instructed,If so,2. 宾语从句的省略。 (1)由which, when, where, how 和 why 引导的宾语从句, 若从句中表达的内容与主句内容重复, 可将其省略, 仅保留疑问词。 *You were late again, and I hope you will explain why (you were late again). 你又迟到了, 我希望你能解释一下为什么,2)在that引导的宾语从句中, 可省略引导词that; 若两个或两个以上的that引导的宾语从句作动词的宾语, 只能省略第一个引导词that。 *Im sorry to learn (that) you didnt do well in that exam and that you are very worried about your study. 很抱歉得知你考试不理想, 并且你对自己的学习很担忧,3)suggest, insist, order, require等表示建议、要求、命令的动词后接的名词性从句中, 谓语动词常用“should+动词原形”, should可以省略。 *(2019北京高考) I suggest that you (should) begin from Beijing, and Ill show you around. 我建议你从北京开始, 我会领着你参观,4)为了避免重复前面所说过的内容, 替代词so/not替代肯定或否定的名词性从句。可与believe, do, expect, fear, guess, hope, say, speak, suppose, think, Im afraid等连用。so表示赞同前述的事实, not表示不赞同前述的事实。 *80% of the students think it necessary to read English classics, while 20% of the students dont think
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