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人教新版七年级下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here 第3课时(3a-3c) (语法课)Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims: Ss are able to recognize “there be” structure as well as its general question form and use them to ask ways and give answers.Ability aims: Ss are able to tell the positions of places with “there be” structure and ask ways and give answers in different ways by creating situations.Emotional aims: Ss can get familiar with their surroundings by exchanging ideas about different places.Teaching Key and Difficult Points:Teaching Key Points: Ss are able to recognize “there be” structure as well as its general question form and use them to ask ways and give answers.Teaching Difficult Points: Ss are able to tell the positions of places with “there be” structure and ask ways and give answers in different ways by creating situations.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead-inT creates a situation that David, an exchange student, want to visit our city, but he doesnt know where to go and how to get there. Thus leading Ss to “there be” structure.T: David is an exchange student in our school. He wants to visit our city this weekend, but doesnt know where to go. Can you give him some suggestion? Tom, how about you?Tom: He can go to Baogong Temple.T: Thats a good idea. Lily, whats your suggestion?Lily: Hefei has the Swan Lake. The lake and the white beach are beautiful.T: Good for you! You not only give your suggestion, but also list your reasons. But usually we dont say like that, instead, we say “There is a Swan Lake in Hefei.” (Write it down on the blackboard). This is the structure we are going to learn today.【设计意图】教师通过创设情境进行新旧知识的结合,自然引导学生学习本课语法点there be结构。Step 2: PresentationTeacher continues the situation and leads the students to understand “there be” structure.T: “There is a Swan Lake in Hefei.” is similar to “We have a Swan Lake in Hefei.” So can you guess the meaning of “there is” in this sentence?Ss: T: Great! Youre so clever. So David wants to know more places, can you use this structure to introduce some? Lucy, can you have a try?Lucy: There have a Baogong Temple in Hefei.T: There have? Are you sure?Lucy: There is a Baogong Temple in Hefei.T: very good. So boys and girls, you should also pay attention to this: there be is similar to “have” in Chinese, but they are not used in the same way. Now please work with your partner and make as many sentences as possible.T: Just now we told David some interesting places in Hefei, but he didnt know how to get there. So he can also ask way with this structure: Is there a temple on the Walking Street? Who can help him?S1: Yes, there is.【设计意图】结合生活,利用情境创设一步步引导学生逐步理解there be结构的意义和用法,利于学生理解记忆。Step 3: Practice(1) Teacher draws a map on the blackboard and asks Ss to describe it with “there be” structure. (2) Guessing game: Students are divided into groups and take turns to choose a place in the picture. Then other members ask questions and guess the place.T: Now please look at the map I drew on the blackboard. As we can see, there are many places on the picture. Please work with your desk mate and describe the places with there be structure. Are you clear? Now lets go.T: OK. I notice that most of you have done a good job in using the structure. Still, please pay attention to the form of “be”. This time lets play a guessing game. Look at the screen, here is a picture. Please work in group of 4 and take turns to choose a place in the picture, and other members ask questions with the structure “Is there ” and guess the place.【设计意图】利用简笔画和猜谜游戏引导学生练习there be结构,既活跃了课堂气氛,又能及时巩固所学内容。Step 4: ConsolidationTeacher asks Ss to draw a picture of the surroundings of their own house and then describe it to the whole class.T: Are you familiar with your own surroundings? I hope you can draw a picture of the surroundings of their own house. In the picture, please mark the names of the places like park, supermarket, etc. After that, please describe it to your desk mate. Dont forget to use “there be” structure in your description. Later Ill invite some students to do a presentation.T: Both your drawings and presentations are great. Youre so talented.【设计意图】教师采用任务型教学法,通过让学生绘画自己家附近的场所并用所学知识进行描述,这种跨学科方式既有利于让学生保持学习热情,又能进一步巩固新旧知识。Step 5: SummaryTeacher leads Ss to summarize the class and arouse their emotions.T: Todays class is almost stopped here. So what do we learn today?Ss: T: Yes. When we learn how to use “there be” structure, we can use them to describe things and ask ways. So please try to use it in your daily life, OK?【设计意图】通过带领学生回顾并总结本课新学内容达到强化和检测作用,并激发学生的情感。Step 6: HomeworkObserve the surroundings around you and describe it to your parents/ write it down with “there be” structure.T: Time flies! Its time to say goodbye again. After class, please observe the things around you. Then try to describe them with “there be” structure to your parents. / Then try to describe them with “there be”
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