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人教新版七年级下册 Unit 6 Im Watching TV第一课时1a-1c (听说课)Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims: Ss are able to handle the phrases about activities: using the computer, making soup, reading a newspaper; and learn the sentences “Whats he/ she/ doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ is ”/ “They are ”Ability aims: Ss are able to talk about what people are doing with the structure “Whats he/ she/ doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ is ”/ “They are ”Emotional aims: Ss can develop their relationship by exchanging ideas on their daily life.Teaching Key and Difficult Points:Teaching Key Points: Ss are able to handle the phrases about activities and learn the use of the present continuous tense.Teaching Difficult Points: Ss are able to talk about what people are doing with the structure “Whats he/ she/ doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ is ”/ “They are ”Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead-inBrainstorm: Students say out related phrases according to the pictures drawn by the teacher on the blackboard.T: Boys and girls, I will draw some pictures for you. (T quickly draws some pictures like TV, bowl, vegetables, football, etc.) Can you list some phrases related to the pictures? For example, the first picture is a TV, what phrases do you know about TV?Ss: Watch TV.T: Thats great. (T writes “watch TV” on the blackboard), OK, the next one.Ss: T:Boys and girls, you have done a great job. Im so proud of you. Todays class is related to these phrases and we will learn more: Unit 6 Im watching TV.【设计意图】通过教师在黑板上画简笔画让学生对以往学过的相关活动短语进行头脑风暴,既复习了旧知识,也为新授内容做好了铺垫。Step 2: PresentationT plays the video clip that containing the phrases: reading a newspaper, making soup, using a computer; and guides them to learn the sentences: “Whats he/ she/ doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ is ”/ “They are ”T: Lets enjoy the video again and see what other activities does Bob do? (T stops the video when the new activities appear)T: Where is Bob? Can you tell me?Ss: Kitchen.T: Yes, he is in the kitchen. What is he doing? (Stress and write the sentence on the blackboard) The boy in black, you please, what is Bob doing?Ss: He makes soup.T: Great, its almost right! Can you try it again? “He is ”S: He is making soup.T: Yes. He is making soup. (Stress and write the sentence on the blackboard) Read after me: making soup, he is making soup.(T guides the students to learn the other two phrases: reading a newspaper, using a computer; and the sentences: “Whats he/ she/ doing?” /“What are they doing?” and “He/ She/ is ”/ “They are ”)【设计意图】结合导入中的情境创设,利用视听法引导学生学习短语和句型,易于学生理解掌握。Step 3: PracticePractice 1: Teacher shows some pictures and lead the students to practice the phrases and sentences personally and in pairs.【设计意图】教师呈现活动图片,随机提问一些学生后让学生进行结对练习,利于学生及时巩固所学知识。Practice 2: Listening , filling and reading.【设计意图】通过听录音完成填空和跟读录音对所学短语、句子进一步操练。Step 4: ConsolidationTeacher creates a situation that you are visiting one of your friends and finds there are many other people. You want to make friends with them. Work in groups and make dialogues, then show it to the whole class.【设计意图】教师创设情境让学生利用所学知识进行对话创编并进行表演,既激发了学生的参与热情,又创造性地巩固了所学知识。Step 5: SummaryTeacher leads Ss to summarize the class and arouse their emotions.【设计意图】通过带领学生回顾并总结本课新学内容达到强化和检测作用,并激发学生的情感。Step 6: HomeworkObserve 5 people when you go back home and write down what they are doing.【设计意图】让学生观察身边的人和事并用所学短语和句型进行描述,将所学知识应用到生活之中。
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