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Reading A Student of African Wildlife,Lead-in We have known something about Jane Goodall. Lets do a review. Please look at the following pictures and then we will get to understand her life,Work in groups to discuss the following questions,Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps instead of going to university? Do you think she was right? Give your reasons,After a glance of the title, what do you think the passage is about,Predicting,A Student of African Wildlife,Scanning,1. Who is the protector,2. What animal are observed,Jane Goodall,Chimps,3. When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she,4. What was the purpose of her study of the chimps,She arrived in Gombe in 1960 when she was26,Her purpose was to help the rest of the world to understand and respect the life of the chimps,Read the passage and write down the main ideas of the four paragraphs,Paragraph 1,How our group studied chimps in the forest,Paragraph 2,What Jane discovered about chimps,Paragraph 3,What Jane discovered about chimps,Paragraph 4,Janes achievements,A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE,Close reading,Finish the following tasks one by one,Fill in the blanks,move off,feed,play,nest,bond,observing,monkey,communicate,work out,respect,argued,entertainment,set up,environment,forest,True (T) or False (F). 1. In order to study chimps, we have to stay in the forest for the whole night. ( ) 2. In 1960, most people understood chimp behaviour and their daily activities. ( ) 3. It was not until Janes mother helped her that she was allowed to begin her project. ( ) 4. Jane has suggested that wild animals should lead a busy life. ( ) 5. Jane devoted most of her life to the study of animals. (,T,F,F,T,F,The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodall worked with _ and help people _ _ of these animals,chimps in their environment,understand and respect,the life,Summarizing,1. Do you think Jane Goodall was brave to go and live in the forest? 2. Would you have done what she did if you had the chance,Discussion,3. What made Jane Goodall a great success? What should we learn from Jane Goodall,3. Debate (argument,Women are able to do more than men,Women are not able to do more than men,Homework,1. Surf the Internet to find more information about great women and you are expected to present it to your peer in the next class. (作业内容) 2. Write two short passages about the two women (about 100 words using the past tense form
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