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上宝中学初二英语第二学期8B Unit 1Part II 单项选择(20分)31. There is _ “h” in the world “honest”, but_ “h” is silent.A a,the B an,the C an, a D an,an32. Does this book belong to_? No, it is_.A he, her B him,her C his, hers D him,hers33. The government means_ salaries. It means _ purchasing(购买) powerA to rise, to increase B raising, to increase C to raise, increasing D rising, increasing 34. He becomes_ than before because he is always sitting before the computer playing computer games and he is _ of the four children now.A less healthier, the strongest B less healthy, the least strongC healthier, the strongest D less healthy,less strong35. There was_ in Sundays newspaper, everybody is talking about it.A an important news B an item of important newsC an important item of news D an important news item36. Students will make progress if they are_ one subject and will attend class_.A interested in, interestedly B interest in, interestedly C interesting in, interested D interested in, with interests37. The working class was made_ freedom.A fight for B to fight for C fight against D to fight against38. My friend_ to wait for me _ the end of the street.A supposed, at B was suppposed, at C supposed, on D was supposed,on39. The editor praised his paper, accepted it and suggested _ as_as possible.A to publish,quick B publishing, quick C to publish, quickly D publishing,quickly40. You should always be thankful_ your parents_ giving you a good education.A for, to B with, for C to, for D for,by41. The thief _ while the policeman was walking by and _ as soon as he walked away.A hold his breath, breathe deeply B held his breath, breathed deeplyC catch his breath, breathe deeply D caught his breath, breath deeply42. His advice kept me_ making a serious mistake which is also a _ to those who are too confident in their own opinion.A from., warning B without,warning C from, warn D without,warning43. So far,twelve students,as well as their teacher_ to the celebration.A has been invited B have been invited C were invited D was invited44. Some flowers give off their richest fragrance at night. Which one has the closest meaning with the underlined part?A give out B let out C send out D send off45. Is it too early for shopping?Not at all. The nearest supermarket_ for two hours already.A is opened B has opened C has been opened D has been open 46. Well visit Europe next year_ we have enough money.A until B unless C so that D as long as47. Now I_ it is really a problem. I _ of a way to deal with it.A think, am thinking B am thinking,think C dont think,think D dont think,will think48. Water turns into gas. It is a _ change not a _ change.A physical,chemical B physical,chemistry C physics, chemistry D physics,chemical49. The old lady couldnt remember_.A where had she put her glasses B when her grandson had been awayC if she had locked the back door or not D who had helped clean the backyard50. Its a cold day. Would you mind closing the window?A. Never mind B. Youre welcome C. Of course not D. No ,thanksIII 选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文,每个单词或词组只能用一次。(8分)A In addition B with interest C take the place D convenience E while F take place G greatly H By I Attracted Shopping habits in the United States have changed _51_ in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Early in the 1900s, most American towns and cities had a Main Street.Main Street was always in the heart of a town.This street was lined on both sides with many businesses. Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all kinds of merchandise(商品):clothing, furniture, hardware(五金), groceries(杂货). _52_, some shops offered services. These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoe-repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. But in the 1950s, a change began to _53_. Too many cars and trucks had crowded into Main Street_54_ too few parking places were available to shoppers. Because the streets were crowded, merchants(商人) began to look _55_ at the open spaces outside the city limits. Open space is what their car-driving customers needed And open space is what they got when the first shopping center was built. Shopping centers, or malls, started as collection of small new stores built away from crowded city centers. _56_ by hundreds of free parking spaces, customers were drawn away from downtown areas to the outlying malls. _57_ the late 1970s, many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities them
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