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第2页 / 共6页
Part A(2)Lets learn & Make a map and talk,一、看一看,连一连,二、用所给图片为参照物,根据图片下面的单词提示,画出“球”所在的位置,三、选出与所给单词同类的一项。 ( C )1.grandpa A.officeB.greenC.mother ( C )2.ask A.robotB.bookstoreC.send ( C )3.behind A.doorB.buyC.near ( B )4.library A.todayB.cinemaC.postcard ( C )5.where A.hospitalB.shopC.what,四、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1.电影院在哪里? Where is the cinema? 2.今天下午我们一起去公园吧! Lets go to the park this afternoon! 3.我家紧挨着书店。 My home is next to the bookstore. 4.在我的城市有一家宠物医院。 There is a pet hospital in my city,五、看图填词。 There is a museum in the middle(中间).The bank is 1.in front of the museum.The 2.park is near the bank on the right.The 3.bookstore is near the bank on the left.The 4.supermarket is next to the zoo.The bus stop is 5.next to the supermarket
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