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Unit5 Where are you going,The first period,The weekend is coming. I want to travel,Where are you going? 你们要去哪儿,Lets take a bus,Where is it,We are going to the bus stop,We are going to the park,A:What do you want to do in the park ,B: I want to in the park,in the park,B:We are going to the shop/store,You need to buy some drinks,A:Where are you going ,I am going to the hospital,I want to see a doctor,Where is it,We can see a film,B:We are going to the cinema,A:Where are you going ,He wants to,B:He is going to the bookstore/bookshop,A:Where is he going ,Attention: 合成词:book + store = bookstore,sun,tooth,rain,glasses,sunglasses,brush,toothbrush,coat,raincoat,Listen and read,Ask and answer,A:Where are you/they going? B:We/They are /I am going to,A:Where is she/he going? B:She/He is going to,Lets play a game,摸宝,盒子里装有许多宝物,同学们举手上来轮流摸宝,如果摸到的是写有英文的卡片,则要英译汉;如果是中文,则要汉译英并拼读出来;如果是图片,则要看图说英语,答对者可带走一件宝物,Do a survey and report,The summer holiday is coming. Where are you going ,is going to and are going to,Lets practice,Read and fill in the blanks。 1.they to are school the going(连词成句) _? 2.He is going the park.(翻译) _。 3.你打算去哪?(补全句子) are you ? 4.他们打算去书店。(补全句子) They the bookstore,Are they going to the school,他准备去公园,Where,going,are going to,see a film buy a story book fly a kite take a bus buy a pencil,shop park cinema bus stop bookstore,Lets practice,Read and match,Lets sing,Little mouse,little mouse; Run so fast,run so fast; Where are you going? Where are you going? Tell me now, let me know,Summary小结 What have you learnt from this class? 这节课 你学到了什么,词汇,句子,时态,be going to是固定结构,后接地点名词时,表示正准备去那里,它是“一般将来”时的一种表现形式,shop park cinema bus stop bookstore hospital buy a story book,A:Where are you/they going? B:We/They are going to A:Where is she/he going? B:She/He is going to,Homework,Practice the new words and sentences . 练习新单词和句子。 Prepare the following part of this lesson. 预习本课余下部分
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