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Module 3 Unit 2,Sam ate four hamburgers,Chant together,learn learn -learnt drink drink-drank have have -had eat eat -ate do do -did give give -gave,What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I had,Review the dialogue,then fill in the blanks,eggs and sausages,fish and chips,sandwiches,email,Module 3 Unit 2,Sam ate four hamburgers,Watch the video,Answer the questions,1.Who ate four hamburgers? 2.Who had a sandwich? 3.Does Amy miss Chinese food? 4.What is Ms Smart going to cook tonight? 5.Who wrote this letter to Daming,Sam ate four hamburgers,Lingling had a sandwich,Yes, she does,Ms Smart is going to cook Chinese food,Amy wrote this letter to Daming,Watch the video again.Read follow it,Read the text by yourselves,Retell the text,Dear Daming, Today Sam _four hamburgers at school! He_hamburgers very much. Lingling_a sandwich because she_like hamburgers. She_her hamburgers _ Sam. I_ Chinese food. Tonight mum is going to_Chinese food for us. Love, Amy,cook,miss,to,gave,doesnt,had,likes,ate,Show time,traditional Chinese food,traditional English food,hungry,Lets do exercises,Make your own story in groups.(讲述你自己的故事,Do a survey in your groups,Summary,What have you learned ,Homework,1.Read the text fluently.(熟读文) 2.Try to write a letter to your friends.(给朋友写封信
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