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Lesson 6 What food do you like,教学目的 :1.会说会用这些句子: Where are you from? I am from America. I come from America. What food do you like best? I often eat hamburgers. 2.通过食物饮料的图片复习有关单词,会说会用会写以下单词: dumplings vegetables noodles fried chicken,dumplings,I want some dumplings. I like dumplings. Dumplings are my favourite food. Id like some dumplings. I like dumplings for my dinner. There are some dumplings,vegetables,noodles,fried chicken,I want some dumplings. I like dumplings. Dumplings are my favourite food. Id like some dumplings. I like dumplings for my dinner. There are some dumplings,Dumplings vegetables noodles fried chicken,Where are you from? I am from Gansu. I am from the north of China. What food do you like? I like noodles. I often eat noodles,Key points,be from=come from I am from China.=I come from China,I come from China. I like noodles,I come from America. I often eat hamburgers,Im from Japan. I like vegetables,Where are you from? What food do you like,Lets practise,He is from _. He is American. He likes_,She is from China. She is Chinese. She wants_,America,hambergers,dumplings,We are from Shanxi. We like_,They are from _. They are Japanese. They eat_,Japan,celery,noodles,Lets practise (1,Find the right answers. Where are you from? A. No, I like dumplings. What would you like to drink? B. He likes beef. Do you like hamburgers? C. I am from England. What food does he like? D. Yes, I do. Do you often have rice? E. Id like a cup of tea,C,E,A,B,D,Goodbye
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