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GrammarTeaching Goals:1. To check what has been learned yesterday.2. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions.3. To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar point: the model verbTeaching Procedures: Step 1. Revision1. Ask Some Ss to retell the reading text.2. Ask Ss to answer the following question to see whether they did their homework or not. How many festivals are mentioned in our text?Purpose : To consolidate the words and phrases in the text.Finish Ex1Purpose: To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions.Ex2 Many people think that Christmas is a western _, but in fact it is really aworldwide holiday. Christmas actually as a _ festival celebrated by _ aroundtheworld.Its_is aroundthe3rdor4thcenturyAD,whenthe_ofremembering Jesus birth on December 25th first started. Today, of course, many people celebrate Christmas _ it were just a holiday to _ family, ratherthan a holiday about a _.celebration, religious, Christians, origin, custom, as though, have a fun with, belief Step 3. Grammar point1. Explain for Ss the grammar point: the modal verb(1) can/could 可以表示能力、许诺、请求或某种可能性,could还可用于: 提出委婉的请求, (注意在回答中不可用 could)。例如: Could I have the television on?我能看电视吗? Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 可以 /不可以。 在否定句、疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。例如:He couldnt be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人(2) may/might表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿。might 表示推测时,不表示时态,只是可能性比may 小。(3) will/would 克表示请求、许诺、同意、过去的习惯等。但需要注意: would like ; would like to do = want to想要,为固定搭配。例如:Would you like to go with me?想和我一块去吗? Willyou ? Would you like ? 表示肯定含义的请求劝说时,疑问句中一般用 some, 而不是 any。例如:Would you like some cake?吃点蛋糕吧。 否定结构中用 will ,一般不用 would, wont you 是一种委婉语气。Wont you sit down? 你不坐下吗?(4) shall/should 可以表示推测、判断或建议。shall指现在, should指过去。(5) must/cant指推测或猜想 must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为“一定” ,否定推测用 cant。2. Ask Ss to find at least four sentences which use modal verbs in the reading text and translate them into Chinese. See who can make the best translation.Suggested Answers:(1) when they can dress up and go to their neighbors homes and ask for sweets. (line 9, part 2)那时他们可以化装并去邻居家要糖果。(2) Some people might win awards for their , (line 4, part 4)一些人可能会因他们的而获奖。(3) and may give children lucky money in red paper. (line 3, part 5)也可能给孩子们用红包包起来的压岁钱。3. Ask Ss to finish Ex3 on P6 and check the answers in pairs. Step 4. Homework1. Ask Ss to review what has been learned in this period.2. Ask Ss to finish the exercises of Using Words And Expressions and Using Structures onP42 P43.语法教学参考材料:情态动词的语法特征1) 情态动词不能单独做谓语,除ought和 have 外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式。2) 情态动词没有人称,数的变化,但有些情态动词,如can、 will也有一般式和过去式的变化。3) 情态动词的 “时态 ”形式并不是时间区别的主要标志,不少情况下,情态动词的现在式形式和过去式形式都可用来表示现在时间、过去时间和将来时间。1) can 和 could: 1) can 的主要用法是:A.表示体力或脑力的能力:eg. The girl can dance very well.B.表示说话的推测事物的可能性等:C. 在口语中 , can 可以表示请求或允许:2) could 的主要用法是: A. could 是 can 的过去式 knew that the young man couldn t be a doctor.B. could 可以代替 can 表示请求 , 但语气较 eg. Could you lend me your dictionary?eg. Can the news be true?eg. Can I sit here?, 表示与过去 有关的能力和推测 : eg. We allcan 客气、委婉 :Could I use your bike?3) can 和 could 接动词的完成形式, 表示可能已经做某事。 can 用在否定和疑问句中 , 表示不相信、怀疑等态度。 eg. They cant have gone out because the light is still on.may 和 might:may 常用来表示:A. 表示请求、允许;比 can 较为正式 :eg. May I come in ?You may go now.B. 表示说话人的猜测 : 也“许 ” 可“能 ” :通常只用于肯定句和否定句中。eg. -I believe the man is from England.The guest may arrive this afternoon.-But I may be wrong.在肯定句中, may 的可能性比can 高, may 表示现实的可能性,can 表示理论上的可能性。如:The road may be blocked.这条路可能不通了。The road can be blocked.这条路可能会是不通的。在疑问句中,表示可能性用can。如: Where can he be? 他会在哪呢?C. 表示祝愿 ;但语气较正式 : eg. May you succeed! May you have a good journey!might 的用法有 :多在间接引语中表示过去的可能和允许。如:She said that he might take her bike.她说他可以拿她的自行车去用。除了在间接引语中以外,might 一般不表示过去的可能或者许可。如要表示过去的可能可以用could, 表示过去的许可可以用was( were) allowed to或者had permission to 。表示现在的可能,其可能性要比may 小。如:She might go home tomorrow.表示现在的许可 , 语气比 may 较委婉 , 一般用于疑问句 (包括间接疑问句 ), 不可用于肯定句或者否定句。如 : Might I have a word with you?我可以和你说句话吗?will 和 would :1. will 是助动词或是情态动词?will 用于构成将来时是助动词。用于表示“意志 ”“决心 ”“请求 ”是情态动词。 would 亦同理。eg. I will tell you somethingimportant.我要告诉你一些重要的事。(助动词)Will you tell her that Im here?请您告诉她说我在这儿,好吗?(情态动词)2. 在疑问句中用于第二人称,提出请求或询问。eg: If you want help - let me know,will you?如果你需要帮助 , 让我知道 ,好吗 ? Will you type this, please? 请打印这个,好吗?Wont you sit down? 请坐下,好吗? 3. would 比 will客气委婉。eg: Would you help us, please?请您帮助我们,好吗? I d go there with you我.要和你一块到那儿去。 Teacher wouldn t allow it老.师不会允许这
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