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Module 2 Unit 1 She learnt English,Who is she? She is Yang Liping,dancer,Why is he wearing these clothes,Because hes a driver,Why is he wearing these clothes,English,foreign language,English,Russian,Japanese,foreign languages,a i u e o ka ki ku ke ko,A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q,English,Russian,Japanese,foreign languages,Questions,These questions are about Linglings grandma.(Part1-2,1.Why is she wearing these clothes,2. Where did she dance,3.Did she learn any foreign languages,Questions,These questions are about Linglings grandma.(Part3-4,1、Was he a driver ,2、Did he learn English ,3、What is he doing ,Practise,grandma,grandma,grandma,grandpa,grandpa,Please say the words as quickly as you can,is-was,dance,walk,learn,eat,do,watch,make,buy,danced,walked,learnt,ate,did,watched,made,bought,Homework,Please introduce your family members to your friends,Nice to study with you,Goodbye
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