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Parties,Lesson 2,典例,Mr.Weller retired last month and now lives at his ease,韦勒先生上个月退休了,现在过着悠闲的生活,拓展,retire to (退休后)搬家到;隐居;休息,retire from 从(岗位)退休 retire as 作为职业退休;作为身份退休,1retire vi.退休,运用,完成句子,每空一词,1)The old people would _ _ (休息) bed early,to save fuel and light,retire,to,2)He will_ _ ( 退 休 ) his job next year and,take things easy,retire,from,3)My father _ _ ( 作 为 退 休 ) a,professional English teacher,retired,as,2salary n薪水,典例,He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money,from his friends and never pays it back. 他的工资待遇很好,但他总是向朋友借钱且从不归还,辨析,salary/income/wages/fee,1)salary 一般指专业人员或在办公室工作的人员领取的工 资,通常按月支付,一般直接拨入领取者的银行账户。 (2)income 指某一段时间所得,可指挣来的也可指非挣来的。 主要指工作报酬或投资收益所得的钱,为通用词,3)wages 指劳动者的工资或工人的工资,通常指给予短期 工作者的报酬。常按小时、日、星期计算,或按完成一定的工 作量计算,通常为现款。 (4)fee 指付给律师、医生等的报酬,运用,用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空,1)Some famous singers live on the _ from their,record sales,income,2)She is on a _ of 4,000 yuan each month. (3)Im afraid I cant afford the doctors _. (4)His _ are three hundred dollars a week,salary,fee,wages,3apply vi.申请,vt.应用,点拨,1)apply 作不及物动词时,常用于 apply for 结构,意,为“请求/申请”。如: She applied for a job as an English teacher. 她申请一份英语教师的工作。 (2)apply 作 及 物 动 词 时 , 常 用 于 apply.to. 结 构 , 意 为 “把应用于”。如: You cant apply this rule to every case. 这个规则并不能适用于所有的情况,拓展,apply to sb.for.向某人申请,apply oneself to (doing) sth.集中精力做某事;专心致志做某 事,运用,完成句子,每空一词,1)What you said _ _ _ (不适合) me,doesnt,apply,to,2)We had to _ _ ( 向 申 请 ) the,government _ financial help,apply,to,for,3)He _ _ _ ( 专 心 于 ) learning,English,applied,himself,to,4depend on 根据,依据;依靠,依赖,典例,All living things depend on the sun for their growth,万物生长靠太阳,拓展,depend on it 请放心;没问题,depend on sb.to do sth.依靠某人干某事 It/That (all) depends.那得看情况而定,运用,完成句子,每空一词,1)What time will you arrive? I dont know.It _ _ ( 依 据 而 定 ) the,traffic,depends,on,2)You cant _ _ ( 依 靠 ) Johnhe always,arrives late,depend,on,5on time 准时,典例 拓展,The train arrived on time.火车正点到达。 all the time 一直;始终,at times 有时(相当于 sometimes) at all times 随时;总是 ahead of/behind time 提前/拖后 at a time 每次;一次 at one time 曾经;一度 once upon a time 从前(相当于 long ago) from time to time 时不时地 in time 及时;最后;终于,运用,完成句子,每空一词,1)You can borrow two books _ _ _,每次,at,a,time,2)The firemen reached the house on fire _ _,及时,in,time,3)The train was _ _ ( 拖 后 ), so I couldnt reach there _ _ (准时,behind,time,on,time,6congratulation n祝贺,点拨,congratulation 常以复数形式出现,用来表示对某人,的祝贺,多与介词 on/upon 连用。如: I offered my congratulations on/upon his success. 我祝贺他的成功,拓展,congratulate vt.祝贺,congratulate sb.on sth.为某事而祝贺某人,辨析,congratulate/celebrate,1)congratulate 指对人祝贺,如果表达“就某事祝贺”,一 般用介词 on。 (2)celebrate 只用于事,如节日、胜利、结婚纪念、生日等, 指以仪式、典礼等活动庆祝令人欢乐的事情或日子,运用,完成句子,每空一词,1)The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _ (庆祝) their parents silver wedding. (2)We offered our _ _ ( 祝贺) his passing the college entrance exams,celebrate,congratulations,on/upon
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