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Module 7Unit 2,Its 6:30 am in New York,Revision,Can you find the numbers,Eleven,Twelve,Is it 12 oclock,Yes, it is,Is it 4 oclock,No, it isnt,Lets learn,What time is the dinner time,Dinner time is 6 oclock,Lunch time is oclock,Breakfast time is oclock,Whats the time now,Its 7 oclock am, its breakfast time,Whats the time now,Its 12 oclock pm, its lunch time,Whats the time now,Its 6 oclock pm, its dinner time,Lets learn,Whats the time,Its half past seven,Practice,Whats the time now,Whats the time now,Its half past twelve,Whats the time now,Its half past seven,Whats the time now,Its half past ten,Whats the time now,Its half past eight,Game Time,游戏规则: 学生上台扮演时钟, 并用手臂演示某一时刻, 其余学生来猜测具体几点,Homework,1.Remember new words. 2.Try to play game “Wolf, wolf. What the time ” with your partner,Thank you
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