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Unit one Tales of the unexplained,Reading,Boy missing, police puzzled,A boy is missing, and the police are puzzled,Title,Why was the boy missing,Imagination,Where or how was the missing boy,leaving home kidnapping(绑架) murder (谋杀) drowning (溺水) being taken away by aliens,Listen to the passage and then answer the following questions,What is the article about? Who is missing? Do the police know what happened to Justin,The article is about a missing boy / UFOs and aliens,Justin Foster is missing,No, they dont,Read in detail,Paragraph 1: Find the following,When? Where? Who? What,two days ago,Dover, New Hampshire,a 15-year-old boy,went missing,Main Idea,Language points in paragraph 1,1. step up (line1) 加快, 加速 e.g. When Jack found that he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace. 杰克发现他就要迟到了,他加快了脚步。 The factory has stepped up its output of cars. 工厂加快了汽车生产,step forward 走上前来,跨前一步 step back (由于吃惊)后退一步 step by step 一步步地 out of step 合不上步子 take steps (a step) 采取措施 ,走(一步,2. went missing (line 3) go为联系动词 “变为” go+adj,His hair has (变得花白)over the years. We cant let the child (挨饿). She (发疯)when she found out that she had failed the exam,go hungry,went crazy,gone grey/white,3. due to (line 6,e.g. He arrived late due to the storm . 由于暴风雨,他迟到了,because of, caused by)由于,因为,Read paragraph 2 and answer the following questions Main Idea: Justin Foster went missing 1.Why did Justin mother go to bed early? Justins mother went to bed early because of a headache. 2.What did Mrs. Foster think? Mrs. Foster thought_ _,Justin was spending the night with a friend,3.What was Mr. Foster surprised at ? Mr. Foster was surprised that his son did not tell anyone that he was staying out late. 4.Did Justin show up(出现)at the family lunch next day? No , he didnt . show up 出现,出席,到场 e.g. He was invited , but didnt show up . 他受到了邀请,但是没有到场。 show off 炫耀,Justin Foster,At 8 p.m,At 10.45 p.m,At about 11 p.m,Read paragraph 3&4, fill the blanks below,What did kelly ,Justins sister hear? Kelly heard Justin put on(播放) his favorite CD,left home to play baseball,walked towards his home,returned home,put on (1)打开(电灯等),播放(turn on ) (2) 穿上,戴上 e.g. 今天非常冷,你最好穿件外套. Its very cold today , youd better put on a coat. (3) 上演,展出 e.g. The senior class put on a dance. 高年级表演了舞蹈,Paragraph5-7,Strange object ( UFO,its colour,its inside,had multi-coloured(五颜六色的) lights around it,stood white-skinned, strange- looking creatures with large black eyes,1. Who else has been taken by the aliens(外星人) Mavis Wood. 2. Who is in charge of the case ? Detective Sam Peterson . Language points in paragraph 6 and 7: 1. do research on (paragraph 6, line 64) 对 进行研究 2. rule out (paragraph 7, line 73) 排除(可能性) e.g. I cant rule out the possibility of trouble. 我不能排除遇到麻烦的可能性,3. look into (line 75) 调查, 检查,了解 e.g. Well look into the matter together. 我们将一起调查这件事。 Ive been looking into that this afternoon. 今天下午我一直在了解那件事 4. make up (line 76) 编造, 捏造 e.g. Uncle made up a very interesting story for the children. 大叔给孩子们编了一个很有趣的故事,He didnt have a good excuse for being late, so he made one up. 因为没有迟到的的理由,他就编了一个,4. take charge (of) (line78) 负责(处理某事或照顾某人),接管 e.g. Who will take charge of all the plans of the party? 谁将负责所有的晚会计划? in charge of 负责(某事) in the charge of sb 由某人负责管理,Homework,1.Suppose you are a policeman, what will you do to help the missing boy ,2. Retell the story,Good bye,Thanks for your attention
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