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Unit 1,A Land of Diversity,warming up & reading,General knowledge quiz about the USA How many states are there in the USA ? A. 49 B. 50 C. 51 D. 48 The most important and largest river in the United States of America is_ ? A. the Ohio River B. the Colorado River C. The Missouri River D. the Mississippi River,B,D,3. California is the _ largest state in the USA. A. third B. Second C. fourth D. fifth 4. California, a state in the western USA, borders _. A. the Pacific Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C. the Atlantic Ocean D. the Arctic Ocean 5. _ is Californias largest and the nations second largest city. A. Sacramento B. Los Angeles C. San Diego D. San Francisco,A,A,B,6. Californias official nickname is the _ ? A. Sunflower State B. Golden State C. Land of opportunity D. Evergreen State 7. _has the largest population in the USA. A. California B. Alaska C. Washington D. Texas 8. California entered the Union on September 9, 1850, as the _state. A. thirtieth B. thirty-eighth C. thirty-second D. thirty-first,B,A,D,If you want to learn something about a country, a state, etc, what do you want to know ,Discussion,If we want to learn something about a country, a state, we would like to know its size, population, location, language, history, capital, climate, agriculture and industry, education and medical care, etc,http:/,http:/,The map of USA,面積:403,970平方公里 (3) 人口:33,871,648 (1) 別名:黃金之州(Golden State) 加盟日:9/9/1850 (31) 州府:沙加緬度(Sacramento) 第一大城:洛杉磯(Los Angeles) 州歌:I Love You, California 州花:罌粟 州鳥:加州鵪鶉 州樹:加州紅杉 州石:藍錐礦 州礦:黃金 州昆蟲:加州狗臉蝴蝶 州動物:加州熊 箴言:我發現了(Eureka,大多數沒來過加州的人多多少少都有聽說過加州的 優勝美地 (Yosemite)、 太浩湖 (Lake Tahoe)、 棕櫚泉(Palm Springs)、 死亡谷 (Death Valley)、 迪士尼樂園 (Disneyland)、 金門大橋 (Golden Gate Bridge)、 和洛杉磯的蓋蒂中心 (Getty Center)。 洛杉磯的好萊塢更是大家耳熟能詳的地方。 加州的陽光、海浪、和地震更是此地的特色,China town,Golden Gate Bridge,好莱坞的星光大道是条极富戏剧性的路,什么人都有,什么事都可能发生。而在洛杉矶,有个地方比迪士尼更好玩,那就是环球影城(UNIVERSAL STUDIOS,环球影城热门节目之一水世界 的火爆演出,在星光大道上中国香港的导演吴宇森的手印,世界上第三大的巨树,树龄超过1700年。 巨树究竟有多巨型?人一站过去就看出来了,加州的山路弯又弯,加州的树木巨又大,加州山区的天气说变就变,一分钟之前还是晴天,一分钟之后就下起了大雪,又一分钟之后雪过天青,帝王山谷中“九月雪花飘”的奇观,Cable car(有轨)缆车,加利福尼亞來自西班牙語,意謂神秘的天堂。1542年葡萄牙航海家羅德里奎茲 (Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo)發現加州,到了1768年西班牙國王查理斯下令殖民此地。隨後在1769至1823年間,天主教聖芳濟修會的兩位修士Junipero Serra 和 Fermin Lasuen從聖地牙哥到索諾馬 (Sonoma) 成立了21間教堂;於此同時,1777年西班牙移民在聖荷西建立第一個城市,1848年1月,詹姆士馬歇爾 (James Marshall) 和一群工人在北加州的美國河畔建造了一個鋸木廠。在1月24日的寒冷清晨,馬歇爾在河邊找到了一些碎金塊,就這樣開啟了人類歷史上的一次大遷徙。大約有五十萬人從世界各地來到加州尋求一夕致富,發現黃金的消息第一次出現在三籓市加州人報 (The Californian) 三月十五日的報導上,接下來的一些軍人又在附近的河邊發現金塊,掏金熱於是乎就這麼展開來了,自從淘金熱時期起,加州已成為美國開放的最富饒的土地,一個能快速致富和可以得到任何你所渴望的榮譽的地方,而且功名成就之後,你大可擁有依山傍海的公寓。時光飛逝,加州的經濟近年來已有了突飛猛進的發展。她的居民保持著大無謂的精神,全力投入到使他們第一次來到這裏的神話和美好的憧憬之中(牢記,這可是把Sonny Bono送進國會的地方)。而且還有更多的人正源源不斷地來到這裏,並帶來如此之多的變化和創造力,誰又能阻止他們的到來呢,加州共分為北加州、南加州和中加州。然而,加利福尼亞實際上更像是兩個州。她的北半部孕育著矽谷和三藩市海灘,無論在文化和地理環境都同由洛杉磯和聖地牙哥組成的加州南半部窘然不同。北上是晶片、位元組、葡萄和嬉皮士,而南下是明星、賽璐珞、衝浪和美國海岸員警。這些景觀在不同人的眼裏同樣是吸引人的。中國人大多居住在北加州的灣區 (Bay Area)如三藩市(San Francisco) 和聖荷西 (San Jose) ,以及南加州的洛杉磯 (Los Angeles) 和橙縣 (Oragne County)。而加州主要的旅遊聖地又以這兩地為多,想像一段電影情節: 第一幕:在一個白雪覆蓋的山頭,豔麗的陽光下,一對年輕情侶穿著滑雪衣,帶著滑雪裝備從山頭下快速優雅的沖下山坡。 第二幕:一個小時後在清潔的白沙灘上,同樣的一對男女在海灘上散步,溫暖的海水打在他們的腳上。 下一幕:再下一個小時後,這對情侶坐在市區的一個優雅的餐廳聽著優雅的音樂,吃著美味的晚餐,商量著晚餐後將要去哪一家夜總會玩。 不要以為這只是夢想,在加州,這的的確確是生活的一部份,Do the following exercises with the help of the map of Warming Up Ocean on the east coast: Ocean on the west coast: Country to the north of USA: Country to the south of USA: Mountain range in the west: Great Lakes: Longest river in the USA: Some important cities,Ocean on the east coast: Atlantic Ocean Ocean on the west coast: Pacific Ocean Country to the north of USA: Canada Country to the south of USA: Mexico Mountain range in the west: Rocky Mountains Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario Longest river in the USA: Mississippi River Some important cities: New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans,Work with a partner and know more about 5 pictures on page 1-3 through the text and say something about the pictures. Discuss how each picture is relevant to the history of California,First reading,A Land of Diversity,Pictures on page1: A native American Indian- one of the first people to live in California. A gold miner-the discovery of gold in California created a gold rush which brought people from all over the world to California. A building in Chinatown, San Francisco-many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live in Chinatown in San Francisco,Picture on page 2:A Spanish monk-The first people to settle in California after the American Indians were Spanish monks from South and Central America who went to teach the Christian religion to Native Americans. Picture on page 3: African American- originally brought to America as slaves, their descendents (后代)now live in California as American citizens,Read it again and finish part 2 & 3 of comprehending,Second reading,Part 2,Part 3: Russians _ Jewish _ Danish _ Chinese _ Japanese _ Pakistanis _ Africans _ Cambodians _
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