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人教课标版 高二选修6 Unit 4,英 语 课 件,Language points,2. So how has this come about and does it matter,考点 come about是不及物短语,意为“发生”。 Please tell me how the accident _. I am still in the dark. (2005 江西) A. came by B. came out C. came to D. came about,得到,获得,出来, 露出,达到,Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (湖北2006) A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up 点拨 根据句意“已经十点钟了。我不知道是怎么回事,这么短的路程她迟到了两个小时。”选C。come over来访;come out出来,出版;come up出现,到来,3. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. There is no doubt that. There is some doubt whether. 辨析:主句为肯定句时,doubt后使用连词whether。主句为否定句时,doubt后则使用连词that,e.g.: Theres no doubt that one day a cure will be found. There is little doubt that he was the killer,考点1 There is no doubt that .是固定句型,意为“毫无疑问”,that引导的是同位语从句,用来进一步补充说明doubt的具体内容。 考例 Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. (广东2005) A. which B. thatC. what D. whether 点拨 根据固定搭配there is no doubt that .可知选B,考点2 it is . that .在此句中构成强调句型,强调的是主语human activity。强调句型除谓语不能强调外,可强调主语、宾语或状语。 考例1 It is not who is right but what is right _ is of importance. (重庆2007) A. which B. itC. that D. this 点拨 根据强调句型的判断方法:将it is和that去掉后,此句成为Not who is right but what is right is of importance,是一个完整的句子,故此题是一个强调句型,考例2 I dont mind her criticizing me, but _ is how she does it that I object to. (江西2007) A. itB. thatC. this D. which 点拨 去掉it is和that后,本句相当于., but I object to how she does it,是个完整的句子。故此句是it强调句型,被强调部分是宾语从句,4. amount of 习惯用语: an amount of 相当数量的; 一些 any amount (of) 任何数量(的); 大量(的) be of little amount 不重要; 无价值,n. 数量 large amounts of money 大量的金钱 In an invoice the amount of money should be written both in words and in figures. 发票上的钱数要用字和数码写出来,5Without the green house effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. 如果没有温室效应,地球会比现在冷33。 这是一个含蓄虚拟条件句,应该注意有时假设的情况并不以条件从句形式表示出来,而是通过一个介词短语或其他方式表示。常用的词或短语有:without, but for, but that, otherwise, or, but等,例如: Without your help ( = If we had not had your help), we could not have succeeded 要是没有你的帮助,我们是不会成功的,But for electricity (= If there were no electricity), there would be no modem industry 要是没有电,就不会有现代工业,He was having a meeting with his students; otherwise he would have come. 他当时正与他的学生进行讨论,否则的话他就来帮我们了,He felt very tired yesterday, or he would have attended the party 他昨天很累, 不然他就参加那个聚会了,6. It was a scientist called Charles Keeling who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. 翻译 是一位名叫查尔斯奎林的科学家把1957至1997年期间大气层中二氧化碳的含量作了精确的统计。 点拨 该句是一个it was . who强调句。a scientist called Charles Keeling是被强调部分,其中called Charles Keeling为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰a scientist,8. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. 翻译 在另一方面, 还有一些人,对这一观点持反对态度,像科学家乔治汉布利,他们认为我们不必担心空气中高含量的二氧化碳,点拨 该句是一个主从复合句。主句为there are those,like scientist George Hambley作句子的插入语,who引导的定语从句修饰those,且在该定语从句中其谓语动词believe又带有that引导的宾语从句。句子的主要部分可以表示为: . there are those who believe that,9. consequence,in consequence 因此 as a consequence 结果 as a consequence of 由于的结果,10. range,in /within range 在射程之内 out of / beyond range 在射程之外,11. build up,Build up the business Sediment (沉淀物)builds up on the ocean floor. This built up my hope after the interview,develop 扩大, 发展,collect 累积, 收集,增加, 支持, 树立,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。 1. A large q_ of rice is badly needed here. 2. Students are from a wide r_ of backgrounds. 3. She studied hard, and in c_ she passed the exam. 4. The park attracts 4 million visitors p_ year,quantity,range,consequence,per,练习,5. What sort of _ (燃料) do these machines need? 6. The _ (数据) is still being analysed. So dont be so worried. 7. The earthquake was a terrible _ (大灾难). 8. A rainbow is a natural _ (现象) especially after a heavy rain. 10. The _ (曲线图) of export indicates a new success of the company,graph,fuel,data,catastrophe,phenomenon,IV. 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译 成英语。 他的粗鲁导致了孩子和他的争吵。(result in) 2. 他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。 (come about,They didnt know how the change had come about,His rudeness resulted in the childs quarreling with him,3. 他以优质的服务使生意逐步兴隆起 来。(build up) 4. 邻居们让他们停止制造噪音, 但他们 仍然继续。(keep on,The neighbours asked them to stop making a noise, but they still kept on,He built up his business by good service,5. 不用担心, 我们已经储藏了很多食 物。(quantities of) 6. 那个老人瞥了一下他的手表, 然后看 了看天空。(glance at,The old man glanced at his watch and then looked at the sky,Dont worry. We have stored quantities of food already
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