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Unit 10 Tomorrow will be rainy,text,task,words,game,湘少版英语六年级下册,weather forecast,Tomorrow will be sunny. 晴 hot. 热 fine. 好,Tomorrow will be cloudy. 多云 cool. 凉爽,Tomorrow will be rainy. 雨 drizzling. 毛毛雨 light raining. 小雨 heavy raining. 大雨 thunder storming. 暴风雨,Tomorrow will be snowy. 下雪 hailing. 冰雹 cold. 冷,Tomorrow will be lightening. 闪电,What will be the weather tomorrow? Tomorrow will be _,I will carry the umbrella,Guessing Game,rainy,What will be the weather tomorrow? Tomorrow will be _,I will go swimming,Guessing Game,hot,What will be the weather tomorrow? Tomorrow will be _,I will put on my sweater,Guessing Game,cold,What will be the weather tomorrow? Tomorrow will be _,I will fly the kite,Guessing Game,windy,I will stay at home,weather reporter,Task,We need a wonderful weather reporter, who wants to try? 我们需要招聘一名优秀的气象预报员, 谁来应聘,Tel: 122,A: Hello! This is 122 weather forecast. Can I help you? B: Hello! I will _. What will be the weather tomorrow? A: Tomorrow will be _,Thank you
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