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小学五年级英语作文十一篇I have a lovely pet. Its a small squirrel. I picked it up in the mountain. It was hurt then by a trap. I saw it and took it home. My father helped me cure it. And then, it stays me all the time. I name it Tommy. Its legs are short but the tail is long. It has light brown hair. Tommy is very lively and it likes jumping. There is a tree in front of my house. It likes playing in that tree very much. Sometime, I cant find it, but when I call its name, it would show up, because we are good friends. 翻译:我有一只可爱的宠物,它是一只小松鼠。我在山上捡到它的,当时它被陷阱弄伤了。我看见了它并把它带回家里。爸爸帮我治好它的伤,从此它就和我待在一起了。我给它起了个名字,叫汤米。它的腿很短,但尾巴很长。它的毛是浅棕色的。汤米很活泼,很喜欢跳跃。我家的房子前面有一棵树,它经常在上面玩耍。有的时候我找不到它,但是只要我一叫它的名字,它就会出现,因为我们是好朋友。 【My School我的学校】Im a primary school student and my school is beautiful. It is not too big or too small. But it is old, because it has a long history. It has many flowers and trees. They very beautiful. Our school has seven classrooms, a teachers office and a playground. We study in the classroom, play games and do morning exercises in the playground. In my eyes, it is the most beautiful school. We are happy to study there. 翻译:我是一个小学生,我的学校是很漂亮的。它不是很大也不是很小。但是因为它已经存有很长的时间,所以已经旧了。学校里面有很多花草树木。它们都很漂亮,我们学校有七个教室一个教师办公室和一个操场。我们在教室里面学习,在操场上玩游戏,做早操。在我眼里,我的学校是最美丽的学校。我很开心在那里学习。 【My Favorite Sport我喜欢的运动】My favorite sport is basketball. Playing basketball is very interesting and useful. I often play basketball with my friends. Playing basketball makes me fit and make more friends. I also learn teamwork through play basketball. I love it. And I will play it every Sunday morning. 翻译:我最喜欢的运动是篮球。打篮球很有趣也有用。我经常和朋友们一起打篮球。打篮球使我变得更健康也交到了更多的朋友。通过打篮球我也学会了团队协作。我喜欢打篮球。我每周日早晨都会打篮球。 【Plan for Weekend周末计划】The spring comes and the scenery is beautiful. Therefore, I make plan to enjoy the vernal sunshine and fresh air with my parents. We will climb the Qing Shan Mountain on Saturday. The scenery there is beautiful. There are green trees and colorful flowers. There is a peach forest there and now they all blossom. I see many photos taking there. They are so beautiful that I want to see them personally. We will almost a day in Qing Shan Park. This is the most important thing this weekend. 参考:春天来了,景色变美了,所以这个周末我打算和我的爸爸妈妈一起去享受和煦的阳光和清新的空气。我们计划星期六去爬青山,那儿的风景很美,有很多翠绿的数目和颜色亮丽的花朵。那里还有一片桃树林,现在正值花期。我看很多在那儿拍的照片,非常漂亮,很想亲眼看看。我们大概会在青山待一整天。这就是我们这个周末最重要的事情。 【My Math Teacher我的数学老师】The math teacher of my class is a young man. His name is Jiang Shan. He is tall and fat. We call him the “Big Guy”. When he knows it, he isnt angry and says its lovely. He is easy going and interesting. We can make jokes with him. But about our study, he is serious but patient. We cant be sloppy on our study. When we have questions, we can ask him anytime. He is a good teacher. 参考:我们班的数学老师是一位年轻的男老师,他的名字叫江山。他高个子,比较胖,所以我们叫他“大个子”。他知道后,并没有生气,说这个外号很可爱。江山老师很好相处,很有趣,我们能够和他开玩笑。但是关于我们的学习,他很严肃也很有耐心。在学习上我们不能有半点粗心。如果我们有问题,不过随时向他提问。他是一位很好的老师。 【Winter in the South南方的冬天】This winter holiday, my parents and I visit my uncle. He lives in Haikou, Hainan Province. Its the first time I spend winter holiday and the Spring Festival there. It is so warm that the highest temperature gets 28C. I dont go out very often at home because of the cold weather. But in Haikou, I go out and have fun every day. The weather is so comfortable. Besides, the outside is green, almost no leaves fall down. I like winter in the south. 参考:这个寒假,我和爸爸妈妈去探望我的叔叔,他住在海南省海口市。这是我第一次在那里度过寒假和春节。那里很温暖,温度达到28摄氏度。在家里,因为天气寒冷,我不经常外出。但在海口,我每天都出去玩,那里的天气很舒适。另外,外面都是绿色,几乎没有叶子会掉落。我喜欢南方的冬天。【My Favorite Holiday我最喜欢节日】There are many holidays in a year. Among them, the holiday I like most is the Childrens Day. Childrens Day is on the June First. In school, we have many activities to celebrate it. For example, our school often holds a garden party on that day. We can play various games and get awards if we win. Its the most popular activity in my school. Besides, we can watch movies or hold a small party in our class. We often buy some snacks and fruits to eat. Its really interesting. Its a holiday for fun. We enjoy it very much. 参考:一年中有很多节日,这其中我最喜欢的节日是儿童节。每年的6月1日是儿童节。我们学校有很多庆祝活动。例如,学校会在那一天举行游园活动,我们能够玩很多游戏,赢了的话还能得到奖品。游园活动是我们学校欢迎的活动。另外,我们还能看电影或者在班里举行小小的活动,我们一般会买零食和水果,那真的很有趣。儿童节就是充满乐趣的节日,我们都很快乐。 【The Good Weather Today今天天气很好】The weather today is fine. It has rained for several days. Its extremely cold and wet these days. So I cant go out to play with my friends. Besides, the bad weather makes me upset. It has negative influences on me. But today, I am so happy when I see the sunshine. It seems it shines to my deep heart. Then I decide to go out to enjoy the good weather. I go to the Qingshan Park with my friends. Its a good place for fun. We have a good time there. I am happy today because of the good weather and my friend. 参考:今天的天气很好,已经连续下了几天雨,非常的寒冷、潮湿,以至于我都不能出去和我的朋友们玩了。并且,糟糕的天气也让我很沮丧,对我产生了负面影响。但是今天当我看到阳光的时候,我很开心,就像阳光照进了我的心里一样。于是我决定出去享受这好天气。我和我的朋友们去青山公
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