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Module 2 Unit 7教案二Grammar教学目标识别五种基本句型结构。教学准备一些打印或手绘的图片。教学步骤Step I呈现1教师边总结Reading部分的内容,边向学生呈现诗歌中的句子,重点突出动词的用法:Were going to look at three sentences. Pay attention to the verbs. (1) The snowy season will begin. (2) Children can eat ice cream. (3) The autumn leaves turn brown.2教师说:There are kinds of verbs. They are intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and linking verbs引导学生观察句子,告诉他们,第一句中的begin后面没有宾语,因为它是不及物动词;第二句中的eat后面有宾语,因为它是及物动词;第二句中的turn后面跟形容词,因为它是系动词。3教师引导学生归纳出判断及物动词、不及物动词和系动词的基本规律: (l) An intransitive verb does not take an object, but can have a prepositional phrase after it. 不及物动词后面不能直接加宾语,如果要加宾语必须任动词后面加上相应的介词。 (2)A transitive verb takes an object. 及物动词后面能直接加宾语。 (3)A linking verb links the subject and the adjective phrase or noun phrase that describes it. 系动词可以连接主语和修饰主语的形容词短语成名词短语。系动词包括:be、become、feel、get、look、seem、sound、stay、smell、taste、turn等。Step II操练1教师呈现以下句子,让学生说出划线部分是及物动词、不及物动词还是系动词:Read these sentences. Pay attention to the underlined verbs. Which are transitive verbs? Which are intransitive verbs? And which are linking verbs? (l) My sister works. (intransitive) (2) Lucy is reading book. (transitive) (3) My father bought me a new bike. (transitive) (4) The students keep healthy by cycling at weekends. (linking) (5) Where does the boy live? (intransitive) (6) The fish tastes delicious. Would you like to try it? (linking) (7) A terrible traffic accident happened on a rainy evening. (intransitive) (8) I am a member of the dancing club. (linking)2学生两人一组,每人在纸上写五个动词,相互交换并说出这五个动词分别属于什么类型。Step III 呈现1教师说:Weve learnt about three kinds of verbs Each word or phrase after a verb plays a different role in the sentence because of the type of the verb教师呈现以下几个句子: (1) The boy is swimming. (vi.)这个句子的基本结构:S+V (主语+不及物动词) (2) Sandy watches (vt.) clouds. 这个句子的基本结构:S+V+O(主语+及物动词+宾语)(3) The film was (linking v.) interesting. 这个句子的基本结构:S+V+P(主语+系动词+表语)2教师帮助学生总结以上三个基本句型,特别指出这三个句型是由谓语动词来决定的。当谓语动词是不及物动词,句子结构是S+V,当谓语动词是及物动词时,句子结构是S+V+O;当谓语动词是系动词时,句子结构是S+V+P。Step IV 操练1让学生完成A部分的练习,然后核对答案,让几位学生朗读句子并说出句子的结构。在基础较弱的班级可以让学生说出如何根据谓语动词来判断句子结构。2教师呈现S+V、S+V+O、S+V+P的结构,让学生根据结构造句。如:呈现S+V,学生立刻造句:I am standing.Step V 呈现l教师继续呈现句子并加以介绍 (1) Kitty gives Simon some books. 这个句子的基本结构:S+V+IO+ DO(主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语)。此处Simon和some books分别是动词give的间接宾语和直接宾语。 (2) Simon found the weather warm. 这个句子的基本结构:S+V+DO+OC(主语+及物动词+直接宾语+宾语补足语)。此处the weather和warm分别是宾语和宾语补足语。2教师继续呈现句子,用to来改写S+V+IO+DO结构如: Hobo gave Eddie some ice cream. = Hobe gave some ice cream to Eddie. 教师帮助学生归纳:如果动词是bring、give、hand、lend、offer、pass、pay、teach、tell、write等,可以用to来改写句子。3教师继续呈现句子,用for来改写S+V+IO+ DO结构,如: Hobo built Eddie a tent. =Hobo built a tent for Eddie. 教师帮助学生归纳:如果动词是bring、build、buy、cook、find、get、leave make、order、pick、save等,可以用for来改写句子。Step VI 活动 1教师提供图片,并给出谓语动词,让学生两人一组,一位学生造句,另一位学生说出句子的结构:Make sentences according to the five basic sentence structures. Work in pairs. One student will make a sentence. The other will tell us the sentence structure. 如:图片1:妈妈正在做饭。(cook) Mum is cooking. S+V图片2:同学们打扫教室。(clean) The students are cleaning the classroom. S+V+O 图片3:这个男孩看起来很健康。(look) The boy looks healthy. S+V+P 图片4:老师给学生们一些挡。(give) The teacher gave me students some books. S+V+IO+DO图片5:他们发现这部电影无聊。(find) They found the film boring. S+V+ DO +OC2教师任教室内巡视,解决学生可能遇到的问题,鼓励学生有问题及时提问。Step VII 操练1教师呈现以下句子,让学生进一步操练,说出划线部分在句子中的成分。 (1) My mother cooks food. (subject) (z) Sam has many friends. (object) (3) Simon is a boy. (predicative) (4) Daniel lent me a pen. (direct object) (5) Amy finds English very useful. (object complement) (6) Justin can make friends easily. (object) (7) Would you like to show me one of your photos? (indirect object) (8) Paul looks young. (predicative)2让学生完成B部分的练习,然后核对答案,让几位学生读句子并说出每个句子的结构。在基础较弱的班级可以让学生说出如何来判断句子结构。Step VIII 家庭作业l复习语法部分内容,掌握其中出现的语法知识。2记忆本课时所学的词汇、词组和句型。
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