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8下 Unit 5 Good mannersRevision,一、 检查预习,1. 词汇-汉译英 英国人 British people 罗马人 the Romans 当地人 the local people 在公共场合 in public (places) 在一个陌生的地方 in a strange place 在罗马 in Rome 无礼的 be impolite /rude 有礼貌的 be polite 与你握手 shake your hand 排队等次序 queue for ones turn 插队 push in before others,D. 他们足够有耐心去排队。 They are _. 他们认为插队是无礼的行为. They think its _ . 他们太有礼貌了而不会去插队。 They are _,patient enough to queue,rude/impolite to push in before others,too polite to push in before others,二、 复习课文(课本P66+口语书P65,Good manners are very important in our daily life . British people have many good manners,When British people meet for the first time,they_“hello” or “nice to meet you,and _ your hand,they only _relatives or close friends with _,shake,say,greet,a kiss,When British people start a conversation,they _about the weather, holidays, music, books or something else,avoid asking age, weight or money,they_subjects like age, weight or money,avoid,Do not ask age, weight or money,talk,When British people are in public,they always _ for their turn,they never _before others,queue,push in,When British people are in public,they dont like to shout or laugh loudly,they keep their voice down,When British people are at home,they are polite as well /too,they say “please” or “thank you” all the time,If you are in their way , they wont _you or _ you .They will be _to wait till you move,touch,push past,polite enough,adj. + enough to do sth. 足够+adj.去做某事,他们足够有耐心等轮到他们的次序。他们从来不插队在别人前面,They are _. They never _,patient enough to wait for their turn,push in before others,They are _ polite _push in before others,too,to,Something else,too to do sth . 太 而不能,Exercises,一、连词成句: They/ patient/ are/ enough/ when others speak /to / listen carefully 2. British / are / people /too /polite / push in before others / to 3. British / are / people /enough /polite / queue/to,They are patient enough to listen carefully when others speak,British people are too polite to push in before others,British people are polite enough to queue,中考指导P96 课堂巩固(一,组长检查批改, 同伴互助交流, 齐声朗读巩固,中考指导P96 课堂巩固(一,British people usually say “hello” and “nice to meet you” and s_ your hand when they meet you for the first time. They only greet relatives or close friends with a k_ . To start a c_, they prefer subjects like the weather, holidays, music or books. They avoid talking about private topics like age, weight or money. British people think that it is rude to p_ in before others . They always queue for their t_. They say “sorry” if they bump into you in the street .When you happen to be in their way they wont t_ you or push past you . Instead they will say “e_ me “and wait patiently till you move .They do not like to shout or laugh loudly in p_ . British people are polite at home too .They say “please “ or “thank you” all the time,hake,iss,onversation,ush,urn,ouch,xcuse,ublic,三、 朗读短文,了解结构(口语小册P35-12,We are going to hold a talk on good table manners this afternoon .The purpose is to teach students manners for eating . There will be a lot of advice on table manners . Above all , when you are sitting at the table , you should not start eating until everyone is ready and it is impolite to make too much noise while you are eating or drinking . You should not eat with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth .Before you leave the table, wait until everyone to finish . These rules are important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table,The first paragraph is about the purpose of the talk,The second paragraph talks about different kinds of table manners,The third paragraph talks about the importance of the table manners,1. It is impolite to make too much noise. Its + adj. to do sth.做某事是adj. 1.他们认为插队是无理的行为. They think _ before others . 2.在公园里摘花是不好的行为。 _ in the park . 3.随处丢垃圾是粗鲁的行为。 _,its rude to push in,Its not good to pick flowers,Its rude to drop litter everywhere,2.The purpose is to teach students manners for eating. 填空: (1). The aim of the article is _ _ (help ) the students learn about manners . (2). His job is _ _ ( introduce ) each star . (3). 这个游戏的目的是教我们地理知识。 The _ of the game is _ _ us knowledge about geography,to help,to introduce,purpose /aim,to teach,3. You should not start eating until everyone is ready . should do sth. should not do sth. (1)在公共场合我们应该排队等候。我们不应该插队。 In public places , we _. We _. (2) 我们应该像当地人一样做。 We _ as the local people do,should queue for our turn,should not push in before others,should do,We should not,pick flowers in the park,leave the tap running,drop litter everywhere,keep quiet in the library,obey traffic rules,queue for our turn,We should (动词原形,四
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