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英语三年级下册测试题单词(一) 连线black 酸的 colour 甜的sour 黑色的 taste 颜色listen 对不起 like 尝一尝strong 强壮的 train 喜欢sorry 听 sweet 火车green 白色的 biscuit 水white 绿色的 bread 饼干yellow 黄色的 juice 面包blue 黑色的 milk 果汁black 蓝色的 water 牛奶(二)看图写单词 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _句子(一) 连词成句,并写出句子汉意。(1) colour, What, it, is (?) _(2) red, white, and, Its (.) _(3) is, How, it (?) _(4) sweet, sour, and, Its (.) _(5) you, can, hear, What (?) _(6) hear, can, a, I, plane. _(7) like, Do, monkeys, you (?) _(8) pandas, I, like (.) _(9) do, you, What, like (?) _(10) do, have, What, you (?) _(11) have, I, some, biscuits, apples, and(.) _(12) cant, I, my, ball, find (.) _(13) is, What, it (?) _(14) a, Its, lemon (.) _(15) hear, I, dog, a, can (.) _(二) 情景交际1. 当你看见有人在哭,想问她“怎么了”,你要说_A.What is it ? B.Whats the matter?2. “你的球是什么颜色?”_A.What colour is your ball? B.What colour is you ball?3. 你想知道柠檬的味道是怎么样的,要问_A.Its a lemon. B. How is it ?4.“它是酸甜的”_A.Its sweet and sour. B.Its sour.5. “你喜欢球吗?”怎么说_A.What do you like? B.Do you like balls?6. Do you like pandas?的正确答语_ A.Yes,I dont. B.Yes,I do.7. What do you have?句中的“have”是什么意思? A吃 B.有,拥有8. I like elephants._ strong. A.Its B.Theyre9.“你能听到什么声音?”怎么说 A.What can you hear? B.What can you see?10. What colour is the ice cream?的正确答语_ A.Its sweet. B.Its red and yellow.(三)从B栏中选出A栏的正确答语。 A B( )1.How is it? A. Its a lemon.( )2.What is it? B. Its black.( )3.What colour is it? C. I can hear a car.( )4.What can you hear? D. I have some bread.( )5.What do you have? E. Its sour. A B( )1.Do you like monkeys? A.Theyre cute.( )2 I like pandas. B.Yes,I do.( )3.Whats the matter? C.I can hear a ship.( )4.Is this your ball? D.I cant find my ball.( )5.Listen!What can you hear? E.No,it isnt.(四)单项选择。1.-What do you have? -_. A.I have some eggs. B.I have some apple.2.-Do you like elephants? -_. A.Yes,theyre strong. B.Yes,I dont.3.What do you like? -_. A.I like toy bears. B.I like kite.4.I can see_orange book. A.a B.an5.-Is it _ball? -Yes,it is. A.your B.you6.What colour is it? -Its_. A.a bike B.white7.Its sour. Its an_. A.orange B.toy bear8.Taste it. Its a _. A.sweet B.lemon9.What colour is it? A.Its orange. B.Its an orange.10.Look _the monkeys.A.in B.at11.The elephants are_and_.A.small,long B.big,strong12.Is the_sweet? No,it isnt.A.lemon B.banana13.-Taste it.What is it? -_. A.Its a candy. B.Its sour.
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